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Created March 4, 2012 19:25
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FPFP march
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Set as S
type State = (Integer,Integer)
data Vessel = A | B deriving (Show,Eq)
type World = (Capacity,Capacity)
type Capacity = Integer
data Move = Empty Vessel | Fill Vessel | Pour (Vessel,Vessel)
deriving (Show,Eq)
(a,b) # A = a
(a,b) # B = b
nextMove cap (from,to) vs | vs#from == 0 = Fill from
| vs#to == cap#to = Empty to
| otherwise = Pour (from,to)
(//) :: State -> (Vessel, Integer) -> State
vessels // (v,x) = ((first,second) # v) (const x) vessels
apply :: World -> Move -> State -> State
apply cap (Fill v) ves = ves // (v, cap#v)
apply cap (Empty v) ves = ves // (v, 0)
apply cap (Pour (from,to)) ves = ves // (from, ves#from - x) // (to, ves#to + x)
where x = min (ves#from) (cap#to - ves#to)
-- iterate pours in direction where we pours from A to B ((A,B)=dir)
iteratePours :: World -> (Vessel,Vessel) -> State -> [(Move,State)]
iteratePours world dir state = unfoldr pour state
where pour st = Just ((move,st'), st')
where move = nextMove world dir st
st' = apply world move st
solve :: World -> Integer -> Maybe [Move]
solve world target = minimumResult
where pours = [ result $ iteratePours world dir (0,0) | dir <- [(A,B), (B,A)] ]
| ps <- catMaybes pours, not $ null ps = Just . minimumBy (comparing length) $ ps
| otherwise = Nothing
result moves = result' moves [] S.empty
result' ((m,st):rest) moves states
| hitTarget st = Just . reverse $ m : moves
| cycled st states = Nothing
| otherwise = result' rest (m : moves) (S.insert st states)
hitTarget (a,b) = a == target || b == target
cycled = S.member
main = print [ x | x <- [1..1011], let s = solve (1010,1011) x, length (fromMaybe [] s) == 2012 ]
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