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Created September 6, 2012 15:16
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Save lkptrzk/3657247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
`man` replacement for git bash on windows
# - `man` replacement for git bash on windows
# Dependencies (outside of git bash):
# wget (
# use sed to remove <head> & tags, convert HTML entities
# Notes:
# `sed -r` = allows gnu regex extensions (like +)
# `wget -qO -` = non-verbose output, returned file to stdout instead of file
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "No command specified to get man page for"
exit 1
# The extra `+` at the end of the querystring doesn't hurt
for arg in $@ ; do
wget -qO - $url | less
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@lkptrzk, all TODO items have been completed in this fork.

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