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Created September 23, 2015 08:14
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// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// contributed by llogiq
// built on top of Joshua Landau's fasta
// built on top of Rust versions
// contributed by the Rust Project Developers
// contributed by TeXitoi
// multi-threaded version contributed by Alisdair Owens
// based off of Haskell version
// contributed by Bryan O'Sullivan
// parallelized by Maxim Sokolov based on
// go variant by Chris Bainbridge et al.
extern crate num_cpus;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
const LINE_LEN: usize = 60;
const BLOCK_LINES: usize = 512;
const STDIN_BUF: usize = (LINE_LEN + 1) * 1024;
const LOOKUP_SIZE: usize = 4 * 1024;
const LOOKUP_SCALE: f32 = (LOOKUP_SIZE - 1) as f32;
const ALU: &'static [u8] =
const IUB: &'static [(u8, f32)] =
&[(b'a', 0.27), (b'c', 0.12), (b'g', 0.12),
(b't', 0.27), (b'B', 0.02), (b'D', 0.02),
(b'H', 0.02), (b'K', 0.02), (b'M', 0.02),
(b'N', 0.02), (b'R', 0.02), (b'S', 0.02),
(b'V', 0.02), (b'W', 0.02), (b'Y', 0.02)];
const HOMOSAPIENS: &'static [(u8, f32)] =
&[(b'a', 0.3029549426680),
(b'c', 0.1979883004921),
(b'g', 0.1975473066391),
(b't', 0.3015094502008)];
// We need a specific Rng,
// so implement this manually
const MODULUS: u32 = 139968;
const MULTIPLIER: u32 = 3877;
const ADDITIVE: u32 = 29573;
// Why doesn't rust already have this?
// Algorithm directly taken from Wikipedia
fn powmod(mut base: u64, mut exponent: u32, modulus: u64) -> u64 {
let mut ret = 1;
base %= modulus;
while exponent > 0 {
if exponent & 1 == 1 {
ret *= base;
ret %= modulus;
exponent >>= 1;
base *= base;
base %= modulus;
// Just a typical LCRNG
pub struct Rng {
last: u32
impl Rng {
pub fn new() -> Rng {
Rng { last: 42 }
pub fn max_value() -> u32 {
pub fn normalize(p: f32) -> u32 {
(p * MODULUS as f32).floor() as u32
pub fn gen(&mut self) -> u32 {
self.last = (self.last * MULTIPLIER + ADDITIVE) % MODULUS;
// This allows us to fast-forward the RNG,
// allowing us to run it in parallel.
pub fn future(&self, n: u32) -> Rng {
let a = MULTIPLIER as u64;
let b = ADDITIVE as u64;
let m = MODULUS as u64;
// (a^n - 1) mod (a-1) m
// x_k = ((a^n x_0 mod m) + --------------------- b) mod m
// a - 1
// Since (a - 1) divides (a^n - 1) mod (a-1) m,
// the subtraction does not overflow and thus can be non-modular.
let new_seed =
(powmod(a, n, m) * self.last as u64) % m +
(powmod(a, n, (a-1) * m) - 1) / (a-1) * b;
Rng { last: (new_seed % m) as u32 }
// This will end up keeping track of threads, like
// in the other multithreaded Rust version, in
// order to keep writes in order.
// This is stolen from another multithreaded Rust
// implementation, although that implementation
// was not able to parallelize the RNG itself.
struct BlockSubmitter<W: io::Write> {
writer: W,
pub waiting_on: usize,
impl<W: io::Write> BlockSubmitter<W> {
fn submit(&mut self, data: &[u8], block_num: usize) -> Option<io::Result<()>> {
if block_num == self.waiting_on {
self.waiting_on += 1;
else {
fn submit_async(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
// For repeating strings as output
fn fasta_static<W: io::Write>(
writer: &mut W,
header: &[u8],
data: &[u8],
mut n: usize
) -> io::Result<()>
// The aim here is to print a short(ish) string cyclically
// with line breaks as appropriate.
// The secret technique is to repeat the string such that
// any wanted line is a single offset in the string.
// This technique is stolen from the Haskell version.
// Maximum offset is data.len(),
// Maximum read len is LINE_LEN
let stream = data.iter().cloned().cycle();
let mut extended: Vec<u8> = stream.take(data.len() + LINE_LEN + 1).collect();
let mut offset = 0;
while n > 0 {
let write_len = min(LINE_LEN, n);
let end = offset + write_len;
n -= write_len;
let tmp = extended[end];
extended[end] = b'\n';
try!(writer.write_all(&extended[offset..end + 1]));
extended[end] = tmp;
offset = end;
offset %= data.len();
// For RNG streams as output
fn fasta<W: io::Write + Send + 'static>(
submitter: &Arc<Mutex<BlockSubmitter<W>>>,
header: &[u8],
table: &'static [(u8, f32)],
rng: &mut Rng,
n: usize
) -> io::Result<()>
// Here the lookup table is part of the algorithm and needs the
// original probabilities (scaled with the LOOKUP_SCALE), because
// Isaac says so :-)
fn sum_and_scale(a: &'static [(u8, f32)]) -> Vec<(u8, f32)> {
let mut p = 0f32;
let mut result: Vec<(u8, f32)> = a.iter().map(|e| {
p += e.1;
(e.0, p * LOOKUP_SCALE)
let result_len = result.len();
result[result_len - 1].1 = LOOKUP_SCALE;
fn make_lookup(a: &[(u8, f32)]) -> [(u8, f32); LOOKUP_SIZE] {
let mut lookup = [(0, 0f32); LOOKUP_SIZE];
let mut j = 0;
for (i, slot) in lookup.iter_mut().enumerate() {
while a[j].1 < (i as f32) { j += 1; }
*slot = a[j];
let lookup_table = Arc::new(make_lookup(&sum_and_scale(table)));
let thread_count = num_cpus::get();
let mut threads = Vec::new();
for block_num in (0..thread_count) {
let offset = BLOCK_THOROUGHPUT * block_num;
let local_submitter = submitter.clone();
let local_lookup_table = lookup_table.clone();
let local_rng = rng.future(offset as u32);
threads.push(thread::spawn(move || {
for thread in threads {
*rng = rng.future(n as u32);
// A very optimized writer.
// I have a feeling a simpler version wouldn't slow
// things down too much, though, since the RNG
// is the really heavy hitter.
fn gen_block<W: io::Write>(
submitter: Arc<Mutex<BlockSubmitter<W>>>,
lookup_table: Arc<[(u8, f32)]>,
mut rng: Rng,
mut length: usize,
mut block_num: usize,
block_stride: usize,
) -> io::Result<()>
// Include newlines in block
length += length / LINE_LEN;
let block: &mut [u8] = &mut [b'\n'; BLOCK_LEN];
while length > 0 {
let gen_into = &mut block[..min(length, BLOCK_LEN)];
// Write random numbers, skipping newlines
for (i, byte) in gen_into.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if (i + 1) % (LINE_LEN + 1) != 0 {
let r = (rng.gen() * LOOKUP_SIZE as u32) / MODULUS;
let p = r as f32;
*byte = lookup_table[r as usize..LOOKUP_SIZE].iter().find(
|le| le.1 >= p).unwrap().0;
let write_out = {
if length >= BLOCK_LEN { &mut *block }
else if length % (LINE_LEN + 1) == 0 { &mut block[..length] }
else { &mut block[..length + 1] }
*write_out.last_mut().unwrap() = b'\n';
loop {
// Make sure to release lock before calling `yield_now`
let res = { submitter.lock().unwrap().submit(write_out, block_num) };
match res {
Some(result) => { try!(result); break; }
None => std::thread::yield_now()
block_num += block_stride;
rng = rng.future((BLOCK_THOROUGHPUT * (block_stride - 1)) as u32);
length = length.saturating_sub(BLOCK_LEN * (block_stride - 1));
length = length.saturating_sub(BLOCK_LEN);
fn run<W: io::Write + Send + 'static>(writer: W) -> io::Result<()> {
let n = std::env::args_os().nth(1)
.and_then(|s| s.into_string().ok())
.and_then(|n| n.parse().ok())
let rng = &mut Rng::new();
// Use automatic buffering for the static version...
let mut writer = io::BufWriter::with_capacity(STDIN_BUF, writer);
try!(fasta_static(&mut writer, b">ONE Homo sapiens alu\n", ALU, n * 2));
// ...but the dynamic version does its own buffering already
let writer = try!(writer.into_inner());
let submitter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(BlockSubmitter { writer: writer, waiting_on: 0 }));
{ submitter.lock().unwrap().waiting_on = 0; }
try!(fasta(&submitter, b">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n", &IUB, rng, n * 3));
{ submitter.lock().unwrap().waiting_on = 0; }
try!(fasta(&submitter, b">THREE Homo sapiens frequency\n", &HOMOSAPIENS, rng, n * 5));
fn main() {
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