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Last active February 9, 2023 03:42
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Use adb to launch a page in OneNote APK on an Android tablet
alias one=onenote_adb_opener
# Send the link to Android tablet
python $LL_Home/Dropbox/Wiki/MyScripts/adb_commander/ $1
# Then, this is specific to Boox Lumi 2 tablet: to make sure the thing is unlocked.
# Note, "mActive=true" is specific to Boox Lumi 2 (may work for other Boox stuff?)
result="$(adb shell dumpsys input_method | grep -c "mActive=true")"
if test $result = 2 ; then
echo "Screen is already on."
echo "Turning screen on."
adb shell input keyevent 26
# Note, keyevent 26 is blindly simulating the pressing of the power key. It may turn the screen off.
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llinfeng commented Jul 4, 2022

Renate commented on using adb shell input keyevent 26.

Don't send 26 (Power). Send 224 (Wakeup). FWIW 223 (Sleep).

Then, the Zsh function adb_screen_on() can be simplified into one line.

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