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Created September 11, 2014 22:29
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(ns permutron.core
(:require [clojure.core.protocols :as ccp]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(:import [clojure.lang Seqable Indexed Counted]))
;; Why are these private in clojure.core.reducers, but fjtask is public?
(def ^:private fjinvoke @#'r/fjinvoke)
(def ^:private fjfork @#'r/fjfork)
(def ^:private fjjoin @#'r/fjjoin)
(defn xrange
([] (xrange 0 Long/MAX_VALUE 1))
([end] (xrange 0 end 1))
([start end] (xrange start end 1))
([start end step]
(count [_]
(let [x (- end start), d (quot x step), r (mod x step)]
(if (zero? r)
(inc d))))
(nth [_ n]
(let [r (+ start (* step n))]
(if (< r end)
(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))))
(seq [_]
((fn stepf [x]
(if (< x end)
(cons x (stepf (+ x step))))))
(coll-reduce [this f] (ccp/coll-reduce this f (f)))
(coll-reduce [_ f init]
(loop [acc init, i start]
(reduced? acc) @acc
(>= i end) acc
:else (recur (f acc i) (+ i step)))))
(coll-fold [r n combinef reducef]
(let [nr (count r)]
(zero? nr) (combinef)
(<= nr n) (reduce reducef (combinef) r)
(let [split (-> nr (quot 2) (* step) (+ start))
r1 (xrange start split step)
r2 (xrange split end step)
fc (fn [r] #(r/coll-fold r n combinef reducef))]
#(let [f1 (fc r1)
t2 (r/fjtask (fc r2))]
(fjfork t2)
(combinef (f1) (fjjoin t2)))))))))))
(defn xrange-onto
[mapf n]
Counted (count [_] n)
Seqable (seq [_] (seq (map mapf (xrange n))))
(nth [_ i]
(if (< i n)
(mapf i)
(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.))))
(coll-reduce [this f] (ccp/coll-reduce this f (f)))
(coll-reduce [_ f init]
(r/reduce f (r/map mapf (xrange n))))
(coll-fold [_ pn combinef reducef]
(r/fold pn combinef reducef (r/map mapf (xrange n))))))
(def ^:const ^long fac-max-precalc
"Maximum value of `fac` to pre-calculate."
(let [fac* (fn [^long n] (reduce *' 1 (xrange 1 (inc n))))
memo (long-array (inc fac-max-precalc))
nmemo (long (alength memo))]
(aset-long memo 0 1)
(doseq [i (xrange 1 nmemo)]
(aset-long memo i (* i (aget memo (dec i)))))
(defn fac
"Factorial of `n`."
^long [^long n]
(if (> nmemo n)
(aget memo n)
(throw (ex-info "Result too large for JVM long." {:n n}))))
(defn fac'
"Factorial of `n`."
[^long n]
(if (> nmemo n)
(aget memo n)
(fac* n))))
(defn permutation*
[^long n ^long x]
(let [p (long-array n)
_ (loop [x (long x), f (long 2), i (- n 2)]
(aset-long p i (mod x f))
(if (pos? i)
(recur (quot x f) (inc f) (dec i))))
_ (loop [i 1, m (bit-shift-left 1 (aget p 0))]
(let [x (loop [x (aget p i), x' 0]
(if-not (zero? (bit-and m (bit-shift-left 1 x')))
(recur x (inc x'))
(if (zero? x)
(recur (dec x) (inc x')))))
_ (aset-long p i x)
i (inc i)]
(if (< i n)
(recur i (bit-or m (bit-shift-left 1 x))))))]
(defn permutation
[xs ^long x]
(let [n (count xs), ^longs p (permutation* n x)]
(mapv (partial nth xs) p)))
(defn permutations
(let [f (partial permutation xs)
n (fac (count xs))]
(xrange-onto f n)))
(defn cartprod*
[xs i]
(reduce (fn [[cp i j] f]
(let [x (nth xs j)]
[(conj cp (nth x (mod i f))) (quot i f) (inc j)]))
[[] i 0] (r/map count xs))))
(defn cartprod
(let [f (partial cartprod* xs)
n (r/reduce * (r/map count xs))]
(xrange-onto f n)))
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