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Created February 4, 2021 09:49
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emacs/cider commands to spawn a babashka repl and connect to it
(defun my-babashka-connect--process-filter (proc string)
"Run cider-connect once babashka nrepl server is ready."
(when (string-match "Started nREPL server at .+:\\([0-9]+\\)" string)
(cider-connect-clj (list :host "localhost" :port (match-string 1 string))))
;; Default behavior: write to process buffer
(internal-default-process-filter proc string))
(defun my-babashka-connect ()
"Start babashka on a random port."
(let ((port (+ 1230 (cl-random 300))))
(start-process "babashka"
"bb" "--nrepl-server" (number-to-string port))
(defun my-babashka-quit ()
"Quit cider and kill babashka process."
(kill-process (get-process "babashka"))
(message "babashka is kill"))
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