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Created January 21, 2014 14:52
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Signed <-> unsigned JVM type conversion
(def ^:private type-max
{'byte Byte/MAX_VALUE,
'short Short/MAX_VALUE,
'int Integer/MAX_VALUE})
(defn ^:private signed*
[type x]
(let [max (type-max type), roll (->> max long inc (* 2))]
`(~type (let [x# (long ~x)] (if (<= x# ~max) x# (- x# ~roll))))))
(defn ^:private unsigned*
[type x]
(let [max (type-max type), roll (->> max long inc (* 2))]
`(let [x# (long ~x)] (if (<= 0 x#) x# (+ x# ~roll)))))
(defn ^:private signvert-doc
[type f]
(if (= f 'signed*)
(str "Convert unsigned integral value to signed " type ".")
(str "Convert signed " type " to unsigned integral value.")))
(defmacro ^:private define-signverters
[& args]
`(do ~@(mapcat (fn [[type names]]
(map (fn [n f]
`(definline ~n
~(signvert-doc type f)
[~'x] (~f '~type ~'x)))
names '[signed* unsigned*]))
(partition 2 args))))
byte [sbyte ubyte]
short [sshort ushort]
int [sint uint])
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