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Last active April 26, 2024 18:34
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Kafka Roller 2.0 - TLA+ example spec
---------------------------- MODULE KafkaRoller ----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets
ControllerNodes, \* Set of nodes with the controller role
BrokerNodes, \* Set of nodes with the broker role
CombinedNodes, \* Set of nodes with both controller and broker roles
MaxRestartAttempts, \* Maximum number of restart attempts allowed per node
MaxRetries \* Maximum number of retries allowed per node
\* The set of all nodes in the system
Nodes == ControllerNodes \union BrokerNodes \union CombinedNodes
nodeState, \* The state of each node
activeController, \* The node that is currently the active controller
restartingNodes, \* The set of nodes currently undergoing a restart
reconfiguringNodes \* The set of nodes currently being reconfigured
vars == <<nodeState, activeController, restartingNodes, reconfiguringNodes>>
\* The possible states a node can be in, as described in the KafkaRoller 2.0 spec
\* Initialize the system state
Init ==
\* Assign roles to each node based on the corresponding sets
nodeRoles == [n \in Nodes |->
IF n \in ControllerNodes THEN {"controller"}
ELSE IF n \in BrokerNodes THEN {"broker"}
ELSE IF n \in CombinedNodes THEN {"controller", "broker"}
ELSE {}]
/\ nodeState = [n \in Nodes |->
[state |-> "UNKNOWN",
roles |-> nodeRoles[n],
restartAttempts |-> 0,
retries |-> 0]]
/\ activeController \in {n \in Nodes : "controller" \in nodeState[n].roles}
/\ restartingNodes = {}
/\ reconfiguringNodes = {}
\* Observe the state of a node and non-deterministically transition to a new state
\* The "UNKNOWN" state is excluded from valid transitions
ObserveNode(n) ==
/\ nodeState[n].state /= "UNKNOWN"
/\ \/ nodeState[n].state = "NOT_RUNNING"
\/ nodeState[n].state = "NOT_READY"
\/ nodeState[n].state = "RECOVERING"
\/ nodeState[n].state = "SERVING"
\/ nodeState[n].state = "LEADING_ALL_PREFERRED"
/\ nodeState' = [nodeState EXCEPT ![n].state =
CHOOSE s \in (NodeStates \ {"UNKNOWN"}) : s /= nodeState[n].state]
/\ UNCHANGED <<activeController, restartingNodes, reconfiguringNodes>>
\* Restart a node if it hasn't exceeded the maximum restart attempts
RestartNode(n) ==
/\ nodeState[n].restartAttempts < MaxRestartAttempts
/\ nodeState' = [nodeState EXCEPT
![n].state = "RESTARTED",
![n].restartAttempts = nodeState[n].restartAttempts + 1]
/\ restartingNodes' = restartingNodes \union {n}
/\ UNCHANGED <<activeController, reconfiguringNodes>>
\* Reconfigure a node if it is in the "SERVING" state
ReconfigureNode(n) ==
/\ nodeState[n].state = "SERVING"
/\ nodeState' = [nodeState EXCEPT ![n].state = "RECONFIGURED"]
/\ reconfiguringNodes' = reconfiguringNodes \union {n}
/\ UNCHANGED <<activeController, restartingNodes>>
\* Transition a node to the "SERVING" state after a restart or reconfiguration
NodeServing(n) ==
/\ \/ nodeState[n].state = "RESTARTED"
\/ nodeState[n].state = "RECONFIGURED"
/\ nodeState' = [nodeState EXCEPT ![n].state = "SERVING"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<activeController>>
/\ restartingNodes' = restartingNodes \ {n}
/\ reconfiguringNodes' = reconfiguringNodes \ {n}
\* Retry an operation on a node if it hasn't exceeded the maximum retries
RetryNode(n) ==
/\ nodeState[n].retries < MaxRetries
/\ nodeState' = [nodeState EXCEPT ![n].retries = nodeState[n].retries + 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<activeController, restartingNodes, reconfiguringNodes>>
\* The possible next states of the system
Next ==
\/ \E n \in Nodes : ObserveNode(n)
\/ \E n \in Nodes : RestartNode(n)
\/ \E n \in Nodes : ReconfigureNode(n)
\/ \E n \in Nodes : NodeServing(n)
\/ \E n \in Nodes : RetryNode(n)
\* The system specification
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
(* Invariants *)
\* No node should exceed the maximum restart attempts
NodesWithinRestartLimit ==
\A n \in Nodes : nodeState[n].restartAttempts <= MaxRestartAttempts
\* No node should exceed the maximum retries
NodesWithinRetryLimit ==
\A n \in Nodes : nodeState[n].retries <= MaxRetries
\* The active controller should not be restarted to maintain quorum
ActiveControllerNotRestarted ==
activeController \notin restartingNodes
\* A majority of controller nodes should always be maintained
\* This is crucial for maintaining quorum and system availability
ControllerQuorumMaintained ==
LET controllerNodes == {n \in Nodes : "controller" \in nodeState[n].roles}
IN Cardinality(controllerNodes \ restartingNodes) >= (Cardinality(controllerNodes) \div 2) + 1
(* Properties to check *)
\* All nodes should eventually reach the "SERVING" or "LEADING_ALL_PREFERRED" state
\* This ensures that the system reaches a stable and operational state
AllNodesServing ==
<>(\A n \in Nodes : nodeState[n].state = "SERVING" \/ nodeState[n].state = "LEADING_ALL_PREFERRED")
\* Nodes should not get stuck in the "RECOVERING" state indefinitely
\* This helps identify issues where nodes are unable to fully recover
NodesNotStuckRecovering ==
\A n \in Nodes : nodeState[n].state = "RECOVERING" ~> nodeState[n].state /= "RECOVERING"
\* Assert that the invariants hold throughout the system execution
Invariants ==
/\ NodesWithinRestartLimit
/\ ActiveControllerNotRestarted
/\ ControllerQuorumMaintained
/\ NodesWithinRetryLimit
\* Assert that the system specification and properties hold
Properties ==
/\ Spec
/\ []Invariants
/\ AllNodesServing
/\ NodesNotStuckRecovering
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Fri Apr 26 15:33:48 BRT 2024 by paul
\* Created Fri Apr 26 12:08:34 BRT 2024 by paul
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