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Created August 25, 2016 10:18
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Quick little script to rattle through a sshd_config file and make recommendations
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Quick little script to rattle through a sshd_config file and make recommendations
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { print "Windows....really....use *nix\n"; exit; }
$file = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config";
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "No paramater file supplied......"; sleep (2);
print "using ",$file,"\n"; sleep (1); sleep (4);
$ARGV[0] = $file;
open (SSHD, "$ARGV[0]") || die ("Couldnt open $ARGV[0]\n"); @sshd=<SSHD>;
system ("clear");
print "\nAnalysis of $ARGV[0] starting.....\n\n";
sleep(1); #keep the suspense going....
print "$line\nThe Following Issues Have Been Identified:\n$line\n";
$mode = (stat($ARGV[0]))[2];
if ($mode != 33188) {
printf "[-] Permissions for $ARGV[0] are %04o\n\t - they should be 0644\n", $mode & 07777;
$n = 0;
foreach (@sshd) {
# next if $_ =~ /^#.*/;
print "[+] ($n) Banner Not Configured\n" if $_ =~ /^#Banner*/i;
$int = substr $_, -8; chomp ($int);
print "[+] ($n) Tunnelled Clear Text Passwords Allowed\n" if $_ =~ /PasswordAuthentication yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Log Level set to default - consider VERBOSE\n" if $_ =~ /LogLevel INFO/i;
print "[+] ($n) Default ssh Port Number (22) Found\n" if $_ =~ /Port 22/i;
# if ($_ =~ /Protocol 1?/i) { print "[+] ($n) Protocol 1 Found\n";}
print "[+] ($n) Root Login Possible\n" if $_ =~ /PermitRootLogin yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Strict Modes Set To No\n" if $_ =~ /StrictModes no/i;
print "[+] ($n) Empty Passwords Enabled\n" if $_ =~ /PermitEmptyPasswords yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Public Key Authentication Not Enabled\n" if $_ =~ /PubkeyAuthentication no/i;
print "[+] ($n) X11 Forwarding Enabled\n" if $_ =~ /X11Forwarding yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Message Of The Day Not Enabled\n" if $_ =~ /PrintMotd no/i;
print "[+] ($n) Last Log-In Not Printed To Console\n" if $_ =~ /PrintLastLog no/i;
print "[+] ($n) UseLogin Allowed\n" if $_ =~ /UseLogin yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Host Based Authentication Enabled\n" if $_ =~ /HostBasedAuthentication yes/i;
print "[+] ($n) Rhosts Are Not Ignored\n" if $_ =~ /IgnoreRhosts no/i;
print "[+] ($n) TCPKeepAlive Not Defined\n" if $_ =~ /TCPKeepAlive no/i;
print "[+] ($n) Login Grace Time Set To Default Value (120 Seconds)\n" if $_ =~ /LoginGraceTime 120/i;
print "[+] ($n) Listener Bound To Default Value $int\n" if $_ =~ /ListenAddress;
print "[+] ($n) Using PAM\n" if $_ =~ /UsePAM yes/i;
if ($_ =~ m/^AcceptEnv*/i) { print "[-] ($n) Accept Environmental Variable: \n"; print "\t- $_"; }
print"$line\nAdvanced Checks\n$line\n";
@list = ("AllowUsers","MaxAuthTries","AddressFamily","ClientAliveInterval","ClientAliveCountMax","UsePrivilegeSeparation");
foreach $item (@list) {
@AU=grep(/$item/i, @sshd);
if ($#AU eq -1) {
print "[+] No $item Defined\n";
} else {
print "[-] $item Defined:\n\t- @AU";
chomp ($d = `date +%H:%M:%S`);
print "$line\nFinished at $d - Diolch SLM a CAB!\n$line\n";
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