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Created September 9, 2015 04:15
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  • Save llogiq/21474c9907d46450f065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save llogiq/21474c9907d46450f065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A log of compiling rust as of 474ad2f / stage 2 with rust-clippy
cfg: version 1.4.0-dev (474ad2fc7 2015-09-08)
cfg: build triple i686-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: host triples i686-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: target triples i686-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: host for i686-unknown-linux-gnu is i386
cfg: os for i686-unknown-linux-gnu is unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: good valgrind for i686-unknown-linux-gnu is 1
cfg: using CC=gcc (CFG_CC)
cfg: enabling valgrind run-pass tests (CFG_ENABLE_VALGRIND_RPASS)
cfg: valgrind-rpass command set to "/usr/bin/valgrind" --error-exitcode=100 --fair-sched=try --quiet --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE --suppressions=/home/andre/projects/rust/src/etc/x86.supp --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcore-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcore-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libcore/
src/libcore/num/ 81:66 warning: approximate value of `f32::PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const PI: f32 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 81:66 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 85:73 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_PI_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_2: f32 = 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 85:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 89:73 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_PI_3` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_3: f32 = 1.04719755119659774615421446109316763_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 89:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 93:74 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_PI_4` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_4: f32 = 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 93:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 97:73 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_PI_6` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_6: f32 = 0.52359877559829887307710723054658381_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 97:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 101:73 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_PI_8` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_8: f32 = 0.39269908169872415480783042290993786_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 101:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 105:74 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_1_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_1_PI: f32 = 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 105:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 109:74 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_2_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_2_PI: f32 = 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 109:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 113:78 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_2_SQRT_PI: f32 = 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 113:78 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 117:70 warning: approximate value of `f32::SQRT_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const SQRT_2: f32 = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 117:70 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 121:78 warning: approximate value of `f32::FRAC_1_SQRT_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_1_SQRT_2: f32 = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 121:78 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 125:65 warning: approximate value of `f32::E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const E: f32 = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 125:65 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 129:70 warning: approximate value of `f32::LOG2_E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LOG2_E: f32 = 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 129:70 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 133:72 warning: approximate value of `f32::LOG10_E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LOG10_E: f32 = 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 133:72 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 137:69 warning: approximate value of `f32::LN_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LN_2: f32 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 137:69 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 141:69 warning: approximate value of `f32::LN_10` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LN_10: f32 = 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421_f32;
src/libcore/num/ 141:69 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(prev_sig - ..) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcore/num/ 94:14 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 161:2 note: in expansion of from_str_radix_float_impl!
src/libcore/num/ 163:39 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(prev_sig - ..) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcore/num/ 94:14 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 161:2 note: in expansion of from_str_radix_float_impl!
src/libcore/num/ 163:39 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 warning: equal expressions as operands to != [-W eq-op]
src/libcore/num/ fn is_nan(self) -> bool { self != self }
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - self) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ fn is_nan(self) -> bool { self != self }
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 172:34 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - Float::infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self == Float::infinity() || self == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 172:34 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 172:67 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - Float::neg_infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self == Float::infinity() || self == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 172:67 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 244:56 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs((1.0 / self) - Float::infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self > 0.0 || (1.0 / self) == Float::infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 244:56 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 251:60 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs((1.0 / self) - Float::neg_infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self < 0.0 || (1.0 / self) == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 251:60 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 81:66 warning: approximate value of `f64::PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const PI: f64 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 81:66 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 85:73 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_PI_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_2: f64 = 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 85:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 89:73 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_PI_3` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_3: f64 = 1.04719755119659774615421446109316763_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 89:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 93:74 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_PI_4` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_4: f64 = 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 93:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 97:73 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_PI_6` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_6: f64 = 0.52359877559829887307710723054658381_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 97:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 101:73 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_PI_8` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_PI_8: f64 = 0.39269908169872415480783042290993786_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 101:73 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 105:74 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_1_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_1_PI: f64 = 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 105:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 109:74 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_2_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_2_PI: f64 = 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 109:74 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 113:78 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_2_SQRT_PI: f64 = 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 113:78 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 117:70 warning: approximate value of `f64::SQRT_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const SQRT_2: f64 = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 117:70 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 121:78 warning: approximate value of `f64::FRAC_1_SQRT_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const FRAC_1_SQRT_2: f64 = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 121:78 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 125:65 warning: approximate value of `f64::E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const E: f64 = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 125:65 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 129:70 warning: approximate value of `f64::LOG2_E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LOG2_E: f64 = 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 129:70 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 133:72 warning: approximate value of `f64::LOG10_E` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LOG10_E: f64 = 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 133:72 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 137:69 warning: approximate value of `f64::LN_2` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LN_2: f64 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 137:69 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 141:69 warning: approximate value of `f64::LN_10` found. Consider using it directly [-W approx-constant]
src/libcore/num/ pub const LN_10: f64 = 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421_f64;
src/libcore/num/ 141:69 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(prev_sig - ..) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcore/num/ 94:14 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 161:2 note: in expansion of from_str_radix_float_impl!
src/libcore/num/ 163:39 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(prev_sig - ..) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcore/num/ 94:14 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 161:2 note: in expansion of from_str_radix_float_impl!
src/libcore/num/ 163:39 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 163:37 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 warning: equal expressions as operands to != [-W eq-op]
src/libcore/num/ fn is_nan(self) -> bool { self != self }
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 warning: !=-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - self) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ fn is_nan(self) -> bool { self != self }
src/libcore/num/ 167:43 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 172:34 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - Float::infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self == Float::infinity() || self == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 172:34 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 172:67 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(self - Float::neg_infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self == Float::infinity() || self == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 172:67 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 244:56 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs((1.0 / self) - Float::infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self > 0.0 || (1.0 / self) == Float::infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 244:56 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 251:60 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs((1.0 / self) - Float::neg_infinity()) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/ self < 0.0 || (1.0 / self) == Float::neg_infinity()
src/libcore/num/ 251:60 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 357:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_add`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 357:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 364:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_sub`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 364:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 371:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_mul`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 371:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 378:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_div`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 378:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 383:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_rem`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 383:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 388:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_neg`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 388:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 393:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_shl`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 393:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 398:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_shr`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 398:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 457:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_add`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 457:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 464:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_sub`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 464:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 471:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_mul`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 471:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 478:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_div`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 478:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 483:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_rem`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 483:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 488:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_neg`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 488:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 493:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_shl`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 493:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 498:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `overflowing_shr`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/ 498:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ 305:10 warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `buf`. Consider using `for (i, item) in buf.iter().enumerate()` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ for i in 0..len {
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ if mant.is_zero() { // following digits are all zeroes, we stop here
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ // do *not* try to perform rounding! rather, fill remaining digits.
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ for c in &mut buf[i..len] { *c = b'0'; }
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ return (len, k);
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ }
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ 305:10 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/ 305:10 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ 189:5 warning: item `Part<'a>` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ 189:5 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ 237:5 warning: item `Formatted<'a>` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
src/libcore/num/flt2dec/ 237:5 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 174:65 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(x as f32 - fp_to_float(Fp { f: x, e: 0 })) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ debug_assert!(x as f32 == fp_to_float(Fp { f: x, e: 0 }));
src/libcore/ 68:2 note: in expansion of assert!
src/libcore/ 129:69 note: expansion site
src/libcore/ 130:2 note: in expansion of debug_assert!
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 174:67 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 174:65 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 207:13 warning: returning the result of a let binding. Consider returning the expression directly. [-W let-and-return]
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ bits
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 207:13 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 206:51 note: this expression can be directly returned
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ let bits: u64 = unsafe { transmute(self) };
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 221:65 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(x as f64 - fp_to_float(Fp { f: x, e: 0 })) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ debug_assert!(x as f64 == fp_to_float(Fp { f: x, e: 0 }));
src/libcore/ 68:2 note: in expansion of assert!
src/libcore/ 129:69 note: expansion site
src/libcore/ 130:2 note: in expansion of debug_assert!
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 221:67 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 221:65 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 271:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `simplify`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/num/dec2flt/ 271:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/num/ 767:30 warning: equal expressions as operands to == [-W eq-op]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
src/libcore/num/ 1162:2 note: in expansion of uint_impl!
src/libcore/num/ 1173:43 note: expansion site
src/libcore/num/ 767:30 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 252:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `dropped_impl`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 252:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 44:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `new`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 44:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 118:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `read`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 118:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 128:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `read_and_drop`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 128:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 190:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/ pub unsafe fn as_ref<'a>(&self) -> Option<&'a T> where T: Sized {
src/libcore/ if self.is_null() {
src/libcore/ None
src/libcore/ } else {
src/libcore/ Some(&**self)
src/libcore/ }
src/libcore/ 190:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 239:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/ pub unsafe fn as_ref<'a>(&self) -> Option<&'a T> where T: Sized {
src/libcore/ if self.is_null() {
src/libcore/ None
src/libcore/ } else {
src/libcore/ Some(&**self)
src/libcore/ }
src/libcore/ 239:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 273:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/ pub unsafe fn as_mut<'a>(&self) -> Option<&'a mut T> where T: Sized {
src/libcore/ if self.is_null() {
src/libcore/ None
src/libcore/ } else {
src/libcore/ Some(&mut **self)
src/libcore/ }
src/libcore/ 273:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 46:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `clone_from`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 46:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 1354:6 warning: trait `ExactSizeIterator` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libcore/ fn len(&self) -> usize {
src/libcore/ let (lower, upper) = self.size_hint();
src/libcore/ // Note: This assertion is overly defensive, but it checks the invariant
src/libcore/ // guaranteed by the trait. If this trait were rust-internal,
src/libcore/ // we could use debug_assert!; assert_eq! will check all Rust user
src/libcore/ // implementations too.
src/libcore/ 1354:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 1949:34 warning: methods called `is_*` usually take self by reference or no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/libcore/ pub fn is_empty(&mut self) -> bool {
src/libcore/ 1949:34 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/ 682:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `size_from_ptr`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/ 682:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 632:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `next_match`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/str/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/str/ 632:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 900:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `byteset_contains`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/str/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/str/ 900:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 910:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `next`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/str/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/str/ 910:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 143:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `from_utf8_unchecked`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/str/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/str/ 143:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 619:6 warning: defining a method called `next` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::Iterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libcore/str/ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
src/libcore/str/ if self.finished { return None }
src/libcore/str/ let haystack = self.matcher.haystack();
src/libcore/str/ match self.matcher.next_match() {
src/libcore/str/ Some((a, b)) => unsafe {
src/libcore/str/ 619:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 696:6 warning: defining a method called `next` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::Iterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libcore/str/ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
src/libcore/str/ match self.count {
src/libcore/str/ 0 => None,
src/libcore/str/ 1 => { self.count = 0; self.iter.get_end() }
src/libcore/str/ _ => { self.count -= 1; }
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 696:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 734:6 warning: defining a method called `next` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::Iterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libcore/str/ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
src/libcore/str/ self.0.next_match()
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 734:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 773:6 warning: defining a method called `next` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::Iterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libcore/str/ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
src/libcore/str/ self.0.next_match().map(|(a, b)| unsafe {
src/libcore/str/ // Indices are known to be on utf8 boundaries
src/libcore/str/ self.0.haystack().slice_unchecked(a, b)
src/libcore/str/ })
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 773:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 917:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `run_utf8_validation_iterator`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcore/str/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcore/str/ 917:18 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1248:63 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool;
src/libcore/str/ 1248:63 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1249:68 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn contains_char<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool;
src/libcore/str/ 1249:68 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1253:68 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P>;
src/libcore/str/ 1253:68 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1256:84 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn splitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, count: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P>;
src/libcore/str/ 1256:84 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1259:89 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn split_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P>;
src/libcore/str/ 1259:89 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1262:72 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P>;
src/libcore/str/ 1262:72 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1265:83 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn match_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P>;
src/libcore/str/ 1265:83 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1275:66 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool;
src/libcore/str/ 1275:66 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1280:75 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str;
src/libcore/str/ 1280:75 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1289:68 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>;
src/libcore/str/ 1289:68 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1292:72 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn find_str<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>;
src/libcore/str/ 1292:72 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1314:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
src/libcore/str/ pat.is_contained_in(self)
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1314:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1319:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn contains_char<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
src/libcore/str/ pat.is_contained_in(self)
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1319:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1345:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P> {
src/libcore/str/ Split(SplitInternal {
src/libcore/str/ start: 0,
src/libcore/str/ end: self.len(),
src/libcore/str/ matcher: pat.into_searcher(self),
src/libcore/str/ allow_trailing_empty: true,
src/libcore/str/ 1345:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1360:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn splitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, count: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P> {
src/libcore/str/ SplitN(SplitNInternal {
src/libcore/str/ iter: self.split(pat).0,
src/libcore/str/ count: count,
src/libcore/str/ })
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1360:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1375:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn split_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P> {
src/libcore/str/ SplitTerminator(SplitInternal {
src/libcore/str/ allow_trailing_empty: false,
src/libcore/str/ ..self.split(pat).0
src/libcore/str/ })
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1375:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1387:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P> {
src/libcore/str/ Matches(MatchesInternal(pat.into_searcher(self)))
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1387:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1399:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn match_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P> {
src/libcore/str/ MatchIndices(MatchIndicesInternal(pat.into_searcher(self)))
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1399:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1463:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
src/libcore/str/ pat.is_prefix_of(self)
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1463:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1504:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str {
src/libcore/str/ let mut i = self.len();
src/libcore/str/ let mut matcher = pat.into_searcher(self);
src/libcore/str/ if let Some((a, _)) = matcher.next_reject() {
src/libcore/str/ i = a;
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1504:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1584:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize> {
src/libcore/str/ pat.into_searcher(self).next_match().map(|(i, _)| i)
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1584:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/str/ 1594:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcore/str/ fn find_str<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize> {
src/libcore/str/ self.find(pat)
src/libcore/str/ }
src/libcore/str/ 1594:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/hash/ 152:72 warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary. Consider adding parentheses to the subexpression [-W precedence]
src/libcore/hash/ self.tail |= u8to64_le!(msg, 0, length) << 8*self.ntail;
src/libcore/hash/ 152:72 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary. Consider adding parentheses to the subexpression [-W precedence]
src/libcore/hash/ out |= ($buf[t+$i] as u64) << t*8;
src/libcore/hash/ 72:2 note: in expansion of u8to64_le!
src/libcore/hash/ 152:56 note: expansion site
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/hash/ 157:75 warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary. Consider adding parentheses to the subexpression [-W precedence]
src/libcore/hash/ let m = self.tail | u8to64_le!(msg, 0, needed) << 8*self.ntail;
src/libcore/hash/ 157:75 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary. Consider adding parentheses to the subexpression [-W precedence]
src/libcore/hash/ out |= ($buf[t+$i] as u64) << t*8;
src/libcore/hash/ 72:2 note: in expansion of u8to64_le!
src/libcore/hash/ 157:59 note: expansion site
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 help: for further information visit
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary. Consider adding parentheses to the subexpression [-W precedence]
src/libcore/hash/ out |= ($buf[t+$i] as u64) << t*8;
src/libcore/hash/ 72:2 note: in expansion of u8to64_le!
src/libcore/hash/ 183:45 note: expansion site
src/libcore/hash/ 67:46 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libcore-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libcore-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liblibc-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblibc-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liblibc-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liblibc-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblibc-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/liblibc/
src/liblibc/ 3423:53 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `1` [-W identity-op]
src/liblibc/ pub const GLOB_ERR : c_int = 1 << 0;
src/liblibc/ 3423:53 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for liblibc-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for liblibc-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librand-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librand-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librand-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'librand-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librand-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/librand/
src/librand/distributions/ 189:31 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(k - 1.0) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/librand/distributions/ let repr = if k == 1.0 {
src/librand/distributions/ 189:31 help: for further information visit
src/librand/distributions/ 176:48 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `self.items[idx + 1].item.clone()` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/librand/distributions/ return self.items[idx + 1].item.clone();
src/librand/distributions/ 176:48 help: for further information visit
src/librand/distributions/ 197:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `ziggurat`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/librand/distributions/ #[inline(always)]
src/librand/distributions/ 197:18 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 262:19 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `ret` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/librand/ return ret;
src/librand/ 262:19 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 387:45 warning: equal expressions as operands to == [-W eq-op]
(internal compiler error: unprintable span)
src/librand/ 399:18 note: in expansion of rngstepp!
src/librand/ 419:34 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/librand/ 423:14 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/librand/ 424:10 note: expansion site
src/librand/ 387:45 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 505:19 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `ret` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/librand/ return ret;
src/librand/ 505:19 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 98:44 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `counter_low` [-W identity-op]
src/librand/ self.state[12] = (counter_low >> 0) as u32;
src/librand/ 98:44 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 100:45 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `counter_high` [-W identity-op]
src/librand/ self.state[14] = (counter_high >> 0) as u32;
src/librand/ 100:45 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 131:10 warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `key`. Consider using `for (i, item) in key.iter().enumerate()` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/librand/ for i in 0..KEY_WORDS {
src/librand/ self.state[4+i] = key[i];
src/librand/ }
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/librand/ 131:10 note: expansion site
src/librand/ 131:10 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 212:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `gen`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/librand/ #[inline(always)]
src/librand/ 212:22 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 221:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librand/ fn gen_iter<'a, T: Rand>(&'a mut self) -> Generator<'a, T, Self> {
src/librand/ Generator { rng: self, _marker: PhantomData }
src/librand/ }
src/librand/ 221:6 help: for further information visit
src/librand/ 247:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librand/ fn gen_ascii_chars<'a>(&'a mut self) -> AsciiGenerator<'a, Self> {
src/librand/ AsciiGenerator { rng: self }
src/librand/ }
src/librand/ 247:6 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for librand-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for librand-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc_system-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_system-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc_system-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liballoc_system-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_system-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/liballoc_system/
info: now are following matches for liballoc_system-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for liballoc_system-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liballoc-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/liballoc/
src/liballoc/ 32:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `check_size_and_alignment`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 32:18 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 210:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `new`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 210:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 258:34 warning: methods called `into_*` usually take self by value; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/liballoc/ pub fn into_raw(b: Box<T>) -> *mut T {
src/liballoc/ 258:34 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 495:31 warning: methods called `is_*` usually take self by reference or no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/liballoc/ fn is_unique(&mut self) -> bool {
src/liballoc/ 495:31 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 662:40 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `Weak { _ptr: self._ptr }` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/liballoc/ return Weak { _ptr: self._ptr }
src/liballoc/ 662:40 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 419:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `deref`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 419:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 534:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `eq`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 534:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 550:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `ne`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 550:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 572:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `partial_cmp`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 572:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 590:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `lt`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 590:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 606:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `le`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 606:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 622:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `gt`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 622:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 638:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `ge`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 638:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 855:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `inner`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 855:22 help: for further information visit
src/liballoc/ 869:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `inner`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liballoc/ #[inline(always)]
src/liballoc/ 869:22 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for liballoc-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for liballoc-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librustc_unicode-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_unicode-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librustc_unicode-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'librustc_unicode-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_unicode-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/librustc_unicode/
src/librustc_unicode/ 26:66 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/librustc_unicode/ inner: Filter<Split<'a, fn(char) -> bool>, fn(&&str) -> bool>,
src/librustc_unicode/ 26:66 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 32:62 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librustc_unicode/ fn split_whitespace<'a>(&'a self) -> SplitWhitespace<'a>;
src/librustc_unicode/ 32:62 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 35:38 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librustc_unicode/ fn trim<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str;
src/librustc_unicode/ 35:38 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 36:43 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librustc_unicode/ fn trim_left<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str;
src/librustc_unicode/ 36:43 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 37:44 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librustc_unicode/ fn trim_right<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str;
src/librustc_unicode/ 37:44 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 97:48 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `UTF8_CHAR_WIDTH[b as usize] as usize` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/librustc_unicode/ return UTF8_CHAR_WIDTH[b as usize] as usize;
src/librustc_unicode/ 97:48 help: for further information visit
src/librustc_unicode/ 206:2 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librustc_unicode/ pub fn utf16_items<'a>(v: &'a [u16]) -> Utf16Items<'a> {
src/librustc_unicode/ Utf16Items { decoder: decode_utf16(v.iter().cloned()) }
src/librustc_unicode/ }
src/librustc_unicode/ 206:2 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for librustc_unicode-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for librustc_unicode-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcollections-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcollections-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcollections-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libcollections-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcollections-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libcollections/
src/libcollections/ 608:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `pos`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 608:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 612:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `removed`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 612:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 622:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `get`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 622:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 631:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `move_to`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 631:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 353:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn as_slices<'a>(&'a self) -> (&'a [K], &'a [V]) {
src/libcollections/btree/ unsafe {(
src/libcollections/btree/ slice::from_raw_parts(*self.keys, self.len()),
src/libcollections/btree/ slice::from_raw_parts(*self.vals, self.len()),
src/libcollections/btree/ )}
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 353:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 361:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn as_slices_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> (&'a mut [K], &'a mut [V]) {
src/libcollections/btree/ unsafe {(
src/libcollections/btree/ slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*self.keys, self.len()),
src/libcollections/btree/ slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*self.vals, self.len()),
src/libcollections/btree/ )}
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 361:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 386:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn as_slices_internal<'b>(&'b self) -> NodeSlice<'b, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ let is_leaf = self.is_leaf();
src/libcollections/btree/ let (keys, vals) = self.as_slices();
src/libcollections/btree/ let edges: &[_] = if self.is_leaf() {
src/libcollections/btree/ &[]
src/libcollections/btree/ } else {
src/libcollections/btree/ 386:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 413:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn as_slices_internal_mut<'b>(&'b mut self) -> MutNodeSlice<'b, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ let len = self.len();
src/libcollections/btree/ let is_leaf = self.is_leaf();
src/libcollections/btree/ let keys = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*self.keys, len) };
src/libcollections/btree/ let vals = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*self.vals, len) };
src/libcollections/btree/ let edges: &mut [_] = if is_leaf {
src/libcollections/btree/ 413:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 418:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn keys<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [K] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices().0
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 418:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 423:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn keys_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [K] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_mut().0
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 423:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 428:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn vals<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [V] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices().1
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 428:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 433:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn vals_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [V] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_mut().1
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 433:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 438:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn edges<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [Node<K, V>] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_internal().edges
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 438:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 443:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn edges_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [Node<K, V>] {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_internal_mut().edges
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 443:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 659:44 warning: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub unsafe fn from_raw<'a>(&'a self) -> Handle<&'a Node<K, V>, Type, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ 659:44 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 670:52 warning: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub unsafe fn from_raw_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, Type, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ 670:52 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 665:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub unsafe fn from_raw<'a>(&'a self) -> Handle<&'a Node<K, V>, Type, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &*self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 665:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 676:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub unsafe fn from_raw_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, Type, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &mut *self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 676:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 865:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ unsafe fn left_kv<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, handle::KV, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &mut *self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index - 1,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 865:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 876:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ unsafe fn right_kv<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, handle::KV, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &mut *self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 876:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 968:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn left_edge<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, handle::Edge, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &mut *self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 968:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 978:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn right_edge<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Handle<&'a mut Node<K, V>, handle::Edge, NodeType> {
src/libcollections/btree/ Handle {
src/libcollections/btree/ node: &mut *self.node,
src/libcollections/btree/ index: self.index + 1,
src/libcollections/btree/ marker: PhantomData,
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 978:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1117:6 warning: defining a method called `into_iter` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::IntoIterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn into_iter(self) -> MoveTraversal<K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ unsafe {
src/libcollections/btree/ let ret = MoveTraversal {
src/libcollections/btree/ inner: MoveTraversalImpl {
src/libcollections/btree/ keys: RawItems::from_slice(self.keys()),
src/libcollections/btree/ vals: RawItems::from_slice(self.vals()),
src/libcollections/btree/ 1117:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1092:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Traversal<'a, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_internal().iter()
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 1092:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1096:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn iter_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> MutTraversal<'a, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ self.as_slices_internal_mut().iter_mut()
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 1096:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1203:13 warning: returning the result of a let binding. Consider returning the expression directly. [-W let-and-return]
src/libcollections/btree/ edge
src/libcollections/btree/ 1203:13 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1201:73 note: this expression can be directly returned
src/libcollections/btree/ let edge = ptr::read(self.edges().get_unchecked(self.len() + 1));
src/libcollections/btree/ 105:60 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libcollections/btree/ inner: Map<Iter<'a, K, V>, fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a K>
src/libcollections/btree/ 105:60 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 111:60 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libcollections/btree/ inner: Map<Iter<'a, K, V>, fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a V>
src/libcollections/btree/ 111:60 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 772:26 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `SearchStack {
stack: self.stack,
top: leaf_handle.as_raw()
}` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libcollections/btree/ return SearchStack {
src/libcollections/btree/ map:,
src/libcollections/btree/ stack: self.stack,
src/libcollections/btree/ top: leaf_handle.as_raw()
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 772:26 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1301:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn keys<'a>(&'a self) -> Keys<'a, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ fn first<A, B>((a, _): (A, B)) -> A { a }
src/libcollections/btree/ let first: fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a K = first; // coerce to fn pointer
src/libcollections/btree/ Keys { inner: self.iter().map(first) }
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 1301:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 1323:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/btree/ pub fn values<'a>(&'a self) -> Values<'a, K, V> {
src/libcollections/btree/ fn second<A, B>((_, b): (A, B)) -> B { b }
src/libcollections/btree/ let second: fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a V = second; // coerce to fn pointer
src/libcollections/btree/ Values { inner: self.iter().map(second) }
src/libcollections/btree/ }
src/libcollections/btree/ 1323:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 50:62 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libcollections/btree/ iter: Map<::btree_map::IntoIter<T, ()>, fn((T, ())) -> T>
src/libcollections/btree/ 50:62 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/btree/ 55:75 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libcollections/btree/ iter: Map<::btree_map::Range<'a, T, ()>, fn((&'a T, &'a ())) -> &'a T>
src/libcollections/btree/ 55:75 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 126:32 warning: methods called `to_*` usually take self by reference; consider choosing a less ambiguous name [-W wrong-self-convention]
src/libcollections/ pub fn to_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <B as ToOwned>::Owned {
src/libcollections/ 126:32 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 112:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ unsafe fn resolve<'a>(&self) -> Option<&'a T> {
src/libcollections/ self.p.as_ref()
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 112:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 122:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ unsafe fn resolve_mut<'a>(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
src/libcollections/ self.p.as_mut()
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 122:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1111:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `step`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 1111:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 229:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `as_bytes`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libcollections/ #[inline(always)]
src/libcollections/ 229:22 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 684:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::contains(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 684:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 696:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::starts_with(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 696:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 755:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::find(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 755:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 877:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::split(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 877:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 963:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn split_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::split_terminator(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 963:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1048:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn splitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, count: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::splitn(self, count, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 1048:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1127:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::matches(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 1127:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1207:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn match_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P> {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::match_indices(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 1207:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1344:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str {
src/libcollections/ core_str::StrExt::trim_left_matches(self, pat)
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 1344:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1488:17 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `s` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libcollections/ return s;
src/libcollections/ 1488:17 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 250:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libcollections/ pub fn from_utf8_lossy<'a>(v: &'a [u8]) -> Cow<'a, str> {
src/libcollections/ let mut i;
src/libcollections/ match str::from_utf8(v) {
src/libcollections/ Ok(s) => return Cow::Borrowed(s),
src/libcollections/ Err(e) => i = e.valid_up_to(),
src/libcollections/ }
src/libcollections/ 250:6 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 552:14 warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `v`. Consider using `for (i, item) in v.iter().enumerate()` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/libcollections/ for i in 0..len {
src/libcollections/ if !f(&v[i]) {
src/libcollections/ del += 1;
src/libcollections/ } else if del > 0 {
src/libcollections/ v.swap(i-del, i);
src/libcollections/ }
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcollections/ 552:14 note: expansion site
src/libcollections/ 552:14 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1297:20 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `elem` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libcollections/ return elem;
src/libcollections/ 1297:20 help: for further information visit
src/libcollections/ 1430:10 warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `self`. Consider using `for (i, item) in self.iter().enumerate()` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/libcollections/ for i in 0..len {
src/libcollections/ if !f(&self[i]) {
src/libcollections/ del += 1;
src/libcollections/ } else if del > 0 {
src/libcollections/ self.swap(i-del, i);
src/libcollections/ }
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libcollections/ 1430:10 note: expansion site
src/libcollections/ 1430:10 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libcollections-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libcollections-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc_jemalloc-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_jemalloc-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liballoc_jemalloc-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liballoc_jemalloc-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_jemalloc-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/liballoc_jemalloc/
info: now are following matches for liballoc_jemalloc-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for liballoc_jemalloc-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libstd-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libstd-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libstd-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libstd-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libstd/
src/libstd/ 197:18 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `me` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/ return me
src/libstd/ 197:18 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/ 204:18 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `me` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/ return me
src/libstd/ 204:18 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 143:22 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `inspect`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ #[inline(always)]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 143:22 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 703:6 warning: defining a method called `into_iter` on this type; consider implementing the `std::iter::IntoIterator` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<K, V> {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let RawBuckets { raw, hashes_end, .. } = self.raw_buckets();
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // Replace the marker regardless of lifetime bounds on parameters.
src/libstd/collections/hash/ IntoIter {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ iter: RawBuckets {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ raw: raw,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 703:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 355:10 warning: this if statement can be collapsed [-W collapsible-if]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if hash == full.hash() {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // If the key doesn't match, it can't be this one..
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if is_match( {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ return FoundExisting(full);
src/libstd/collections/hash/ }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 355:10 help: try
if hash == full.hash() && (is_match( {
return FoundExisting(full);
for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 437:2 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ fn robin_hood<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a>(mut bucket: FullBucketMut<'a, K, V>,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ mut ib: usize,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ mut hash: SafeHash,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ mut k: K,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ mut v: V)
src/libstd/collections/hash/ -> &'a mut V {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 437:2 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 819:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ fn insert_or_replace_with<'a, F>(&'a mut self,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ hash: SafeHash,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ k: K,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ v: V,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ mut found_existing: F)
src/libstd/collections/hash/ -> &'a mut V where
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 819:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 807:14 warning: this if statement can be collapsed [-W collapsible-if]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if bucket.hash() == hash {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // key matches?
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if k == *bucket.read_mut().0 {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let (bucket_k, bucket_v) = bucket.into_mut_refs();
src/libstd/collections/hash/ debug_assert!(k == *bucket_k);
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // Key already exists. Get its reference.
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 807:14 help: try
if bucket.hash() == hash && k == *bucket.read_mut().0 {
let (bucket_k, bucket_v) = bucket.into_mut_refs();
debug_assert!(k == *bucket_k);
// Key already exists. Get its reference.
found_existing(bucket_k, bucket_v, k, v);
return bucket_v;
for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 844:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ pub fn keys<'a>(&'a self) -> Keys<'a, K, V> {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ fn first<A, B>((a, _): (A, B)) -> A { a }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let first: fn((&'a K,&'a V)) -> &'a K = first; // coerce to fn ptr
src/libstd/collections/hash/ Keys { inner: self.iter().map(first) }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 844:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 869:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ pub fn values<'a>(&'a self) -> Values<'a, K, V> {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ fn second<A, B>((_, b): (A, B)) -> B { b }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let second: fn((&'a K,&'a V)) -> &'a V = second; // coerce to fn ptr
src/libstd/collections/hash/ Values { inner: self.iter().map(second) }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ }
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 869:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1206:2 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ fn search_entry_hashed<'a, K: Eq, V>(table: &'a mut RawTable<K,V>, hash: SafeHash, k: K)
src/libstd/collections/hash/ -> Entry<'a, K, V>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // Worst case, we'll find one empty bucket among `size + 1` buckets.
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let size = table.size();
src/libstd/collections/hash/ let mut probe = Bucket::new(table, hash);
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1206:2 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1190:10 warning: this if statement can be collapsed [-W collapsible-if]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if bucket.hash() == hash {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ // key matches?
src/libstd/collections/hash/ if k == * {
src/libstd/collections/hash/ return Occupied(OccupiedEntry{
src/libstd/collections/hash/ elem: bucket,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ });
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1190:10 help: try
if bucket.hash() == hash && k == * {
return Occupied(OccupiedEntry{
elem: bucket,
for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1282:76 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ inner: iter::Map<table::IntoIter<K, V>, fn((SafeHash, K, V)) -> (K, V)>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1282:76 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1288:60 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ inner: Map<Iter<'a, K, V>, fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a K>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1288:60 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1303:60 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ inner: Map<Iter<'a, K, V>, fn((&'a K, &'a V)) -> &'a V>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1303:60 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1320:77 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ inner: iter::Map<table::Drain<'a, K, V>, fn((SafeHash, K, V)) -> (K, V)>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 1320:77 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 815:54 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ iter: Map<map::IntoIter<K, ()>, fn((K, ())) -> K>
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 815:54 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 821:55 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/collections/hash/ iter: Map<map::Drain<'a, K, ()>, fn((K, ())) -> K>,
src/libstd/collections/hash/ 821:55 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/ 75:22 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `newvar` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/ return newvar;
src/libstd/ 75:22 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/ 563:5 warning: item `Metadata` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libstd/ pub fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.0.size() }
src/libstd/ 563:5 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/io/ 778:17 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `w` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/io/ return w;
src/libstd/io/ 778:17 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/net/ 433:22 warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `segments`. Consider using `for (i, item) in segments.iter().enumerate()` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/libstd/net/ for i in 0..8 {
src/libstd/net/ if segments[i] == 0 {
src/libstd/net/ if cur_span_len == 0 {
src/libstd/net/ cur_span_at = i;
src/libstd/net/ }
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libstd/net/ 433:22 note: expansion site
src/libstd/net/ 433:22 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/net/ 66:92 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/net/ fn read_or<T>(&mut self, parsers: &mut [Box<FnMut(&mut Parser) -> Option<T> + 'static>])
src/libstd/net/ 66:92 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/net/ 214:37 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `i` [-W identity-op]
src/libstd/net/ groups[i + 0] = ((octets[0] as u16) << 8) | (octets[1] as u16);
note: in expansion of if let expansion
src/libstd/net/ 217:22 note: expansion site
src/libstd/net/ 214:37 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/ 292:5 warning: item `Prefix<'a>` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libstd/ fn len(&self) -> usize {
src/libstd/ 292:5 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 255:28 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `ready_id` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ return ready_id;
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 255:28 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 79:17 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `p` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ return p;
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 79:17 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 403:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ unsafe fn inner_mut<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a mut Flavor<T> {
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ &mut *self.inner_unsafe().get()
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ }
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 403:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 406:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ unsafe fn inner<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Flavor<T> {
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ &*self.inner_unsafe().get()
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ }
src/libstd/sync/mpsc/ 406:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/ 180:6 warning: defining a method called `from_str` on this type; consider implementing the `std::str::FromStr` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libstd/sys/common/ pub fn from_str(str: &str) -> Wtf8Buf {
src/libstd/sys/common/ Wtf8Buf { bytes: <[_]>::to_vec(str.as_bytes()) }
src/libstd/sys/common/ }
src/libstd/sys/common/ 180:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/ 474:5 warning: item `Wtf8` has a `.len(_: &Self)` method, but no `.is_empty(_: &Self)` method. Consider adding one [-W len-without-is-empty]
src/libstd/sys/common/ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
src/libstd/sys/common/ 474:5 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/ 461:6 warning: defining a method called `from_str` on this type; consider implementing the `std::str::FromStr` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libstd/sys/common/ pub fn from_str(value: &str) -> &Wtf8 {
src/libstd/sys/common/ unsafe { Wtf8::from_bytes_unchecked(value.as_bytes()) }
src/libstd/sys/common/ }
src/libstd/sys/common/ 461:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 132:40 warning: equal expressions as operands to || [-W eq-op]
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ let selfname = if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "dragonfly") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "bitrig") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "openbsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 132:40 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 131:40 warning: equal expressions as operands to || [-W eq-op]
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ let selfname = if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "dragonfly") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "bitrig") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "openbsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 131:40 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 130:39 warning: equal expressions as operands to || [-W eq-op]
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ let selfname = if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "dragonfly") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "bitrig") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 130:39 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 129:42 warning: equal expressions as operands to || [-W eq-op]
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ let selfname = if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ cfg!(target_os = "dragonfly") ||
src/libstd/sys/common/gnu/ 129:42 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/ 75:78 warning: equal expressions as operands to || [-W eq-op]
src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/ let symaddr = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") || cfg!(target_os = "ios") {
src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/ 75:78 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 134:45 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions [-W type-complexity]
src/libstd/sys/unix/ iter: iter::Map<slice::Split<'a, u8, fn(&u8) -> bool>,
src/libstd/sys/unix/ fn(&'a [u8]) -> PathBuf>,
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 134:45 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 67:6 warning: defining a method called `from_str` on this type; consider implementing the `std::str::FromStr` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libstd/sys/unix/ pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> &Slice {
src/libstd/sys/unix/ Slice::from_u8_slice(s.as_bytes())
src/libstd/sys/unix/ }
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 67:6 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 198:56 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `d` [-W identity-op]
src/libstd/sys/unix/ ((a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | (d << 0)) as i32
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 198:56 help: for further information visit
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 246:29 warning: the operation is ineffective. Consider reducing it to `errno` [-W identity-op]
src/libstd/sys/unix/ (errno >> 0) as u8,
src/libstd/sys/unix/ 246:29 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libstd-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libstd-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libflate-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libflate-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libflate-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libflate-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libflate-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libflate-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libflate/
info: now are following matches for libflate-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libflate-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libarena-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libarena-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libarena-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libarena-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libarena-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libarena-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libarena/
info: now are following matches for libarena-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libarena-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liblog-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liblog-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblog-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'liblog-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'liblog-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblog-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/liblog/
src/liblog/ 326:18 warning: you have declared `#[inline(always)]` on `log_level`. This is usually a bad idea. Are you sure? [-W inline-always]
src/liblog/ #[inline(always)]
src/liblog/ 326:18 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for liblog-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for liblog-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libterm-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libterm-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libterm-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libterm-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libterm-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libterm-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libterm/
src/libterm/terminfo/parser/ 298:55 warning: `name.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libterm/terminfo/parser/ string_map.insert(name.to_string(),
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libterm/terminfo/parser/ 307:10 note: expansion site
src/libterm/terminfo/parser/ 298:55 help: for further information visit
src/libterm/terminfo/ 163:52 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libterm/terminfo/ fn get_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T { &self.out }
src/libterm/terminfo/ 163:52 help: for further information visit
src/libterm/terminfo/ 165:64 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libterm/terminfo/ fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T { &mut self.out }
src/libterm/terminfo/ 165:64 help: for further information visit
src/libterm/ 247:39 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libterm/ fn get_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T;
src/libterm/ 247:39 help: for further information visit
src/libterm/ 250:47 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libterm/ fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T;
src/libterm/ 250:47 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libterm-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libterm-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libserialize-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libserialize-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libserialize-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libserialize-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libserialize-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libserialize-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libserialize/
src/libserialize/ 24:30 warning: I see you're using a LinkedList! Perhaps you meant some other data structure? [-W linkedlist]
src/libserialize/ > Encodable for LinkedList<T> {
src/libserialize/ 24:30 help: a RingBuf might work
for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 35:46 warning: I see you're using a LinkedList! Perhaps you meant some other data structure? [-W linkedlist]
src/libserialize/ impl<T:Decodable> Decodable for LinkedList<T> {
src/libserialize/ 35:46 help: a RingBuf might work
for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 36:61 warning: I see you're using a LinkedList! Perhaps you meant some other data structure? [-W linkedlist]
src/libserialize/ fn decode<D: Decoder>(d: &mut D) -> Result<LinkedList<T>, D::Error> {
src/libserialize/ 36:61 help: a RingBuf might work
for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1082:10 warning: instead of prefixing all patterns with `&`, you can dereference the expression to match: `match *self { ...` [-W match-ref-pats]
src/libserialize/ match self {
src/libserialize/ &Json::Object(ref map) => {
src/libserialize/ match map.get(key) {
src/libserialize/ Some(json_value) => Some(json_value),
src/libserialize/ None => {
src/libserialize/ for (_, v) in map {
src/libserialize/ 1082:10 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1235:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libserialize/ fn index<'a>(&'a self, idx: usize) -> &'a Json {
src/libserialize/ match *self {
src/libserialize/ Json::Array(ref v) => &v[idx],
src/libserialize/ _ => panic!("can only index Json with usize if it is an array")
src/libserialize/ }
src/libserialize/ }
src/libserialize/ 1235:6 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1321:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libserialize/ pub fn get<'l>(&'l self, idx: usize) -> StackElement<'l> {
src/libserialize/ match self.stack[idx] {
src/libserialize/ InternalIndex(i) => StackElement::Index(i),
src/libserialize/ InternalKey(start, size) => {
src/libserialize/ StackElement::Key(str::from_utf8(
src/libserialize/ &self.str_buffer[start as usize .. start as usize + size as usize])
src/libserialize/ 1321:6 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1364:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libserialize/ pub fn top<'l>(&'l self) -> Option<StackElement<'l>> {
src/libserialize/ match self.stack.last() {
src/libserialize/ None => None,
src/libserialize/ Some(&InternalIndex(i)) => Some(StackElement::Index(i)),
src/libserialize/ Some(&InternalKey(start, size)) => {
src/libserialize/ Some(StackElement::Key(str::from_utf8(
src/libserialize/ 1364:6 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1398:10 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `match *self.stack.last().unwrap() {
InternalIndex(_) => true,
_ => false,
}` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libserialize/ return match *self.stack.last().unwrap() {
src/libserialize/ InternalIndex(_) => true,
src/libserialize/ _ => false,
src/libserialize/ }
src/libserialize/ 1398:10 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 1468:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libserialize/ pub fn stack<'l>(&'l self) -> &'l Stack {
src/libserialize/ &self.stack
src/libserialize/ }
src/libserialize/ 1468:6 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2185:14 warning: you seem to be trying to use match for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let` [-W single-match]
src/libserialize/ match (, {
src/libserialize/ // exactly one character
src/libserialize/ (Some(c), None) => return Ok(c),
src/libserialize/ _ => ()
src/libserialize/ }
src/libserialize/ 2185:14 help: try
if let (Some(c), None) = (, { return Ok(c) }
for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2216:53 warning: `"fields".to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libserialize/ match o.remove(&"fields".to_string()) {
src/libserialize/ 2216:53 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2282:55 warning: `name.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libserialize/ let value = match obj.remove(&name.to_string()) {
src/libserialize/ 2282:55 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2289:76 warning: `name.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libserialize/ Err(_) => return Err(MissingFieldError(name.to_string())),
src/libserialize/ 2289:76 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2389:41 warning: `err.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libserialize/ ApplicationError(err.to_string())
src/libserialize/ 2389:41 help: for further information visit
src/libserialize/ 2449:62 warning: `self.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/libserialize/ fn to_json(&self) -> Json { Json::String(self.to_string()) }
src/libserialize/ 2449:62 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libserialize-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libserialize-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libgetopts-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libgetopts-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgetopts-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libgetopts-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libgetopts-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgetopts-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libgetopts/
src/libgetopts/ 234:6 warning: defining a method called `from_str` on this type; consider implementing the `std::str::FromStr` trait or choosing a less ambiguous name [-W should-implement-trait]
src/libgetopts/ fn from_str(nm: &str) -> Name {
src/libgetopts/ if nm.len() == 1 {
src/libgetopts/ Short(nm.char_at(0))
src/libgetopts/ } else {
src/libgetopts/ Long(nm.to_owned())
src/libgetopts/ }
src/libgetopts/ 234:6 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libgetopts-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libgetopts-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librbml-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'librbml-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librbml-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librbml-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'librbml-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librbml-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/librbml/
src/librbml/ 158:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn get<'a>(&'a self, tag: usize) -> Doc<'a> {
src/librbml/ reader::get_doc(*self, tag)
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ 158:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 166:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn as_str_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str {
src/librbml/ str::from_utf8(&[self.start..self.end]).unwrap()
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ 166:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 169:40 warning: `self.as_str_slice().to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/librbml/ self.as_str_slice().to_string()
src/librbml/ 169:40 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 374:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn doc_at<'a>(data: &'a [u8], start: usize) -> DecodeResult<TaggedDoc<'a>> {
src/librbml/ let elt_tag = try!(tag_at(data, start));
src/librbml/ let elt_size = try!(tag_len_at(data, elt_tag));
src/librbml/ let end = + elt_size.val;
src/librbml/ Ok(TaggedDoc {
src/librbml/ tag: elt_tag.val,
src/librbml/ 374:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 388:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn maybe_get_doc<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tg: usize) -> Option<Doc<'a>> {
src/librbml/ let mut pos = d.start;
src/librbml/ while pos < d.end {
src/librbml/ let elt_tag = try_or!(tag_at(, pos), None);
src/librbml/ let elt_size = try_or!(tag_len_at(, elt_tag), None);
src/librbml/ pos = + elt_size.val;
src/librbml/ 388:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 398:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn get_doc<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tg: usize) -> Doc<'a> {
src/librbml/ match maybe_get_doc(d, tg) {
src/librbml/ Some(d) => d,
src/librbml/ None => {
src/librbml/ error!("failed to find block with tag {:?}", tg);
src/librbml/ panic!();
src/librbml/ 398:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 404:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn docs<'a>(d: Doc<'a>) -> DocsIterator<'a> {
src/librbml/ DocsIterator {
src/librbml/ d: d
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ 404:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 435:44 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `Some((elt_tag.val, doc))` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/librbml/ return Some((elt_tag.val, doc));
src/librbml/ 435:44 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 444:6 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/librbml/ pub fn tagged_docs<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tag: usize) -> TaggedDocsIterator<'a> {
src/librbml/ TaggedDocsIterator {
src/librbml/ iter: docs(d),
src/librbml/ tag: tag,
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ }
src/librbml/ 444:6 help: for further information visit
src/librbml/ 858:45 warning: `err.to_owned()` is faster [-W str-to-string]
src/librbml/ ApplicationError(err.to_string())
src/librbml/ 858:45 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for librbml-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for librbml-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libtest-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libtest-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libtest-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libtest-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libtest-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libtest-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libtest/
src/libtest/ 25:21 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(x - y) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libtest/ } else if x == y {
src/libtest/ 25:21 help: for further information visit
src/libtest/ 185:14 warning: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `partials`. Consider using `for item in &partials` or similar iterators [-W needless-range-loop]
src/libtest/ for i in 0..partials.len() {
src/libtest/ let mut y: f64 = partials[i];
src/libtest/ if x.abs() < y.abs() {
src/libtest/ mem::swap(&mut x, &mut y);
src/libtest/ }
src/libtest/ // Rounded `x+y` is stored in `hi` with round-off stored in
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libtest/ 185:14 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/libtest/ 192:10 note: expansion site
src/libtest/ 185:14 help: for further information visit
src/libtest/ 293:22 warning: ==-comparison of f32 or f64 detected. Consider changing this to `abs(pct - hundred) < epsilon` for some suitable value of epsilon [-W float-cmp]
src/libtest/ if pct == hundred {
src/libtest/ 293:22 help: for further information visit
src/libtest/ 622:27 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `Ok(success)` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libtest/ return Ok(success);
src/libtest/ 622:27 help: for further information visit
src/libtest/ 724:33 warning: unneeded return statement. Consider using `st.write_run_finish()` without the return and trailing semicolon [-W needless-return]
src/libtest/ return st.write_run_finish();
src/libtest/ 724:33 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libtest-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libtest-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libgraphviz-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libgraphviz-*.so' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgraphviz-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libgraphviz-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'libgraphviz-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgraphviz-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/libgraphviz/
src/libgraphviz/ 543:10 warning: instead of prefixing all patterns with `&`, you can dereference the expression to match: `match *self { ...` [-W match-ref-pats]
src/libgraphviz/ match self {
src/libgraphviz/ &LabelStr(ref s) => format!("\"{}\"", s.escape_default()),
src/libgraphviz/ &EscStr(ref s) => format!("\"{}\"", LabelText::escape_str(&s[..])),
src/libgraphviz/ &HtmlStr(ref s) => format!("<{}>", s),
src/libgraphviz/ }
src/libgraphviz/ 543:10 help: for further information visit
src/libgraphviz/ 624:2 warning: explicit lifetimes given in parameter types where they could be elided [-W needless-lifetimes]
src/libgraphviz/ pub fn render<'a, N:Clone+'a, E:Clone+'a, G:Labeller<'a,N,E>+GraphWalk<'a,N,E>, W:Write>(
src/libgraphviz/ g: &'a G,
src/libgraphviz/ w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
src/libgraphviz/ render_opts(g, w, &[])
src/libgraphviz/ }
src/libgraphviz/ 624:2 help: for further information visit
info: now are following matches for libgraphviz-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for libgraphviz-*.rlib libraries:
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librustc_bitflags-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES="i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_bitflags-a5fc0d6c.rlib"; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'librustc_bitflags-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
warning: removing previous 'librustc_bitflags-*.rlib' libraries: i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_bitflags-a5fc0d6c.rlib
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc --cfg stage2 -O --cfg rtopt -L ~/projects/rust-clippy/target/release/ -Z extra-plugins=clippy -W clippy -A shadow-unrelated -A inline-always --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu -C prefer-dynamic -L "i686-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/andre/projects/rust/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" -Z always-build-mir --out-dir i686-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-a5fc0d6c src/librustc_bitflags/
info: now are following matches for librustc_bitflags-*.so libraries:
info: now are following matches for librustc_bitflags-*.rlib libraries:
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