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Created October 22, 2014 19:09
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Parse giant JSON objects as reducer of key-value pairs.
(ns repubsub.flat-json
(:require [clojure.core.protocols :as ccp]
[ :as io]
[cheshire (core :as json) (parse :as parse) (factory :as factory)])
(:import [com.fasterxml.jackson.core
, JsonParser JsonFactory JsonFactory$Feature JsonGenerator$Feature
, JsonToken]
, StringWriter StringReader BufferedReader BufferedWriter
, ByteArrayOutputStream PushbackReader]))
(defn reducer
(coll-reduce [this f] (ccp/coll-reduce this f (f)))
(coll-reduce [this f init]
(let [fac ^JsonFactory (or factory/*json-factory* factory/json-factory)
_ (.configure fac JsonFactory$Feature/INTERN_FIELD_NAMES false)]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader uri)
jp (.createJsonParser fac rdr)]
(let [t (.nextToken jp)]
(nil? t) init
(not (identical? JsonToken/START_OBJECT t))
, (throw (ex-info "Not start of object" {:token t}))
, (loop [acc init, t (.nextToken jp)]
(if (identical? JsonToken/END_OBJECT t)
(let [key (.getText jp), _ (.nextToken jp)
val (parse/parse* jp identity false nil)
acc (f acc [key val])]
(if (reduced? acc)
(recur acc (.nextToken jp)))))))))))))
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