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Created April 9, 2018 13:29
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eslint configuration
module.exports = {
'root': true,
// eslint recommended defaults can be found in [INSTALL_DIR]/eslint/conf/eslint.json
'extends': [
'parser': 'babel-eslint',
'parserOptions': {
'ecmaVersion': 6,
'ecmaFeatures': {
'impliedStrict': false,
'arrowFunctions': true,
'binaryLiterals': true,
'blockBindings': true,
'classes': false, // NO WAY!
'defaultParams': true,
'destructuring': true,
'forOf': true,
'generators': true,
'modules': false, // turn on when moving to true ES 2015 modules
'newTarget': true,
'objectLiteralComputedProperties': true,
'objectLiteralDuplicateProperties': false,
'objectLiteralShorthandMethods': true,
'objectLiteralShorthandProperties': true,
'octalLiterals': false,
'regexUFlag': true,
'regexYFlag': true,
'restParams': true,
'spread': true,
'superInFunctions': false,
'templateStrings': true,
'unicodeCodePointEscapes': true
'sourceType': 'module'
'env': {
'es6': true,
'mocha': true,
'node': true,
'browser': true
'plugins': [
'rules': {
// Flowtype rules
'flowtype/boolean-style': ['error', 'boolean'],
'flowtype/define-flow-type': 'warn',
'flowtype/delimiter-dangle': 0,
'flowtype/generic-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'flowtype/no-dupe-keys': 'error',
'flowtype/no-weak-types': 0,
'flowtype/require-parameter-type': ['off', {'excludeArrowFunctions': 'expressionsOnly'}],
'flowtype/require-return-type': ['off', {'excludeArrowFunctions': 'expressionsOnly'}],
'flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation': 0,
'flowtype/semi': 'error',
'flowtype/space-after-type-colon': ['error', 'always'],
'flowtype/space-before-generic-bracket': ['error', 'never'],
'flowtype/space-before-type-colon': ['error', 'never'],
'flowtype/type-id-match': 0,
'flowtype/union-intersection-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
'flowtype/use-flow-type': 'warn',
'flowtype/valid-syntax': 'warn',
//'flowtype-errors/show-errors': 'error',
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// eslint rules
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enforce line breaks after opening and before closing array brackets
'array-bracket-newline': 'off',
// Enforces return statements in callbacks of array's methods
'array-callback-return': 'error',
// Require parens in arrow function arguments
'arrow-parens': ['warn', 'as-needed'],
// Enforces getter/setter pairs in objects
'accessor-pairs': ['off', {'setWithoutGet': true, 'getWithoutSet': false}],
// Require space before/after arrow functions arrow
'arrow-spacing': ['error', {'before': true, 'after': true}],
'brace-style': ['error', '1tbs', {'allowSingleLine': false}],
'camelcase': ['error', {'properties': 'never'}],
'consistent-this': ['error', 'self'],
'comma-dangle': ['error', 'never'],
'comma-style': ['error', 'last'],
// Require optional curly braces when a block contains only one statement after if,
// else, while, etc.
'curly': ['error', 'all'],
// Enforce newline before and after dot
'dot-location': ['error', 'property'],
// "allowPattern": "^[a-z]+(_[a-z]+)+$"
'dot-notation': ['warn', {'allowKeywords': true}],
'eol-last': 'error',
// Require === and !==
'eqeqeq': 'error',
// Enforce “for” loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction
'for-direction': 'error',
'function-paren-newline': ['off'],
'generator-star-spacing': ['error', {'before': false, 'after': true}],
// Disallow require() outside of the top-level module scope
'global-require': 'error',
'indent': ['off', 4, {'SwitchCase': 1, 'MemberExpression': 0}],
'key-spacing': ['error', {'beforeColon': false, 'afterColon': true}],
'keyword-spacing': 'error',
'max-nested-callbacks': ['warn', 4],
// Require newline before return statement
'newline-before-return': 'off',
// Require a newline after each call in a method chain
'newline-per-chained-call': ['error', {'ignoreChainWithDepth': 3}],
'no-alert': 'error',
// Disallow await inside of loops
'no-await-in-loop': 'error',
// disallow use of the Buffer() constructor
'no-buffer-constructor': 'error',
// Disallow Use of caller/callee
'no-caller': 'error',
// Disallow lexical declarations in case/default clauses
'no-case-declarations': 'error',
// disallow comparing against -0
'no-compare-neg-zero': 'error',
// Disallow assignment in conditional statements
'no-cond-assign': 'error',
// Disallow arrow functions where they could be confused with comparisons
'no-confusing-arrow': 'off',
// Disallow modifying variables that are declared using const
'no-const-assign': 'error',
// Disallow use of constant expressions in conditions
'no-constant-condition': 'error',
// Disallow controls characters in regular expressions
'no-control-regex': 'error',
// Disallow "debugger" statement
'no-debugger': 'error',
// Disallow duplicate keys
'no-dupe-keys': 'error',
// Rule to disallow a duplicate case label
'no-duplicate-case': 'error',
// Disallow duplicate imports
'no-duplicate-imports': 'error',
// Disallow empty block statements
'no-empty': 'error',
// Disallow empty character classes
'no-empty-character-class': 'error',
// Disallow empty functions
'no-empty-function': 'off',
'no-eq-null': 'error',
// Disallow assigning to the exception in a catch block
'no-ex-assign': 'error',
'no-extra-parens': ['off', 'all', {'nestedBinaryExpressions': false}],
// Disallow unnecessary semicolons
'no-extra-semi': 'error',
// Disallow overwriting functions written as function declarations
'no-func-assign': 'error',
// Disallow assignment to native objects or read-only global variables
'no-global-assign': 'error',
// Disallow this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects
'no-invalid-this': 'error',
// Disallow irregular whitespace outside of strings and comments
'no-irregular-whitespace': 'error',
'no-lonely-if': 'error',
// Disallow mixes of different operators
'no-mixed-operators': 'error',
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 'error',
'no-multi-spaces': ['error', {'ignoreEOLComments': true}],
'no-negated-condition': 'error',
// Disallow negation of the left operand of an in expression
'no-negated-in-lhs': 'error',
// Disallow Symbol Constructor
'no-new-symbol': 'error',
// Disallow the use of object properties of the global object (Math and JSON) as functions
'no-obj-calls': 'error',
// Disallow reassignment of function parameters
'no-param-reassign': 'off',
// Disallow string concatenation when using _dirname and _filename
'no-path-concat': 'error',
// Disallow redeclaring variables
'no-redeclare': 'error',
// Disallows unnecessary return await
'no-return-await': 'error',
// Disallow Self Assignment
'no-self-assign': 'error',
'no-self-compare': 'error',
'no-sync': 'error',
// Disallow tabs in file
'no-tabs': 'error',
// Disallow template literal placeholder syntax in regular strings
'no-template-curly-in-string': 'error',
'no-trailing-spaces': 'error',
'no-throw-literal': 'error',
// Disallow Undeclared Variables
'no-undef': 'error',
'no-underscore-dangle': 'off',
// Avoid code that looks like two expressions but is actually one
'no-unexpected-multiline': 'error',
// Disallow unreachable statements after a return, throw, continue, or break statement
'no-unreachable': 'error',
// Disallow control flow statements in finally blocks
'no-unsafe-finally': 'error',
// Disallow negating the left operand of relational operators
'no-unsafe-negation': 'error',
'no-unused-vars': [
'vars': 'all',
'args': 'none',
'caughtErrorsIgnorePattern': '^ignore'
// Disallow unnecessary .call() and .apply()
'no-useless-call': 'warn',
// Disallow unnecessary computed property keys on objects
'no-useless-computed-key': 'error',
// Disallow unncessary concatenation of strings
'no-useless-concat': 'error',
// Disallow unnecessary escape usage
'no-useless-escape': 'error',
// Disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name
'no-useless-rename': 'error',
// Disallow "var" to declare variables
'no-var': 'error',
// Disallow whitespace before properties
'no-whitespace-before-property': 'error',
'operator-linebreak': ['error', 'after', {"overrides": {"?": "ignore", ":": "ignore"}}],
'padded-blocks': ['off', 'never'],
'padding-line-between-statements': [
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': 'directive', 'next': 'import' },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': 'import', 'next': '*' },
{ 'blankLine': 'any', 'prev': 'import', 'next': 'import' },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': '*', 'next': ['export', 'cjs-export'] },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': ['export', 'cjs-export'], 'next': '*' },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': '*', 'next': ['while', 'switch', 'for'] },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': '*', 'next': ['block','block-like'] },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': ['block','block-like'], 'next': 'return' },
{ 'blankLine': 'always', 'prev': '*', 'next': ['const', 'let'] },
{ 'blankLine': 'any', 'prev': ['const', 'let'], 'next': ['const', 'let'] }
// Suggest using arrow functions as callbacks
'prefer-arrow-callback': 'error',
// Prefer "const" over "let" for constant variables
'prefer-const': 'error',
// require using Error objects as Promise rejection reasons
'prefer-promise-reject-errors': 'error',
// Suggest using Reflect methods where applicable
'prefer-reflect': 'off',
// Suggest using the rest parameters instead of arguments
'prefer-rest-params': 'error',
// Suggest using of the spread operator instead of .apply()
'prefer-spread': 'error',
'quotes': ['error', 'single'],
'radix': 'error',
// Disallow async functions which have no await expression
'require-await': 'warn',
'require-yield': 'error',
// Require JSDoc comment
'require-jsdoc': 'error',
'semi': ['error', 'always'],
// Requires or disallows a whitespace (space or tab) beginning a comment
'spaced-comment': [
'line': {
'exceptions': ['region', 'endregion', '-', '+'],
'markers': ['region', 'endregion', 'noinspection', 'global', 'eslint-disable']
'block': {
'exceptions': ['*'],
'markers': ['eslint-disable', 'eslint-enabled', ':', '::']
'space-before-blocks': ['error', 'always'],
'space-before-function-paren': ['error', 'always'],
'space-in-parens': ['error', 'never'],
// Require spaces around infix operators
'space-infix-ops': 'error',
'space-unary-ops': ['error', {'words': true, 'nonwords': false}],
// Turned off to make it work in the Flow context
'strict': ['off', 'global'],
'switch-colon-spacing': ['error', {'after': true, 'before': false}],
// Enforce Usage of Spacing in Template Strings
'template-curly-spacing': 'error',
// Require or disallow the Unicode Byte Order Mark
'unicode-bom': 'error',
// Disallow comparisons with the value NaN
'use-isnan': 'error'
//"valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
// "requireParamDescription": false,
// "requireReturnDescription": false,
// "prefer": {"return": "returns"},
// "requireReturn": false,
// "preferType": {
// "String": "string",
// "Number": "number",
// "Boolean": "boolean",
// "object": "Object"
// }
'settings': {
'flowtype': {
'onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation': false
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