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Created March 18, 2024 07:51
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Get status of an ethereum transaction from Etherscan.
import requests
import re
def get_transaction_details(tx_id):
Fetches transaction details from Etherscan and extracts status, from, and to fields.
tx_id: The transaction ID (hash) to fetch details for.
A dictionary containing the extracted details, or None if an error occurs.
url = f"{tx_id}"
# Set headers (you can adjust these if needed)
headers = {
'"Chromium";v="122", "Not(A:Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="122"',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
) # Raise an exception for error status codes
html_content = response.text
# Extract status
status_match =
r'<div class="row align-items-center mb-4"><div class="col-auto col-md-3 text-dt"><i class="far fa-question-circle me-1".*?></i>Status:</div><div class="col col-md-9"><span class="badge bg-success.*?>(.*?)</span></div></div>',
html_content, re.DOTALL)
status = if status_match else None
# Remove HTML tag for the status icon
status = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', status)
final_status = status.split(' ')
status = final_status[-1]
return {'status': status}
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching transaction details: {e}")
return None
tx_id = "0x2ce13a964a9cd6969b45e65c29660304c102ab67dd63ade378d45e231ce6d337"
details = get_transaction_details(tx_id)
if details:
print("Status:", details['status'])
print("Failed to retrieve transaction status.")
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