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Created July 14, 2018 14:48
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Open Ghost 0.X to expose Post GET API Publically
// ### Authenticate Middleware
// authentication has to be done for /ghost/* routes with
// exceptions for signin, signout, signup, forgotten, reset only
// api and frontend use different authentication mechanisms atm
authenticate: function (req, res, next) {
var path,
// SubPath is the url path starting after any default subdirectories
// it is stripped of anything after the two levels `/ghost/.*?/` as the reset link has an argument
path = req.path;
/*jslint regexp:true, unparam:true*/
subPath = path.replace(/^(\/.*?\/.*?\/)(.*)?/, function (match, a) {
return a;
scope = req.query.scope; // scope to distinguish if GET POST request is for public use or not
if (subPath.indexOf('/ghost/api/') === 0
&& path.indexOf('/ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/') !== 0
&& (path.indexOf('v0.1/posts') === -1 || req.method !== 'GET' || scope !== 'public')){ // condition to expose GET POST API publicaly
return passport.authenticate('bearer', {session: false, failWithError: true},
function (err, user, info) {
if (err) {
return next(err); // will generate a 500 error
// Generate a JSON response reflecting authentication status
if (!user) {
var msg = {
type: 'error',
message: 'Please Sign In',
status: 'passive'
return res.send(msg);
// TODO: figure out, why user & authInfo is lost
req.authInfo = info;
req.user = user;
return next(null, user, info);
)(req, res, next);
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