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Last active December 20, 2020 18:59
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Example of duplicate #load

The duplicate #load problem and how to fix it

Symptom: A weird error such as:

error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type

How can they be different types when you know for sure that MyType is only defined once!

Steps to reproduce

Say that you have a file called ModuleA.fsx

type A = {a:int}

And then you #load it into a file called ModuleB.fsx

#load "ModuleA.fsx"

// alias for type A
type B = ModuleA.A

// instance of type A
let b :ModuleA.A = {a=1}

And do the same in ModuleC.fsx

#load "ModuleA.fsx"

// alias for type A
type C = ModuleA.A

// instance of type A
let c :ModuleA.A = {a=1}

Finally, you reference both B and C in ModuleD.fsx. Now you get errors!

#load "ModuleB.fsx"
#load "ModuleC.fsx"

// compare the instances in the modules
ModuleB.b = ModuleC.c // ERROR
ModuleD.fsx(12,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type

// create two values via the type aliases
let b : ModuleB.B = {a=1}
let c : ModuleC.C = {a=1}
b = c  // ERROR
ModuleD.fsx(16,5): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type

A real world example

  • ModuleA contains the domain types
  • ModuleB contains the implementation of the core business logic (referencing the domain)
  • ModuleC contains the DTO to Domain conversion logic (referencing the domain but not the core business logic)
  • ModuleD is the top level API/Shell/Program script which references all three of the above.

In the top level program (ModuleD), it would be common to have a pipeline like this:

|> Dto.jsonToDto  // implemented in ModuleC (DTO)
|> Dto.toDomain // implemented in ModuleC (DTO), but now referencing a domain type defined in ModuleA (Domain)
|> MyWorkflow.execute // implemented in ModuleB (implementation), referencing the SAME domain type in ModuleA (Domain)

And the pipeline now won't compile because of the incompatible types.

The fix!

In moduleD, load both B and C in a single #load, not two separate ones. Like this:

#load "ModuleB.fsx" "ModuleC.fsx"


#load "ModuleB.fsx" 

And now all the errors go away! Here's the updated ModuleD.fsx:

#load "ModuleB.fsx" "ModuleC.fsx"

// compare the instances in the modules
ModuleB.b = ModuleC.c // NO ERROR

// create two values via the type aliases
let b : ModuleB.B = {a=1}
let c : ModuleC.C = {a=1}
b = c  // NO ERROR
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