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Last active January 24, 2020 12:40
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This is the egohood-style estimators that I is in the spirit of See for the visualization
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.special import (entr, rel_entr, kl_div)
def entropy(p, q=None):
p = np.asarray(p)
if p.ndim == 1:
p = p.reshape(1,-1)
p = p/p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
if q is None:
core = entr(p)
core[np.isinf(core)] = 0 #ignore log(p) | p==0
return core.sum(axis=1).squeeze()
q = np.asarray(q)
if q.ndim == 1:
q = q.reshape(1,-1)
q = q/q.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
core = rel_entr(p,q)
return core.sum(axis=1).squeeze()
def relative_entropy(p,q):
p = np.asarray(p)
q = np.asarray(q) + eps
return entropy(p,q)
def kullback_leibler(p,q):
p = np.asarray(p)
q = np.asarray(q)
if q.ndim == 1:
q = q.reshape(1,-1)
if p.ndim == 1:
p = p.reshape(1,-1)
p = p/p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
q = q/q.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
core = kl_div(p,q)
return core.sum(axis=1).squeeze()
def jensen_shannon(n,m, weighted=True):
""" This function is 'vectorized' over n.
That is, if you pass a k,p n-matrix and a k2,p m-matrix,
this function will return result[i] = jensen_shannon(n[i], m)
n = np.asarray(n)
m = np.asarray(m)
if not weighted:
return distance.jensenshannon(n.T,m.T)**2
if m.ndim == 1:
m = m.reshape(1,-1)
if n.ndim == 1:
n = n.reshape(1,-1)
if n.shape[0] > 1:
return np.array([jensen_shannon(ni, m, weighted=weighted) for ni in n]).squeeze()
qs = m/m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
p = n/n.sum()
n_mass, M_mass, M_masses = n.sum(), m.sum(), m.sum(axis=1)
M_marginal = m.sum(axis=0)
r = (n + M_marginal) / (n_mass + M_mass)
weights = np.array([n_mass, *M_masses])
dists = np.row_stack((p, qs))
R = np.row_stack([r]*len(dists))
return np.average(kullback_leibler(dists, R), weights=weights).squeeze()
import numpy
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from . import divergence
from . import utils
def _areal_entropy(coordinates, data,
threshold, divergence_func,
This is a function to compute the areal entropy. All arguments are documented
in either entropogram or _build_query_func. This function does *no* validation
of its input, given that it's intended to run on an inner loop.
n, k = coordinates.shape
areal_entropies = numpy.empty((n,1))
for i in range(n):
q = query_function(i, threshold)
if relative:
me, others = [i], list(set(q).difference(set((i,))))
if len(others) == 0:
areal_entropies[i] = 0
# population-weighted average of surroundings
# is the same if you use percentages in the input data
# but will differ if you use differently-sized elements in data
# other = data[others].sum(axis=0) # add all others up
# other /= other.sum() # convert the totals to a simplex
# other *= data[others].sum(axis=1).mean() # multiply by the "typical size"
# areal_entropies[i] = divergence(data[me], data[others].sum(axis=0))
# jsd now accommodates vector - to - matrix formulations:
if divergence_func == divergence.jensen_shannon:
areal_entropies[i] = divergence_func(data[me], data[others])
areal_entropies[i] = divergence_func(data[me], data[others].sum(axis=0))
areal_entropies[i] = divergence(data[q])
return areal_entropies.squeeze()
def _build_query_func(coordinates, knn=False, kdt=None, distances=None):
This builds a closure that makes querying for distances simpler. The
closure takes two arguments, index & a value, and gives the
observations that are closer than that value. The value can be a
distance, which then the function returns the observations at or closer
than that distance to i. The value can also be a rank, which then the function
returns the observations at or closer than that *k-nearest* neighbor.
if kdt is None and distances is None:
kdt = cKDTree(coordinates)
elif kdt is not None and distances is not None:
raise Exception('Either KDT or Distances may be provided.')
if kdt is not None:
if knn:
query = lambda index, k: kdt.query(coordinates[index], k=k)[-1]
query = lambda index, dist: kdt.query_ball_point(coordinates[index], r=dist)
elif distances is not None:
if knn:
ranks = numpy.argsort(distances, axis=1)
query = lambda index, k: (ranks[index,] < k).nonzero()[0]
query = lambda index, dist: (distances[index,] < dist).nonzero()[0]
raise Exception('kd-tree or distances were not properly constructed!')
return query
def entropogram(coordinates, data,
distances=None, knn=False,
metric='euclidean', n_bins=30,
interval=None, divergence='jsd',
relative=True, standardize=True):
coordinates : (n,2) numpy array
array containing coordinates to compute the entropogram.
data : (n,k) array
array containing the data to compute entropy for. May
either be a simplex (i.e. rows sum to 1) or raw values.
distances : (n,n) array (default: None)
if a precomputed distance matrix is desired to compute areas,
such as in the case of using an isochrone/walking distance,
use this argument to provide a distance matrix.
knn : bool (default: False)
whether to compute the K-Nearest Neighbor entropogram, which
provides the entropy as the surrounding area increases as by
adding the next k-nearest observations. By default, this
computes the *distance-based* entropogram, which adds all
observations within the next diameter increase.
metric : str or callable (default: 'euclidean')
the metric used to compute distances in the KDTree. Will be
ignored if "distances" is provided.
n_bins : int (default: 30)
how many bins over which to compute the entropogram. These are
the "steps" between the smallest & largest radii (or knn values),
so many bins will result in very fine-grained analyses.
interval : tuple (default: None)
the range over which the entropogram will be computed. By
default, this will compute the entropogram over the minimum
and maximum distances (or, 1 to n if knn=True)
divergence : str or callable (default: 'jsd')
the divergence metric to use to compute the entropogram. This
can be ('kl', 'js', 'kullback_leibler', 'jensen_shannon',
'relative_entropy', 'entropy')
summarize : str or callable (default: numpy.mean)
function to use to summarize the entropogram. The entropogram
provides a value for each observation of entropy/divergence
at *each* distance/knn value from interval[0] to interval[1].
By default, this function returns the *mean* of all sites'
entropy/divergence values at that distance/knn. If None,
the full (n, n_bins) matrix of entropy values is provided.
relative : bool (default: True)
whether to compute relative entropy or absolute entropy for
each site. By "relative," this means that the site will be
*compared* to its surroundings (e.g. KL(site || surrounding)).
If *not* relative, then all values in the area will be pooled
and the standard entropy value computed. (e.g. entropy([site] + [*surrounding]))
if not relative:
divergence = 'entropy'
divergence_func = utils.resolve_div(divergence)
if distances is not None:
metric = 'precomputed'
if interval is None:
if metric == 'precomputed':
mindist, maxdist = utils.get_bounding_distances(distances, metric,
mindist, maxdist = utils.get_bounding_distances(coordinates, metric,
mindist, maxdist = interval
if distances is None:
kdt = cKDTree(coordinates)
if summarize is None:
summarize = lambda d, axis: d
elif isinstance(summarize, str):
summarize = getattr(numpy, summarize)
N,k = coordinates.shape
assert k==2, 'Entropogram is only well defined for 2-dimensional data'
entropogram = numpy.empty((N,n_bins))
query = _build_query_func(coordinates, knn=knn, kdt=kdt, distances=distances)
if knn:
support = numpy.linspace(mindist, maxdist, num=n_bins).round(0)
support = numpy.linspace(mindist, maxdist, num=n_bins)
for i_d, chunk in enumerate(support):
entropogram[:,i_d] = _areal_entropy(coordinates, data, chunk, divergence_func,
return summarize(entropogram, axis=0)
def lag_entropy(connectivity, D, divergence=divergence.entropy):
divergence_func = utils.resolve_div(divergence)
assert ( == 1).all()
N,p = D.shape
assert connectivity.shape[0] == connectivity.shape[1] == N
R = connectivity * D
raise NotImplementedError('Needs to change to accommodate pop-weighted lag')
out = numpy.empty((N,))
for i in range(N):
out[i] = divergence_func(D[i], R[i])
return out
def lag_jsd(connectivity, D):
return lag_entropy(connectivity, D, divergence=divergence.jensen_shannon)
import numpy, pandas
def resolve_div(metric):
if isinstance(metric, str):
from . import divergence
metric = getattr(divergence, metric)
except AttributeError:
if metric.lower().startswith('js'):
metric = divergence.jensen_shannon
elif metric.lower().startswith('kl'):
metric = divergence.kullback_leibler
elif metric.lower().startswith('re'):
metric = divergence.relative_entropy
raise KeyError('Metric "{}" not understood.'.format(metric))
elif callable(metric):
raise KeyError('Metric "{}" not understood. '
'Please provide a string in ("entropy", "jsd") '
'or a function'.format(metric))
return metric
def get_bounding_distances(c, distance_metric, knn=False):
from scipy.spatial import distance
if knn:
return (2, c.shape[0])
if distance_metric.lower() == 'precomputed':
D = c
D = distance.pdist(c, metric=distance_metric)
return D.min(), D.max()
def delabel(ax):
if isinstance(ax, numpy.ndarray):
shape = ax.shape
return numpy.asarray([delabel(ax_) for ax_ in ax]).reshape(shape)
return ax
def first_stay(a, return_value = False):
for i,e in enumerate(a[:-1]):
if numpy.allclose(a[i+1], e):
if return_value:
return i, e
return i
return None
def post_hoc_label_order(labels, data):
sorter = pandas.DataFrame(dict(labels=labels, data=data))
ordering = sorter.groupby('labels').data.mean().sort_values()
out_labels = labels.copy()
for i,ix in enumerate(ordering.index):
out_labels[labels == ix] = i
return out_labels
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