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Łukasz Kaczanowski lkaczanowski

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lkaczanowski / jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js
Created September 20, 2012 20:20
Styling MVC validation summary as Twitter bootstrap "flash"
function onErrors(form, validator) { // 'this' is the form element
var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-summary=true]"),
list = container.find("ul");
if (list && list.length && validator.errorList.length) {
$.each(validator.errorList, function () {
$("<li />").html(this.message).appendTo(list);
lkaczanowski / README.markdown
Created September 20, 2012 20:36 — forked from beccasaurus/README.markdown
Adds hooks to jQuery.validate's form/element validation methods (via trigger())

jQuery Validate Hooks

If you're using [ASP.NET MVC3][], it uses [jQuery Validate][] to do client-side validations. Instead of using [jQuery Validate][] directly, however, it wraps it with its own jQuery plugin called [jQuery.Validate.Unobtrusive][]. [jQuery.Validate.Unobtrusive][] sets up [jQuery Validate][] for you, behind the scenes, so you don't have an opportunity to customize your [jQuery Validate][] settings at all!

We've been running into trouble with this when we've been doing our own custom client-side validations. We need a way to integrate with the build-in [ASP.NET MVC3][] validation so we can:

* WkHtmlToPdf table splitting hack.
* Script to automatically split multiple-pages-spanning HTML tables for PDF
* generation using webkit.
* To use, you must adjust pdfPage object's contents to reflect your PDF's
* page format.
* The tables you want to be automatically splitted when the page ends must
* have a class name of "splitForPrint" (can be changed).
(function() {
d3.force_labels = function force_labels() {
var labels = d3.layout.force();
// Update the position of the anchor based on the center of bounding box
function updateAnchor() {
if (!labels.selection) return;
labels.selection.each(function(d) {
var bbox = this.getBBox(),
x = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2,
lkaczanowski / Setup.fsx
Created April 11, 2017 12:05 — forked from ovatsus/Setup.fsx
Script to setup F# Interactive session, loading everything in the current solution
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Xml.Linq
let script = seq {
//TODO: this currently loads fsproj's in alphabeticall order, we should instead
//build the dependencies graph of the fsproj's and load them in topological sort order
lkaczanowski / UnFold.cs
Created June 19, 2020 09:31 — forked from palladin/UnFold.cs
IAsyncEnumerable UnFold
static async IAsyncEnumerable<T> UnFold<T, TAcc>(Func<TAcc, Task<(bool Next, IAsyncEnumerable<T> Values, TAcc Acc)>> f, TAcc seed)
var acc = seed;
var result = default((bool Next, IAsyncEnumerable<T> Values, TAcc Acc));
result = await f(acc);
await foreach (var value in result.Values)
yield return value;
lkaczanowski /
Created December 18, 2020 14:48 — forked from swlaschin/
Example of duplicate #load

The duplicate #load problem and how to fix it

Symptom: A weird error such as:

error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type