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Created March 10, 2016 09:47
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# Credentials for user EBSbackup
# with inline policy that allows:
# ec2:CreateSnapshot
# ec2:CreateTags
# ec2:DeleteSnapshot
# ec2:DescribeSnapshots
# ec2:DescribeVolumes
# fixme: remove from script into CI server and export via ENV
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxx"
main() {
# only backing up the single Jenkins volume right now but could easily
# be configured for more regions/volumes
local region=us-west-2
local volume_id=vol-43834cfd
local retention=604800
ebs_backup $volume_id $region $retention
# creates a EBS volume snapshot and removes old snapshots
# takes a EBS volume-id, AWS region and backup retention in seconds as args
ebs_backup() {
local volume_id=$1
local region=$2
local retention=$3
local snapshot_desc="$volume_id-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
echo -n "creating snapshot $snapshot_desc"
local snapshot_id=$(aws ec2 create-snapshot --region $region --output=text --description $snapshot_desc --volume-id $volume_id --query SnapshotId)
echo -n " with id $snapshot_id"
# tag the created snapshot with 'author: backup' so we
# can filter for those snapshots during our cleanup
aws ec2 create-tags --region $region --resource $snapshot_id --tags Key=author,Value=backup
echo " and tagged it"
echo "getting list of snapshots"
# get an array of all the snapshot ids
local snapshot_list=($(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region $region --output=text --filters "Name=volume-id,Values=$volume_id" "Name=tag:author,Values=backup" --query Snapshots[].SnapshotId))
local snapshot_id
local jobs
local max_jobs=10 # AWS EBS API requests are terribly slow (>500ms/req) so process in parallel
while [ ${#snapshot_list[@]} -gt 0 ] # as long as there are snapshot-ids in the list
jobs=($(jobs -pr)) # get list of currently running jobs
if [ ${#jobs[@]} -lt $max_jobs ]; then # if list is shorted than max_jobs
snapshot_id=${snapshot_list[0]} # get first snapshot-id in snapshot_list
unset snapshot_list[0] # shift
if [ ${#snapshot_list[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
snapshot_list=( "${snapshot_list[@]}" ) # pack
echo "found existing snapshot $snapshot_id"
snapshot_cleanup $snapshot_id $region $retention & # check if snapshot needs cleanup
else # if job queue is full
sleep 0.1 # idle for a while
wait # wait for all snapshot_cleanup jobs to complete
# removes old snapshots
# takes a EBS snapshot-id, AWS region and backup retention in seconds as args
snapshot_cleanup() {
local snapshot_id=$1
local region=$2
local retention=$3
local delete_after=$(($(date +%s)-$retention))
local snapshot_date=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region $region --output=text --snapshot-ids $snapshot_id --query Snapshots[].StartTime)
echo "$snapshot_id was created on $snapshot_date"
if [ $(uname) == 'Linux' ]; then # on Linux assume GNU date
local snapshot_date_utime=$(date -d "$snapshot_date" +%s)
else # else assume BSD date
local snapshot_date_utime=$(date -j -f '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' "${snapshot_date%.*}" +%s)
if (( $snapshot_date_utime <= $delete_after ))
aws ec2 delete-snapshot --region $region --snapshot-id $snapshot_id
echo "removed expired snapshot $snapshot_id"
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