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Created November 28, 2022 13:40
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Single file numpy implementation of IO network
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba
import time
def main():
n = 5
s = make_initial_neuron_state(n ** 3, V_soma=None, V_axon=None)
src, tgt = sample_connections_3d(n ** 3, rmax=4)
trace = []
g_CaL = 0.5+1.2*np.random.random(n**3).astype('float32')
for i in range(1000):
a = time.perf_counter()
s = one_ms(s, gj_src=src, gj_tgt=tgt, g_gj=0.05, g_CaL=g_CaL)
b = time.perf_counter()
if i == 0:
print(f'initial jit compile: {b - a:.2f}s')
elif i == 1:
print(f'other runs: {b - a:.2f}s')
trace.append(s[0, :])
trace = np.array(trace)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def one_ms(state, gj_src, gj_tgt, g_gj, g_CaL): # map args through
for _ in range(40):
state = timestep(state, gj_src=gj_src, gj_tgt=gj_tgt, g_gj=g_gj, g_CaL=g_CaL)
return state
def make_initial_neuron_state(
# Soma State
V_soma = -60.0,
soma_k = 0.7423159,
soma_l = 0.0321349,
soma_h = 0.3596066,
soma_n = 0.2369847,
soma_x = 0.1,
# Axon state
V_axon = -60.0,
axon_Sodium_h = 0.9,
axon_Potassium_x= 0.2369847,
# Dend state
V_dend = -60.0,
dend_Ca2Plus = 3.715,
dend_Calcium_r = 0.0113,
dend_Potassium_s= 0.0049291,
dend_Hcurrent_q = 0.0337836,
return np.array([
# Soma state
[V_soma]*ncells if V_soma is not None else np.random.normal(-60, 3, ncells),
[soma_k]*ncells if soma_k is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[soma_l]*ncells if soma_l is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[soma_h]*ncells if soma_h is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[soma_n]*ncells if soma_n is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[soma_x]*ncells if soma_x is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
# Axon state
[V_axon]*ncells if V_axon is not None else np.random.normal(-60, 3, ncells),
[axon_Sodium_h]*ncells if axon_Sodium_h is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[axon_Potassium_x]*ncells if axon_Potassium_x is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
# Dend state
[V_dend]*ncells if V_dend is not None else np.random.normal(-60, 3, ncells),
[dend_Calcium_r]*ncells if dend_Calcium_r is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[dend_Potassium_s]*ncells if dend_Potassium_s is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
[dend_Hcurrent_q]*ncells if dend_Hcurrent_q is not None else np.random.random(ncells),
], dtype=dtype)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def timestep(state, gj_src, gj_tgt, g_gj,
# Simulation parameters
# Geometry parameters
g_int = 0.13, # Cell internal conductance -- now a parameter (0.13)
p1 = 0.25, # Cell surface ratio soma/dendrite
p2 = 0.15, # Cell surface ratio axon(hillock)/soma
# Channel conductance parameters
g_CaL = 1.1, # Calcium T - (CaV 3.1) (0.7)
g_h = 0.12, # H current (HCN) (0.4996)
g_K_Ca = 35.0, # Potassium (KCa v1.1 - BK) (35)
g_ld = 0.01532, # Leak dendrite (0.016)
g_la = 0.016, # Leak axon (0.016)
g_ls = 0.016, # Leak soma (0.016)
g_Na_s = 150.0, # Sodium - (Na v1.6 )
g_Kdr_s = 9.0, # Potassium - (K v4.3)
g_K_s = 5.0, # Potassium - (K v3.4)
g_CaH = 4.5, # High-threshold calcium -- Ca V2.1
g_Na_a = 240.0, # Sodium
g_K_a = 240.0, # Potassium (20)
# Membrane capacitance
S = 1.0, # 1/C_m, cm^2/uF
# Reversal potential parameters
V_Na = 55.0, # Sodium
V_K = -75.0, # Potassium
V_Ca = 120.0, # Low-threshold calcium channel
V_h = -43.0, # H current
V_l = 10.0, # Leak
# Stimulus parameter
I_app = 0.0,
assert state.shape[0] == NUM_STATE_VARS
# Soma state
V_soma = state[0, :]
soma_k = state[1, :]
soma_l = state[2, :]
soma_h = state[3, :]
soma_n = state[4, :]
soma_x = state[5, :]
# Axon state
V_axon = state[6, :]
axon_Sodium_h = state[7, :]
axon_Potassium_x = state[8, :]
# Dend state
V_dend = state[9, :]
dend_Ca2Plus = state[10,:]
dend_Calcium_r = state[11,:]
dend_Potassium_s = state[12,:]
dend_Hcurrent_q = state[13,:]
########## SOMA UPDATE ##########
# CURRENT: Soma leak current (ls)
soma_I_leak = g_ls * (V_soma - V_l)
# CURRENT: Soma interaction current (ds, as)
I_ds = (g_int / p1) * (V_soma - V_dend)
I_as = (g_int / (1 - p2)) * (V_soma - V_axon)
soma_I_interact = I_ds + I_as
# CHANNEL: Soma Low-threshold calcium (CaL)
soma_Ical = g_CaL * soma_k * soma_k * soma_k * soma_l * (V_soma - V_Ca)
soma_k_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(V_soma + 61)/4.2))
soma_l_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp( (V_soma + 85)/8.5))
soma_tau_l = (20 * np.exp((V_soma + 160)/30) / (1 + np.exp((V_soma + 84) / 7.3))) + 35
soma_dk_dt = soma_k_inf - soma_k
soma_dl_dt = (soma_l_inf - soma_l) / soma_tau_l
# CHANNEL: Soma sodium (Na_s)
# watch out direct gate: m = m_inf
soma_m_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(V_soma + 30)/5.5))
soma_h_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp( (V_soma + 70)/5.8))
soma_Ina = g_Na_s * soma_m_inf**3 * soma_h * (V_soma - V_Na)
soma_tau_h = 3 * np.exp(-(V_soma + 40)/33)
soma_dh_dt = (soma_h_inf - soma_h) / soma_tau_h
# CHANNEL: Soma potassium, slow component (Kdr)
soma_Ikdr = g_Kdr_s * soma_n**4 * (V_soma - V_K)
soma_n_inf = 1 / ( 1 + np.exp(-(V_soma + 3)/10))
soma_tau_n = 5 + (47 * np.exp( (V_soma + 50)/900))
soma_dn_dt = (soma_n_inf - soma_n) / soma_tau_n
# CHANNEL: Soma potassium, fast component (K_s)
soma_Ik = g_K_s * soma_x**4 * (V_soma - V_K)
soma_alpha_x = 0.13 * (V_soma + 25) / (1 - np.exp(-(V_soma + 25)/10))
soma_beta_x = 1.69 * np.exp(-(V_soma + 35)/80)
soma_tau_x_inv=soma_alpha_x + soma_beta_x
soma_x_inf = soma_alpha_x / soma_tau_x_inv
soma_dx_dt = (soma_x_inf - soma_x) * soma_tau_x_inv
# UPDATE: Soma compartment update (V_soma)
soma_I_Channels = soma_Ik + soma_Ikdr + soma_Ina + soma_Ical
soma_dv_dt = S * (-(soma_I_leak + soma_I_interact + soma_I_Channels))
########## AXON UPDATE ##########
# CURRENT: Axon leak current (la)
axon_I_leak = g_la * (V_axon - V_l)
# CURRENT: Axon interaction current (sa)
I_sa = (g_int / p2) * (V_axon - V_soma)
axon_I_interact= I_sa
# CHANNEL: Axon sodium (Na_a)
# watch out direct gate: m = m_inf
axon_m_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(V_axon+30)/5.5))
axon_h_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp( (V_axon+60)/5.8))
axon_Ina = g_Na_a * axon_m_inf**3 * axon_Sodium_h * (V_axon - V_Na)
axon_tau_h = 1.5 * np.exp(-(V_axon+40)/33)
axon_dh_dt = (axon_h_inf - axon_Sodium_h) / axon_tau_h
# CHANNEL: Axon potassium (K_a)
axon_Ik = g_K_a * axon_Potassium_x**4 * (V_axon - V_K)
axon_alpha_x = 0.13*(V_axon + 25) / (1 - np.exp(-(V_axon + 25)/10))
axon_beta_x = 1.69 * np.exp(-(V_axon + 35)/80)
axon_tau_x_inv = axon_alpha_x + axon_beta_x
axon_x_inf = axon_alpha_x / axon_tau_x_inv
axon_dx_dt = (axon_x_inf - axon_Potassium_x) * axon_tau_x_inv
# UPDATE: Axon hillock compartment update (V_axon)
axon_I_Channels = axon_Ina + axon_Ik
axon_dv_dt = S * (-(axon_I_leak + axon_I_interact + axon_I_Channels))
########## DEND UPDATE ##########
# CURRENT: Dend application current (I_app)
vdiff = V_dend[gj_src] - V_dend[gj_tgt]
cx36_current_per_gj = (0.2 + 0.8 * np.exp(-vdiff*vdiff / 100)) * vdiff * g_gj
I_gapp = np.zeros_like(V_dend)
for i in range(len(gj_tgt)):
I_gapp[gj_tgt[i]] += cx36_current_per_gj[i]
dend_I_application = -I_app - I_gapp
# CURRENT: Dend leak current (ld)
dend_I_leak = g_ld * (V_dend - V_l)
# CURRENT: Dend interaction Current (sd)
dend_I_interact = (g_int / (1 - p1)) * (V_dend - V_soma)
# CHANNEL: Dend high-threshold calcium (CaH)
dend_Icah = g_CaH * dend_Calcium_r * dend_Calcium_r * (V_dend - V_Ca)
dend_alpha_r = 1.7 / (1 + np.exp(-(V_dend - 5)/13.9))
dend_beta_r = 0.02*(V_dend + 8.5) / (np.exp((V_dend + 8.5)/5) - 1.0)
dend_tau_r_inv5 = (dend_alpha_r + dend_beta_r) # tau = 5 / (alpha + beta)
dend_r_inf = dend_alpha_r / dend_tau_r_inv5
dend_dr_dt = (dend_r_inf - dend_Calcium_r) * dend_tau_r_inv5 * 0.2
# CHANNEL: Dend calcium dependent potassium (KCa)
dend_Ikca = g_K_Ca * dend_Potassium_s * (V_dend - V_K)
dend_alpha_s = np.where(
0.00002 * dend_Ca2Plus < 0.01,
0.00002 * dend_Ca2Plus,
dend_tau_s_inv = dend_alpha_s + 0.015
dend_s_inf = dend_alpha_s / dend_tau_s_inv
dend_ds_dt = (dend_s_inf - dend_Potassium_s) * dend_tau_s_inv
# CHANNEL: Dend proton (h)
dend_Ih = g_h * dend_Hcurrent_q * (V_dend - V_h)
q_inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp((V_dend + 80)/4))
tau_q_inv = np.exp(-0.086*V_dend - 14.6) + np.exp(0.070*V_dend - 1.87)
dend_dq_dt = (q_inf - dend_Hcurrent_q) * tau_q_inv
# CONCENTRATION: Dend calcium concentration (CaPlus)
dend_dCa_dt = -3 * dend_Icah - 0.075 * dend_Ca2Plus
# UPDATE: Dend compartment update (V_dend)
dend_I_Channels = dend_Icah + dend_Ikca + dend_Ih
dend_dv_dt = S * (-(dend_I_leak + dend_I_interact + dend_I_application + dend_I_Channels))
########## UPDATE ##########
return np.stack((
# Soma state
V_soma + soma_dv_dt * delta,
soma_k + soma_dk_dt * delta,
soma_l + soma_dl_dt * delta,
soma_h + soma_dh_dt * delta,
soma_n + soma_dn_dt * delta,
soma_x + soma_dx_dt * delta,
# Axon state
V_axon + axon_dv_dt * delta,
axon_Sodium_h + axon_dh_dt * delta,
axon_Potassium_x + axon_dx_dt * delta,
# Dend state
V_dend + dend_dv_dt * delta,
dend_Ca2Plus + dend_dCa_dt* delta,
dend_Calcium_r + dend_dr_dt * delta,
dend_Potassium_s + dend_ds_dt * delta,
dend_Hcurrent_q + dend_dq_dt * delta,
), axis=0).astype(np.float32)
def sample_connections_3d(
connection_probability=lambda r: np.exp(-(r/4)**2),
assert int(round(nneurons**(1/3)))**3 == nneurons
# we sample half the connections for each neuron
assert nconnections % 2 == 0
# we assume a cubic (4d toroid) brain
nside = int(np.ceil(nneurons**(1/3)))
if rmax > nside / 2: rmax = nside // 2
# we set up a connection probability kernel around each neuron
dx, dy, dz = np.mgrid[-rmax:rmax+1, -rmax:rmax+1, -rmax:rmax+1]
dx, dy, dz = dx.flatten(), dy.flatten(), dz.flatten()
r = np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
# we only sample backwards, as the forward connections
# are part of the kernel of other neurons
sample_backwards = \
((dz < 0)) | \
((dz == 0) &( dy < 0)) | \
((dz == 0) & (dy == 0) & (dx < 0))
m = (r != 0) & sample_backwards & (r < rmax)
dx, dy, dz, r = dx[m], dy[m], dz[m], r[m]
P = connection_probability(r)
# next, there is a ~r^2 increase in point density per r,
# and very non uniform distribution of those due to
# the integer grid. let's remove that bias
ro, r_uniq_idx = np.unique(r, return_inverse=True)
r_idx_freq = np.bincount(r_uniq_idx)
r_freq = r_idx_freq[r_uniq_idx]
P = P / r_freq
if normalize_by_dr:
dr = 0.5*np.diff(ro, append=rmax)[r_uniq_idx] + 0.5*np.diff(ro, prepend=0)[r_uniq_idx]
P = P * dr
# P must sum up to 1
P = P / P.sum()
# a connection connects two neurons
final_connection_count = nneurons * nconnections // 2
# instead of sampling using the P array,
# we sample for each value of the P array,
# which is much more memory efficient
counts = (P * final_connection_count + .5).astype(int)
counts[-1] = max(0, final_connection_count - counts[:-1].sum())
assert (counts < nneurons).all()
conn_idx = []
for draw in range(len(P)):
if counts[draw] == 0:
if counts[draw] == 1:
draw_idx = np.array([np.random.randint(nneurons)])
draw_idx = np.random.choice(nneurons, counts[draw], replace=False)
conn_idx.append(draw + len(P) * draw_idx)
conn_idx = np.concatenate(conn_idx)
# now we calculate the neuron indices back from the P kernel
neuron_id1 = conn_idx // len(P)
x = ( neuron_id1 % nside).astype('int32')
y = ((neuron_id1 // nside) % nside).astype('int32')
z = ((neuron_id1 // (nside*nside)) % nside).astype('int32')
di = conn_idx % len(P)
neuron_id2 = ( \
(x + dx[di]) % nside + \
(y + dy[di]) % nside * nside + \
(z + dz[di]) % nside * nside * nside
# and generate the final index arrays
# needed for gj calculation
tgt_idx = np.concatenate([neuron_id1, neuron_id2])
src_idx = np.concatenate([neuron_id2, neuron_id1])
return src_idx, tgt_idx
if __name__ == '__main__':
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