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Last active February 9, 2018 20:28
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import statistics
import subprocess
from time import time as _time
class time:
def __init__(self):
self._start = None
self._value = None
def value(self):
value = self._value
if value is None:
raise AttributeError('timer is not done')
return value
def __enter__(self):
self._value = None # reset the timer
self._start = _time()
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
self._value = _time() - self._start
def fib(n):
"""Reference implementation of fib to confirm that the witness is correct.
a = b = 1
for _ in range(n - 1):
c = a + b
a = b
b = c
return b
value_template = r"""
#include <iostream>
constexpr std::size_t n = {n};
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr std::size_t fib = fib<n - 1> + fib<n - 2>;
constexpr std::size_t fib<0> = 1;
constexpr std::size_t fib<1> = 1;
int main() {{
std::cout << fib<n> << '\n';
return 0;
struct_template = r"""
#include <iostream>
constexpr std::size_t n = {n};
template<std::size_t n>
struct fib {{
static constexpr std::size_t value = fib<n - 1>::value + fib<n - 2>::value;
struct fib<0> {{
static constexpr std::size_t value = 1;
struct fib<1> {{
static constexpr std::size_t value = 1;
int main() {{
std::cout << fib<n>::value << '\n';
return 0;
def timed_compile(template, n, *, witness=False):
"""Time how long it takes for gcc to compile fib(n).
template : str
The source code to compile, formatting in ``n`.
n : int
The compile-time argument to fib.
witness : bool, optional
Should the result be checked against the Python reference
time : float
The time (in seconds) it took to compile fib(n).
source = template.format(n=n).encode('ascii')
# -x c++ is needed because we are reading the source from stdin and gcc
# can't look at the file extension
args = ['g++', '-std=c++17', '-x', 'c++']
if not witness:
# don't write the output to a file if we are not witnessing the result
args.extend(['-o', '/dev/null'])
# read source file from stdin
with time() as timer:
p =
if witness:
p =['./a.out'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
witness_value = int(p.stdout.strip())
expected_value = fib(n)
if witness_value != expected_value:
raise ValueError(
f'witness produced incorrect value: {witness_value} !='
f' {expected_value}',
except FileNotFoundError:
return timer.value
def profile_compilation(template, n):
"""Profile how long it takes gcc to compile fib(n).
template : str
The source code to compile, formatting in ``n`.
n : int
The compile-time argument to fib.
median : float
The median compilation time (in seconds) across 10 runs.
std : float
The standard deviation of the compilation time (in seconds) across
10 runs.
# witness the result once to ensure we computed the correct value
times = [timed_compile(template, n, witness=True)]
# compile 9 more times (total of 10 runs) to get a more significant sample
times.extend(timed_compile(template, n) for _ in range(9))
return statistics.median(times), statistics.stdev(times)
def profile_source(name, template):
print(f'profiling compilation using {name} templates:')
for n in range(50):
median, std = profile_compilation(template, n)
f' fib(n={n}):{" " if n < 10 else ""} {median:.2f} +- {std:.3f}'
' seconds',
def main():
profile_source('struct', struct_template)
profile_source('value', value_template)
if __name__ == '__main__':
profiling compilation using struct templates:
fib(n=0): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=1): 0.29 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=2): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=3): 0.29 +- 0.016 seconds
fib(n=4): 0.29 +- 0.010 seconds
fib(n=5): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=6): 0.29 +- 0.035 seconds
fib(n=7): 0.34 +- 0.047 seconds
fib(n=8): 0.36 +- 0.075 seconds
fib(n=9): 0.30 +- 0.033 seconds
fib(n=10): 0.31 +- 0.023 seconds
fib(n=11): 0.30 +- 0.019 seconds
fib(n=12): 0.29 +- 0.010 seconds
fib(n=13): 0.29 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=14): 0.29 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=15): 0.29 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=16): 0.30 +- 0.013 seconds
fib(n=17): 0.29 +- 0.002 seconds
fib(n=18): 0.30 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=19): 0.29 +- 0.007 seconds
fib(n=20): 0.29 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=21): 0.30 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=22): 0.29 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=23): 0.40 +- 0.064 seconds
fib(n=24): 0.33 +- 0.017 seconds
fib(n=25): 0.34 +- 0.011 seconds
fib(n=26): 0.42 +- 0.063 seconds
fib(n=27): 0.30 +- 0.037 seconds
fib(n=28): 0.30 +- 0.017 seconds
fib(n=29): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=30): 0.30 +- 0.016 seconds
fib(n=31): 0.31 +- 0.025 seconds
fib(n=32): 0.30 +- 0.024 seconds
fib(n=33): 0.30 +- 0.008 seconds
fib(n=34): 0.30 +- 0.030 seconds
fib(n=35): 0.32 +- 0.024 seconds
fib(n=36): 0.39 +- 0.072 seconds
fib(n=37): 0.30 +- 0.034 seconds
fib(n=38): 0.35 +- 0.031 seconds
fib(n=39): 0.30 +- 0.007 seconds
fib(n=40): 0.30 +- 0.029 seconds
fib(n=41): 0.30 +- 0.023 seconds
fib(n=42): 0.30 +- 0.038 seconds
fib(n=43): 0.30 +- 0.017 seconds
fib(n=44): 0.29 +- 0.008 seconds
fib(n=45): 0.30 +- 0.016 seconds
fib(n=46): 0.29 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=47): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=48): 0.30 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=49): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
profiling compilation using value templates:
fib(n=0): 0.29 +- 0.008 seconds
fib(n=1): 0.30 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=2): 0.29 +- 0.002 seconds
fib(n=3): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=4): 0.30 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=5): 0.29 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=6): 0.30 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=7): 0.30 +- 0.028 seconds
fib(n=8): 0.29 +- 0.006 seconds
fib(n=9): 0.29 +- 0.002 seconds
fib(n=10): 0.30 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=11): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=12): 0.29 +- 0.002 seconds
fib(n=13): 0.30 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=14): 0.30 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=15): 0.29 +- 0.017 seconds
fib(n=16): 0.29 +- 0.022 seconds
fib(n=17): 0.29 +- 0.009 seconds
fib(n=18): 0.29 +- 0.004 seconds
fib(n=19): 0.32 +- 0.018 seconds
fib(n=20): 0.36 +- 0.121 seconds
fib(n=21): 0.30 +- 0.051 seconds
fib(n=22): 0.30 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=23): 0.37 +- 0.045 seconds
fib(n=24): 0.39 +- 0.057 seconds
fib(n=25): 0.33 +- 0.045 seconds
fib(n=26): 0.43 +- 0.082 seconds
fib(n=27): 0.39 +- 0.043 seconds
fib(n=28): 0.32 +- 0.025 seconds
fib(n=29): 0.30 +- 0.030 seconds
fib(n=30): 0.33 +- 0.018 seconds
fib(n=31): 0.31 +- 0.018 seconds
fib(n=32): 0.30 +- 0.007 seconds
fib(n=33): 0.30 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=34): 0.30 +- 0.014 seconds
fib(n=35): 0.29 +- 0.017 seconds
fib(n=36): 0.29 +- 0.008 seconds
fib(n=37): 0.29 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=38): 0.30 +- 0.003 seconds
fib(n=39): 0.30 +- 0.036 seconds
fib(n=40): 0.30 +- 0.005 seconds
fib(n=41): 0.29 +- 0.016 seconds
fib(n=42): 0.34 +- 0.032 seconds
fib(n=43): 0.30 +- 0.039 seconds
fib(n=44): 0.29 +- 0.007 seconds
fib(n=45): 0.30 +- 0.031 seconds
fib(n=46): 0.30 +- 0.020 seconds
fib(n=47): 0.30 +- 0.021 seconds
fib(n=48): 0.30 +- 0.013 seconds
fib(n=49): 0.29 +- 0.014 seconds
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