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Last active January 27, 2024 03:00
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Codes of Losse-FTL, an online regressor capable of learning world models for MBRL. See ICLR2024 paper at In this demo we learn from a non-stationary data stream with sine target function.
import math
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple
import chex
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
class LosseParams(NamedTuple):
count: jax.Array
projection: jax.Array
xtx: jax.Array
xty: jax.Array
w: jax.Array
def _to_1d_index(indices, offsets, n_feat, bin_dim, n_bins):
"""Compute the flattened index into the weight matrix."""
n_grids_per_lsh = (n_bins + 1) ** bin_dim
indices = jnp.reshape(indices, (-1, bin_dim, n_feat))
offsets = jnp.reshape(offsets, (-1, bin_dim, n_feat))
indices = jnp.stack([indices, indices + 1], axis=-1) # [-1, bin_dim, n_feat, 2]
values = jnp.stack([1.0 - offsets, offsets], axis=-1) # [-1, bin_dim, n_feat, 2]
multiplier = jnp.power(n_bins + 1, jnp.arange(bin_dim - 1, -1, -1))
indices *= multiplier[:, None, None]
# shape = (-1, n_feat, ) + (2,) * bin_dim
shape_suffix = [tuple(*p) for p in np.split(np.eye(bin_dim, dtype=np.int32) + 1, bin_dim)]
indices = sum(jnp.reshape(indices[:, i], (-1, n_feat, *suffix)) for i, suffix in enumerate(shape_suffix))
values =[:, i], (-1, n_feat, *suffix)) for i, suffix in enumerate(shape_suffix))
# both indices and values has the shape (-1, n_feat, *(2,)*bin_dim) now.
indices += jnp.expand_dims(
n_grids_per_lsh * jnp.arange(n_feat), axis=tuple(range(-bin_dim, 1, 1))
) # expand 1 dim in the front and bin_dim in the back.
indices = jnp.reshape(indices, (-1, n_feat * 2**bin_dim))
values = jnp.reshape(values, (-1, n_feat * 2**bin_dim))
return indices, values
class Losse:
"""Linear regressor with LOcality Sensitive Sparse Encoding (Losse).
We update the linear weights online sparsely following Algorithm.2 in the paper, i.e., computing the incremental closed-form solution based on newly incoming data points.
def __init__(
inout_dims: Tuple[int, int],
num_features: int,
num_bins: int,
bin_dim: int,
eps: float,
) -> None:
self.num_features = num_features
self.num_bins = num_bins
self.bin_dim = bin_dim
self.inout_dims = inout_dims
self.eps = eps
n_edges = num_bins + 1
n_grids_per_lsh = (n_edges + 1) ** bin_dim
self.d = n_grids_per_lsh * num_features
def init(self, rng: jax.random.PRNGKey) -> LosseParams:
input_dim = self.inout_dims[0]
output_dim = self.inout_dims[1]
std = 1 / jnp.sqrt(input_dim)
projection = std * jax.random.truncated_normal(
(input_dim, self.num_features * self.bin_dim),
return LosseParams(
count=jnp.array(0, dtype=jnp.int64),
xtx=jnp.zeros((self.d * self.d,), dtype=projection.dtype),
xty=jnp.zeros((self.d, output_dim), dtype=projection.dtype),
w=jnp.zeros((self.d, output_dim), dtype=projection.dtype),
def update(
params: LosseParams,
x: jax.Array,
y: jax.Array,
) -> LosseParams:
chex.assert_tree_shape_prefix((x, y), (1,)) # assert non-batched
indices, values = self._indices_and_values(params.projection, x)
params = self._update_memory(params, indices, values, y)
params = self._update_w(params, indices)
return params
def predict(self, params: LosseParams, x: jax.Array):
indices, values = self._indices_and_values(params.projection, x)
output = params.w[indices] * values[..., None]
return output.sum(1)
def _indices_and_values(
projection: jax.Array,
x: jax.Array,
h = jnp.matmul(x, projection)
h = jax.nn.sigmoid(h)
h = jnp.clip(h, 0, 1) * self.num_bins
indices = jnp.floor(h).astype(jnp.int32)
offsets = h - indices
indices, values = _to_1d_index(
return indices, values
def _update_memory(
params: LosseParams,
indices: jax.Array,
values: jax.Array,
y: jax.Array,
) -> LosseParams:
chex.assert_equal_shape_prefix((indices, values, y), prefix_len=1)
xtx_indices = (indices * self.d)[:, :, None] + indices[:, None, :]
xtx_indices = xtx_indices.flatten()
xty_indices = indices.flatten()
xtx_updates = values[:, :, None] * values[:, None]
xtx_updates = xtx_updates.flatten()
xty_updates = values[:, :, None] * y[:, None, :]
xty_updates = xty_updates.reshape(-1, y.shape[-1])
return params._replace([xtx_indices].add(xtx_updates),[xty_indices].add(xty_updates),
count=params.count + y.shape[0],
def _update_w(
params: LosseParams,
indices: jax.Array,
) -> LosseParams:
indices = indices.flatten()
sub_indices = (indices * self.d)[:, None] + indices[None, :]
sub_xtx = jnp.reshape(params.xtx[sub_indices], [indices.shape[0]] * 2)
sub_xty = params.xty[indices]
a = sub_xtx
sub_xtxw = jnp.matmul(
jnp.reshape(params.xtx, (self.d, self.d))[indices],
b = sub_xty - sub_xtxw + jnp.matmul(sub_xtx, params.w[indices])
a_norm = a / params.count + self.eps * jnp.eye(len(a))
b_norm = b / params.count
solution = jnp.linalg.solve(a_norm, b_norm)
return params._replace([indices].set(solution))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Model.
losse = Losse(
inout_dims=(1, 1),
losse.init = jax.jit(losse.init)
losse.update = jax.jit(losse.update, donate_argnums=(0,)) # donate to avoid copy
losse.predict = jax.jit(losse.predict)
# Data.
N = 200
train_n = N // 20
# training data 20x less coverage than test data
xs = jax.device_put(jnp.linspace(-jnp.pi, jnp.pi, train_n).reshape(train_n, 1))
yx = jax.device_put(jnp.sin(xs))
test_xs = jnp.linspace(-jnp.pi, jnp.pi, N).reshape(N, 1)
# Init.
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
_rng, rng = jax.random.split(rng)
model_state = losse.init(_rng)
# Online update.
for i in range(train_n):
x = xs[i : i + 1]
y = yx[i : i + 1]
model_state = losse.update(model_state, x, y)
# Test.
pred_ys = losse.predict(model_state, test_xs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(test_xs, pred_ys, label="test")
plt.plot(test_xs, jnp.sin(test_xs), label="ground truth", color="r")
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