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Last active April 22, 2020 19:04
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{"Dir":{"description":"Direction Normal to the Wave Crests",
"Hsig":{"description":"Calculated as the zeroth spectral moment (i.e., H_m0)",
"Period":{"description":"Resolved Spectral Moment (m_0\/m_1)",
"RTpeak":{"description":"The period associated with the maximum value of the wave energy spectrum",
"Tm02":{"description":"Total wave energy flux from all directions",
"Tm_10":{"description":"Spectral width characterizes the relative spreading of energy in the wave spectrum. Large values indicate a wider spectral peak",
"coordinates":{"description":"(latitude,longitude) using Datum: NAD83",
"d":{"description":"Fraction of total wave energy travelling in the \"direction of maximum wave power\" direction",
"djdmax":{"description":"The direction from which the most wave energy is travelling",
"owp":{"description":"Total wave energy flux from all directions",
"sw":{"description":"Spectral width characterizes the relative spreading of energy in the wave spectrum. Large values indicate a wider spectral peak",
"meta":{"water_depth":"{\"description\": \"grid node depth\", \"src_name\": \"Depth\", \"IEC_name\": \"h\", \"units\": \"m\", \"references\": \"SWAN Manual\"}"},
"{\"SWAN Manual\": \"SWAN Team, SWAN: User Manual, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Cycle III Version 41.31, 2019.\", \"IEC62600-101\": \"International Electrotechnical Commission, Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 101: Wave energy resource assessment and characterization, Technical Specification 62600\u2013101, 2015.\",
\"Wu, Wang, Yang and Garcia-Medina 2020\":
\"W.C. Wu, T. Wang, Z. Yang, and G. Garc\u00eda-Medina, \u201cDevelopment and validation of a high-resolution regional wave hindcast model for U.S. West Coast wave resource characterization,\u201d Renewable Energy, vol. 152, pp. 736\u2013753, Jun. 2020.\"}"}},
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