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Created August 31, 2016 19:34
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! pmacctd configuration
daemonize: true
pidfile: /var/run/
syslog: daemon
geoip_ipv4_file: /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
!aggregate: src_host_country, dst_host_country, flows,src_host,dst_host,src_port,dest_port,proto
! on this network
!pcap_filter: net
! on this interface
interface: any
! bgp config
bgp_peer_src_as_type: bgp
bgp_src_local_pref_type: bgp
pmacctd_net: bgp
pmacctd_as: bgp
bgp_daemon: true
!bgp_daemon_port: 17979
bgp_daemon_max_peers: 10
bgp_agent_map: /etc/pmacct/
classifiers: /home/user/traffic-class/
snaplen: 700
plugins: memory
aggregate: src_host_country, dst_host_country, flows, class, src_host, dst_host, src_as, dst_as, peer_src_as, peer_dst_as, peer_src_ip, peer_dst_ip, local_pref, as_path
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