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Last active July 24, 2023 19:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
rules = {
# 'pinhole name/comment' : [outside_port, protocol, inside_host, inside_port]
'Joe web server' : ['80' , 'tcp', '', '80' ],
'trusted inside SSH' : ['1999' , 'tcp', '', '22' ],
inside_subnet = ''
build_hairpins = True # set this if you want the inside hairpin rules built as well
for comment, map in rules.items():
rule = f"ip firewall nat add comment=\"{comment}\" action=dst-nat chain=dstnat"
rule += f" protocol={map[1]} dst-port={map[0]} in-interface-list=WAN"
rule += f" to-addresses={map[2]} to-ports={map[3]}"
pin_rule = f"ip firewall nat add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-address-list=WAN "
pin_rule += f" protocol={map[1]} dst-port={map[0]} src-address={inside_subnet} "
pin_rule += f" to-addresses={map[2]} to-ports={map[3]} comment=\"{comment} hairpin\""
if build_hairpins:
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