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Last active March 17, 2017 14:02
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Websocket server from scratch using TCPServer
require 'socket' # Provides TCPServer and TCPSocket classes
require 'digest/sha1'
server ='localhost', 2345)
loop do
# Wait for a connection
socket = server.accept
STDERR.puts "Incoming Request"
# Read the HTTP request. We know it's finished when we see a line with nothing but \r\n
http_request = ""
while (line = socket.gets) && (line != "\r\n")
http_request += line
# Grab the security key from the headers. If one isn't present, close the connection.
if matches = http_request.match(/^Sec-WebSocket-Key: (\S+)/)
websocket_key = matches[1]
STDERR.puts "Websocket handshake detected with key: #{ websocket_key }"
STDERR.puts "Aborting non-websocket connection"
response_key = Digest::SHA1.base64digest([websocket_key, "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"].join)
STDERR.puts "Responding to handshake with key: #{ response_key }"
socket.write <<-eos
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: #{ response_key }
STDERR.puts "Handshake completed. Starting to parse the websocket frame."
first_byte = socket.getbyte
fin = first_byte & 0b10000000
opcode = first_byte & 0b00001111
raise "We don't support continuations" unless fin
raise "We only support opcode 1" unless opcode == 1
second_byte = socket.getbyte
is_masked = second_byte & 0b10000000
payload_size = second_byte & 0b01111111
raise "All incoming frames should be masked according to the websocket spec" unless is_masked
raise "We only support payloads < 126 bytes in length" unless payload_size < 126
STDERR.puts "Payload size: #{ payload_size } bytes"
mask = { socket.getbyte }
STDERR.puts "Got mask: #{ mask.inspect }"
data = { socket.getbyte }
STDERR.puts "Got masked data: #{ data.inspect }"
unmasked_data = { |byte, i| byte ^ mask[i % 4] }
STDERR.puts "Unmasked the data: #{ unmasked_data.inspect }"
STDERR.puts "Converted to a string: #{ unmasked_data.pack('C*').force_encoding('utf-8').inspect }"
response = "Loud and clear!"
STDERR.puts "Sending response: #{ response.inspect }"
output = [0b10000001, response.size, response]
socket.write output.pack("CCA#{ response.size }")
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