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Created February 8, 2015 16:46
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Drawing + canvas + easter egg
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="konami.js"></script>
<script src="harmony.js"></script>
function Point(e, o) {
this.X = e, this.Y = o
function Rectangle(e, o, n, t) {
this.X = e, this.Y = o, this.Width = n, this.Height = t
function Template(e, o) {
this.Name = e, this.Points = Resample(o, NumPoints);
var n = IndicativeAngle(this.Points);
this.Points = RotateBy(this.Points, -n), this.Points = ScaleTo(this.Points, SquareSize), this.Points = TranslateTo(this.Points, Origin)
function Result(e, o) {
this.Name = e, this.Score = o
function DollarRecognizer() {
this.Templates = new Array, this.Templates[0] = new Template("star", new Array(new Point(75, 250), new Point(75, 247), new Point(77, 244), new Point(78, 242), new Point(79, 239), new Point(80, 237), new Point(82, 234), new Point(82, 232), new Point(84, 229), new Point(85, 225), new Point(87, 222), new Point(88, 219), new Point(89, 216), new Point(91, 212), new Point(92, 208), new Point(94, 204), new Point(95, 201), new Point(96, 196), new Point(97, 194), new Point(98, 191), new Point(100, 185), new Point(102, 178), new Point(104, 173), new Point(104, 171), new Point(105, 164), new Point(106, 158), new Point(107, 156), new Point(107, 152), new Point(108, 145), new Point(109, 141), new Point(110, 139), new Point(112, 133), new Point(113, 131), new Point(116, 127), new Point(117, 125), new Point(119, 122), new Point(121, 121), new Point(123, 120), new Point(125, 122), new Point(125, 125), new Point(127, 130), new Point(128, 133), new Point(131, 143), new Point(136, 153), new Point(140, 163), new Point(144, 172), new Point(145, 175), new Point(151, 189), new Point(156, 201), new Point(161, 213), new Point(166, 225), new Point(169, 233), new Point(171, 236), new Point(174, 243), new Point(177, 247), new Point(178, 249), new Point(179, 251), new Point(180, 253), new Point(180, 255), new Point(179, 257), new Point(177, 257), new Point(174, 255), new Point(169, 250), new Point(164, 247), new Point(160, 245), new Point(149, 238), new Point(138, 230), new Point(127, 221), new Point(124, 220), new Point(112, 212), new Point(110, 210), new Point(96, 201), new Point(84, 195), new Point(74, 190), new Point(64, 182), new Point(55, 175), new Point(51, 172), new Point(49, 170), new Point(51, 169), new Point(56, 169), new Point(66, 169), new Point(78, 168), new Point(92, 166), new Point(107, 164), new Point(123, 161), new Point(140, 162), new Point(156, 162), new Point(171, 160), new Point(173, 160), new Point(186, 160), new Point(195, 160), new Point(198, 161), new Point(203, 163), new Point(208, 163), new Point(206, 164), new Point(200, 167), new Point(187, 172), new Point(174, 179), new Point(172, 181), new Point(153, 192), new Point(137, 201), new Point(123, 211), new Point(112, 220), new Point(99, 229), new Point(90, 237), new Point(80, 244), new Point(73, 250), new Point(69, 254), new Point(69, 252))), this.Recognize = function(e) {
e = Resample(e, NumPoints);
var o = IndicativeAngle(e);
e = RotateBy(e, -o), e = ScaleTo(e, SquareSize), e = TranslateTo(e, Origin);
for (var n = +1 / 0, t = 0, r = 0; r < this.Templates.length; r++) {
var i = DistanceAtBestAngle(e, this.Templates[r], -AngleRange, +AngleRange, AnglePrecision);
n > i && (n = i, t = r)
var s = 1 - n / HalfDiagonal;
return new Result(this.Templates[t].Name, s)
}, this.AddTemplate = function(e, o) {
this.Templates[this.Templates.length] = new Template(e, o);
for (var n = 0, t = 0; t < this.Templates.length; t++) this.Templates[t].Name == e && n++;
return n
}, this.DeleteUserTemplates = function() {
return this.Templates.length = NumTemplates, NumTemplates
function Resample(e, o) {
for (var n = PathLength(e) / (o - 1), t = 0, r = new Array(e[0]), i = 1; i < e.length; i++) {
var s = Distance(e[i - 1], e[i]);
if (t + s >= n) {
var a = e[i - 1].X + (n - t) / s * (e[i].X - e[i - 1].X),
u = e[i - 1].Y + (n - t) / s * (e[i].Y - e[i - 1].Y),
c = new Point(a, u);
r[r.length] = c, e.splice(i, 0, c), t = 0
} else t += s
return r.length == o - 1 && (r[r.length] = new Point(e[e.length - 1].X, e[e.length - 1].Y)), r
function IndicativeAngle(e) {
var o = Centroid(e);
return Math.atan2(o.Y - e[0].Y, o.X - e[0].X)
function RotateBy(e, o) {
for (var n = Centroid(e), t = Math.cos(o), r = Math.sin(o), i = new Array, s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
var a = (e[s].X - n.X) * t - (e[s].Y - n.Y) * r + n.X,
u = (e[s].X - n.X) * r + (e[s].Y - n.Y) * t + n.Y;
i[i.length] = new Point(a, u)
return i
function ScaleTo(e, o) {
for (var n = BoundingBox(e), t = new Array, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r].X * (o / n.Width),
s = e[r].Y * (o / n.Height);
t[t.length] = new Point(i, s)
return t
function TranslateTo(e, o) {
for (var n = Centroid(e), t = new Array, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r].X + o.X - n.X,
s = e[r].Y + o.Y - n.Y;
t[t.length] = new Point(i, s)
return t
function DistanceAtBestAngle(e, o, n, t, r) {
for (var i = Phi * n + (1 - Phi) * t, s = DistanceAtAngle(e, o, i), a = (1 - Phi) * n + Phi * t, u = DistanceAtAngle(e, o, a); Math.abs(t - n) > r;) u > s ? (t = a, a = i, u = s, i = Phi * n + (1 - Phi) * t, s = DistanceAtAngle(e, o, i)) : (n = i, i = a, s = u, a = (1 - Phi) * n + Phi * t, u = DistanceAtAngle(e, o, a));
return Math.min(s, u)
function DistanceAtAngle(e, o, n) {
var t = RotateBy(e, n);
return PathDistance(t, o.Points)
function Centroid(e) {
for (var o = 0, n = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) o += e[t].X, n += e[t].Y;
return o /= e.length, n /= e.length, new Point(o, n)
function BoundingBox(e) {
for (var o = +1 / 0, n = -1 / 0, t = +1 / 0, r = -1 / 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) e[i].X < o && (o = e[i].X), e[i].X > n && (n = e[i].X), e[i].Y < t && (t = e[i].Y), e[i].Y > r && (r = e[i].Y);
return new Rectangle(o, t, n - o, r - t)
function PathDistance(e, o) {
for (var n = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) n += Distance(e[t], o[t]);
return n / e.length
function PathLength(e) {
for (var o = 0, n = 1; n < e.length; n++) o += Distance(e[n - 1], e[n]);
return o
function Distance(e, o) {
var n = o.X - e.X,
t = o.Y - e.Y;
return Math.sqrt(n * n + t * t)
function Deg2Rad(e) {
return e * Math.PI / 180
function Rad2Deg(e) {
return 180 * e / Math.PI
function starryEgg() {
if (!document.getElementById("erasure")) {
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.innerHTML = '<iframe width="384" height="313" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', document.body.appendChild(e), = "fixed", = "250px", = "50%", = "-190px"
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window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
function(window, document, undefined) {
function ribbon(e) {
function bargs(e) {
var o, n = [];
for (o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) n.push(arguments[o]);
return function() {
return e.apply(this, n)
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function onMenuSelectorChange() {
"" != BRUSHES[menu.selector.selectedIndex] && (brush.destroy(), brush = eval("new " + BRUSHES[menu.selector.selectedIndex] + "(context)"), window.location.hash = BRUSHES[menu.selector.selectedIndex])
function onMenuMouseOver() {
isMenuMouseOver = !0
function onMenuMouseOut() {
isMenuMouseOver = !1
function onMenuSave() {
var e = flattenCanvas.getContext("2d");
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function onMenuClear() {
context.clearRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), brush.destroy(), brush = eval("new " + BRUSHES[menu.selector.selectedIndex] + "(context)")
function onMenuAbout() {
cleanPopUps(), isAboutVisible = !0,
function onCanvasMouseMove(e) {
if (!brush.isStroking) return brush.strokeStart(e.clientX, e.clientY), brush.isStroking = !0, void(window.DollarRecognizer && (window.Rcgnzr = new DollarRecognizer));
var o, n = onCanvasMouseMove.pts,
t = e.clientX,
r = e.clientY;
onCanvasMouseMove.lastMove && e.timeStamp - onCanvasMouseMove.lastMove > 300 && (n && n.length ? (window.DollarRecognizer && (o = Rcgnzr.Recognize(n), "star" == o.Name && o.Score >= .6 && window.starryEgg && starryEgg()), onCanvasMouseMove.pts = []) : onCanvasMouseMove.pts = []), onCanvasMouseMove.lastMove = +e.timeStamp, window.Point && n && (n[n.length] = new Point(t, r)), brush.stroke(t, r)
function onCanvasMouseUp() {
brush.strokeEnd(), window.removeEventListener("mousemove", onCanvasMouseMove, !1), window.removeEventListener("mouseup", onCanvasMouseUp, !1)
function onCanvasTouchStart(e) {
cleanPopUps(), 1 == e.touches.length && (e.preventDefault(), brush.strokeStart(e.touches[0].pageX, e.touches[0].pageY), window.addEventListener("touchmove", onCanvasTouchMove, !1), window.addEventListener("touchend", onCanvasTouchEnd, !1))
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function cleanPopUps() {
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ribbon.prototype = {
context: null,
mouseX: null,
mouseY: null,
painters: null,
interval: null,
init: function(e) {
this.context = e, this.context.lineWidth = 1, this.context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over", this.mouseX = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, this.mouseY = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, this.painters = new Array;
for (var o = 0; 50 > o; o++) this.painters.push({
ax: 0,
ay: 0,
div: .1,
ease: .2 * Math.random() + .6
this.isDrawing = !1;
var n = this;
! function t() {
n.update(), requestAnimFrame(t)
destroy: function() {
strokeStart: function(e, o) {
this.mouseX = e, this.mouseY = o, this.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + COLOR[0] + ", " + COLOR[1] + ", " + COLOR[2] + ", 0.05 )";
for (var n = 0; n < this.painters.length; n++) this.painters[n].dx = e, this.painters[n].dy = o;
this.shouldDraw = !0
stroke: function(e, o) {
this.mouseX = e, this.mouseY = o
strokeEnd: function() {},
update: function() {
var e;
for (e = 0; e < this.painters.length; e++) this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(this.painters[e].dx, this.painters[e].dy), this.painters[e].dx -= this.painters[e].ax = (this.painters[e].ax + (this.painters[e].dx - this.mouseX) * this.painters[e].div) * this.painters[e].ease, this.painters[e].dy -= this.painters[e].ay = (this.painters[e].ay + (this.painters[e].dy - this.mouseY) * this.painters[e].div) * this.painters[e].ease, this.context.lineTo(this.painters[e].dx, this.painters[e].dy), this.context.stroke()
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isAboutVisible = !1,
isMenuMouseOver = !1,
shiftKeyIsDown = !1,
altKeyIsDown = !1;
window.harmony = function() {
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}(this, this.document);
var NumTemplates = 16,
NumPoints = 64,
SquareSize = 250,
Origin = new Point(0, 0),
Diagonal = Math.sqrt(SquareSize * SquareSize + SquareSize * SquareSize),
HalfDiagonal = .5 * Diagonal,
AngleRange = Deg2Rad(45),
AnglePrecision = Deg2Rad(2),
Phi = .5 * (-1 + Math.sqrt(5)),
easter_egg = new Konami;
easter_egg.code = function() {
setTimeout(harmony, 5)
}, easter_egg.load();
var Konami = function(t) {
var e = {
addEvent: function(t, e, n, i) {
t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener(e, n, !1) : t.attachEvent && (t["e" + e + n] = n, t[e + n] = function() {
t["e" + e + n](window.event, i)
}, t.attachEvent("on" + e, t[e + n]))
input: "",
pattern: "38384040373937396665",
load: function(t) {
this.addEvent(document, "keydown", function(n, i) {
return i && (e = i), e.input += n ? n.keyCode : event.keyCode, e.input.length > e.pattern.length && (e.input = e.input.substr(e.input.length - e.pattern.length)), e.input == e.pattern ? (e.code(t), e.input = "", n.preventDefault(), !1) : void 0
}, this), this.iphone.load(t)
code: function(t) {
window.location = t
iphone: {
start_x: 0,
start_y: 0,
stop_x: 0,
stop_y: 0,
tap: !1,
capture: !1,
orig_keys: "",
keys: ["UP", "UP", "DOWN", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "TAP", "TAP"],
code: function(t) {
load: function(t) {
this.orig_keys = this.keys, e.addEvent(document, "touchmove", function(t) {
if (1 == t.touches.length && 1 == e.iphone.capture) {
var n = t.touches[0];
e.iphone.stop_x = n.pageX, e.iphone.stop_y = n.pageY, e.iphone.tap = !1, e.iphone.capture = !1, e.iphone.check_direction()
}), e.addEvent(document, "touchend", function() {
1 == e.iphone.tap && e.iphone.check_direction(t)
}, !1), e.addEvent(document, "touchstart", function(t) {
e.iphone.start_x = t.changedTouches[0].pageX, e.iphone.start_y = t.changedTouches[0].pageY, e.iphone.tap = !0, e.iphone.capture = !0
check_direction: function(t) {
x_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_x - this.stop_x), y_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_y - this.stop_y), x = this.start_x - this.stop_x < 0 ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT", y = this.start_y - this.stop_y < 0 ? "DOWN" : "UP", result = x_magnitude > y_magnitude ? x : y, result = 1 == this.tap ? "TAP" : result, result == this.keys[0] && (this.keys = this.keys.slice(1, this.keys.length)), 0 == this.keys.length && (this.keys = this.orig_keys, this.code(t))
return "string" == typeof t && e.load(t), "function" == typeof t && (e.code = t, e.load()), e
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