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Created February 27, 2019 14:47
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; Keycodes. Use the "Dec" value from the list below.
; Hex Dec Button
; 0x01 1 Escape
; 0x02 2 1
; 0x03 3 2
; 0x04 4 3
; 0x05 5 4
; 0x06 6 5
; 0x07 7 6
; 0x08 8 7
; 0x09 9 8
; 0x0A 10 9
; 0x0B 11 0
; 0x0C 12 Minus
; 0x0D 13 Equals
; 0x0E 14 Backspace
; 0x0F 15 Tab
; 0x10 16 Q
; 0x11 17 W
; 0x12 18 E
; 0x13 19 R
; 0x14 20 T
; 0x15 21 Y
; 0x16 22 U
; 0x17 23 I
; 0x18 24 O
; 0x19 25 P
; 0x1A 26 Left Bracket
; 0x1B 27 Right Bracket
; 0x1C 28 Enter
; 0x1D 29 Left Control
; 0x1E 30 A
; 0x1F 31 S
; 0x20 32 D
; 0x21 33 F
; 0x22 34 G
; 0x23 35 H
; 0x24 36 J
; 0x25 37 K
; 0x26 38 L
; 0x27 39 Semicolon
; 0x28 40 Apostrophe
; 0x29 41 ~ (Console)
; 0x2A 42 Left Shift
; 0x2B 43 Back Slash
; 0x2C 44 Z
; 0x2D 45 X
; 0x2E 46 C
; 0x2F 47 V
; 0x30 48 B
; 0x31 49 N
; 0x32 50 M
; 0x33 51 Comma
; 0x34 52 Period
; 0x35 53 Forward Slash
; 0x36 54 Right Shift
; 0x37 55 NUM*
; 0x38 56 Left Alt
; 0x39 57 Spacebar
; 0x3A 58 Caps Lock
; 0x3B 59 F1
; 0x3C 60 F2
; 0x3D 61 F3
; 0x3E 62 F4
; 0x3F 63 F5
; 0x40 64 F6
; 0x41 65 F7
; 0x42 66 F8
; 0x43 67 F9
; 0x44 68 F10
; 0x45 69 Num Lock
; 0x46 70 Scroll Lock
; 0x47 71 NUM7
; 0x48 72 NUM8
; 0x49 73 NUM9
; 0x4A 74 NUM-
; 0x4B 75 NUM4
; 0x4C 76 NUM5
; 0x4D 77 NUM6
; 0x4E 78 NUM+
; 0x4F 79 NUM1
; 0x50 80 NUM2
; 0x51 81 NUM3
; 0x52 82 NUM0
; 0x53 83 NUM.
; 0x57 87 F11
; 0x58 88 F12
; 0x9C 156 NUM Enter
; 0x9D 157 Right Control
; 0xB5 181 NUM/
; 0xB8 184 Right Alt
; 0xC7 199 Home
; 0xC8 200 Up Arrow
; 0xC9 201 PgUp
; 0xCB 203 Left Arrow
; 0xCD 205 Right Arrow
; 0xCF 207 End
; 0xD0 208 Down Arrow
; 0xD1 209 PgDown
; 0xD2 210 Insert
; 0xD3 211 Delete
; 0x100 256 Left Mouse Button
; 0x101 257 Right Mouse Button
; 0x102 258 Middle/Wheel Mouse Button
; 0x103 259 Mouse Button 3
; 0x104 260 Mouse Button 4
; 0x105 261 Mouse Button 5
; 0x106 262 Mouse Button 6
; 0x107 263 Mouse Button 7
; 0x108 264 Mouse Wheel Up
; 0x109 265 Mouse Wheel Down
; NOTE: Mouse controls are not allowed for the Menu
FoV = 112.0
WaterReflectionMapSize = 512
WaterManagement = 1
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AnisotropicFilter = 4
FarPlaneDistance = 283840.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
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WeaponOnBackRotY = 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
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TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = -5.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX = 0.0
BowOnBackPosY = 25.0
BowOnBackPosZ = 0.0
BowOnBackRotX = 0.0
BowOnBackRotY = 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ = 0.0
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StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
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TorchOnBeltPosZ = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotX = 90.0
TorchOnBeltRotY = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotZ = 0.0
TorchKey = 21
SleepingEquipment = 1
SwimmingEquipment = 1
CombatEquipmentKey = 260
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Min = 20
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WeaponOnBackRotY = 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 4.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 10.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = 15.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX = 0.0
BowOnBackPosY = 0.0
BowOnBackPosZ = 0.0
BowOnBackRotX = 0.0
BowOnBackRotY = 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ = 0.0
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StaffOnBackPosY = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotX = 210.0
StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotZ = 120.0
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RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest.
Enabled = 1
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CoeffSunG = 0.90
CoeffSunB = 0.80
Blood = 1
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HDR = 1
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POM = 1
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SnowAccumulation = 1
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FatigueCoeff = 0.5
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Time = 300
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Key = 88
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Value = 9.8
Enabled = 1
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Enabled = 1
ScrollMultiplier = 5.0
KeyAdd = 78
KeySubtract = 74
StepValue = 1.0
CompileShaders = 0
CompileEffects = 1
TraceShaders = 0
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