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Last active September 18, 2015 02:11
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# this has been moved to:
import numpy as np
def ckmeans(data, n_clusters):
if n_clusters > len(data):
raise ValueError("Cannot generate more classes than there are data values")
n = len(data)
# XXX: probably more efficient to leave this as an iterator, but let's get
# it correct first
sorted_data = list(sorted(data))
unique_count = len(set(sorted_data))
if unique_count == 1:
return [sorted_data]
matrix = np.zeros((n_clusters, n))
backtrack_matrix = np.zeros((n_clusters, n),
for cluster in range(n_clusters):
first_cluster_mean = sorted_data[0]
for sorted_idx in range(max(cluster, 1), n):
if cluster == 0:
squared_difference = (sorted_data[sorted_idx] - first_cluster_mean) ** 2
matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = matrix[cluster][sorted_idx - 1] + ((sorted_idx - 1) / sorted_idx) * squared_difference
new_sum = sorted_idx * first_cluster_mean + sorted_data[sorted_idx]
first_cluster_mean = new_sum / sorted_idx
sum_squared_distances = 0
mean_xj = 0
for j in range(sorted_idx, cluster-1, -1):
sum_squared_distances += (sorted_idx - j) / (sorted_idx - j + 1) * (sorted_data[j] - mean_xj)**2
mean_xj = (sorted_data[j] + ((sorted_idx - j) * mean_xj)) / (sorted_idx - j + 1)
if j == sorted_idx:
matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = sum_squared_distances
backtrack_matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = j
if j > 0:
matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] += matrix[cluster - 1][j - 1]
if j == 0:
if sum_squared_distances <= matrix[cluster][sorted_idx]:
matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = sum_squared_distances
backtrack_matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = j
elif sum_squared_distances + matrix[cluster-1][j-1] < matrix[cluster][sorted_idx]:
matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = sum_squared_distances + matrix[cluster-1][j-1]
backtrack_matrix[cluster][sorted_idx] = j
clusters = []
cluster_right = len(backtrack_matrix[0]) - 1
for cluster in range(len(backtrack_matrix)-1, -1, -1):
cluster_left = backtrack_matrix[cluster][cluster_right]
clusters.insert(0, sorted_data[cluster_left:cluster_right+1])
if cluster > 0:
cluster_right = cluster_left - 1
return clusters
if __name__ == "__main__":
ckmeans([], 10)
except ValueError:
tests = [
(([1], 1), [[1]]),
(([0,3,4], 2), [[0], [3,4]]),
(([1,1,1,1], 1), [[1,1,1,1]]),
(([1,2,3], 3), [[1], [2], [3]]),
(([1,2,2,3], 3), [[1], [2,2], [3]]),
(([1,2,2,3,3], 3), [[1], [2,2], [3,3]]),
(([1,2,3,2,3], 3), [[1], [2,2], [3,3]]),
(([3,2,3,2,1], 3), [[1], [2,2], [3,3]]),
(([3,2,3,5,2,1], 3), [[1,2,2], [3,3], [5]]),
(([0,1,2,100,101,103], 2), [[0,1,2], [100,101,103]]),
(([0,1,2,50,100,101,103], 3), [[0,1,2], [50], [100,101,103]]),
(([-1,2,-1,2,4,5,6,-1,2,-1], 3),
[[-1, -1, -1, -1], [2, 2, 2], [4, 5, 6]]),
for test in tests:
args, expected = test
result = ckmeans(*args)
errormsg = "ckmeans({}) = {} != {}".format(args, result, expected)
assert np.array_equal(result, expected), errormsg
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import lists, integers, just, tuples
import random
# partition recipe modified from
from itertools import chain, combinations
def sliceable(xs):
'''Return a sliceable version of the iterable xs.'''
return xs
except TypeError:
return tuple(xs)
def partition_n(iterable, n):
s = sliceable(iterable)
l = len(s)
b, mid, e = [0], list(range(1, l)), [l]
getslice = s.__getitem__
splits = (d for i in range(l) for d in combinations(mid, n-1))
return [[s[sl] for sl in map(slice, chain(b, d), chain(d, e))]
for d in splits]
def squared_distance(part):
mean = sum(part)/len(part)
return sum((x-mean)**2 for x in part)
# given a partition, return the sum of the squared distances of each part
def sum_of_squared_distances(partition):
return sum(squared_distance(part) for part in partition)
# brute force the correct answer by testing every partition.
def min_squared_distance(data, n):
return min(sum_of_squared_distances(partition)
for partition in partition_n(data, n))
# can we set max higher? let's start with this number and see...
ckmeans_args = integers(min_value=1, max_value=10).flatmap(lambda n: tuples(
lists(integers(), min_size=n, max_size=20), just(n)))
def test_ckmeans(args):
data, n_clusters = args
data = sorted(data)
result = ckmeans(data, n_clusters)
squared_distance = sum_of_squared_distances(result)
brute_result = min_squared_distance(data, n_clusters)
error_message = "ckmeans({}, {}) = {}; {} != {}".format(
data, n_clusters, result, squared_distance, brute_result)
assert squared_distance == brute_result, error_message
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