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Created July 29, 2013 18:34
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open import Preliminaries
module lecture.Lecture3Start where
open Vector using (Vec ; [] ; _::_)
open Nat using (_+_)
open List using (_++_ ; [_] ; ++-assoc)
String = List Char
lit : Char → String
lit c = c :: []
-- We're making up our own little DSL for data description. First,
-- we'll define "data formats":
data Format : Set where
bit : Format
char : Format
nat : Format
vec : (F : Format) (n : Nat) → Format
_then_ : (F1 : Format) (F2 : Data F1 → Format) → Format
done : Format
error : Format
Data : Format → Set
Data bit = Bool
Data char = Char
Data nat = Nat
Data (vec F n) = Vec (Data F) n
Data done = Unit
Data error = Void
Data (F1 then F2) = Σ \(d : Data F1) → Data (F2 d)
write : (F : Format) → Data F → String
write f df = {!!}
read : (F : Format) → String → Maybe (Data F × String)
read f s = {!!}
-- We want read and write to make a round trip that amounts to
-- identity.
readwrite : (F : Format) (d : Data F) → read F (write F d) == Some(d , [])
readwrite x = {!!}
module Example where
-- An example: a format of numbers followed by 2x2 vectors
-- f : Format
-- f = nat then vec (vec bit 2) 2)
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