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Lee Lowder llowder

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forge: ""
stdlib: "puppetlabs/stdlib"
ref: "X.Y.z"
# <snip>
Scanning 31 services on 13 hosts
Completed Service scan at 10:04, 157.73s elapsed (32 services on 13 hosts)
Initiating OS detection (try #1) against 13 hosts
WARNING: Service had already soft-matched upnp, but now soft-matched rtsp; ignoring second value
WARNING: Service had already soft-matched upnp, but now soft-matched sip; ignoring second value
Retrying OS detection (try #2) against 6 hosts
Retrying OS detection (try #3) against 3 hosts
Retrying OS detection (try #4) against
Retrying OS detection (try #5) against
NSE: Script scanning 13 hosts.
2020-02-11T14:05:34.346-06:00 ERROR [async-dispatch-2] [p.t.internal] Error during service init!!!
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:kind :puppetlabs.kitchensink.core/io-error, :msg "Parent directory '/' is not writable"}
at puppetlabs.kitchensink.core$mkdirs_BANG_$fn__1664.invoke(core.clj:188)
at puppetlabs.kitchensink.core$mkdirs_BANG_.invokeStatic(core.clj:179)
at puppetlabs.kitchensink.core$mkdirs_BANG_.invoke(core.clj:158)
at puppetlabs.puppetserver.certificate_authority$create_parent_directories_BANG_.invokeStatic(certificate_authority.clj:353)
at puppetlabs.puppetserver.certificate_authority$create_parent_directories_BANG_.invoke(certificate_authority.clj:347)
at puppetlabs.puppetserver.certificate_authority$fn__37097$generate_ssl_files_BANG___37102$fn__37103.invoke(certificate_authority.clj:582)
at puppetlabs.puppetserver.certificate_authority$fn__37097$generate_ssl_files_BANG__
["=", "name", "<name>"],
["=", "value", "<value>"]
["=", "name", "<other name>"],
["=", "value", "<other_value>"]
function module::deep_sort(
Any $deep_sort,
) {
case $deep_sort {
Hash: {
$result = $ | Integer $index, String $key | {
$value = $deep_sort[$key].module::deep_sort
[$key, $value]
# facts endpoint, query API V4, AST
["=", "name", "fact_one"],
["in", "certname",
["extract", "certname",
["=", "name", "fact_two"],

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am llowder on github.
  • I am llowder ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBTHzCKYjvGw_E849FloG8h3HbOwUylzzmUw25HMta7_wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

[08:46.42] <treeview> It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. - Voltaire
[09:02.56] <treeview> Sorry folks, you can't outrun your fork! "Federal government announces new physical fitness guidelines; fewer than one in three Americans meet standards"
[09:05.59] * wafflehuinter_ ( has joined channel #ketochat
[09:06.23] <FriedBob> Wait, so you trust the federal government for acivity guidelines, despite how "they" have been out to get us and use food guidelines to keep us fat, sick and complacant?
[09:07.53] <FriedBob> Or is the federal government just the enemy and not to be trusted only when it is convient to your arguments at the time?
[09:08.05] <armlesshobo> LOL
[09:14.31] <amyliz> lol
[09:14.38] * amyliz facepalm
[09:17.48] <TKT> yikes
[10:50.06] <Marth> I'm pretty muscular but it's staying around 170g of protein across the board
[10:50.20] <Marth> I tried a different calculator that implements body fat and I get about the same
[10:50.23] <Marth> Seems pretty high
[10:52.24] <Marth> Breakfast and lunch got me 81g of protein
[10:53.05] <FriedBob> At 5'10" 262 pounds and 31.91% (averaged) bodyfat, that gives me protein range of 107 (0.6 g/lb LBM) to 143 (0.8g/lb LBM) grams for an estimated 178.73 pounds LBM
[10:59.52] <FriedBob> Aslo, for your macros, percentages and ratios are pretty useless
[11:00.10] <FriedBob> the only case where it somewhat makes sense is medical keto, which is it's own beast.
[11:00.17] <seoulseeker> If you're lifting weights (and you should be!) then target about .8 to 1g of protein per lean pound of body mass
[11:00.53] <FriedBob> 1g won't hurt, but more 0.8g is where the benefits cap out
[11:01.26] <seoulseeker> y
llowder / gist:df0c3f52032e4e07bf6a20287268d6f4
Last active October 10, 2018 13:59
contributor-summit-setup problems
friedbob@FriedMachine MINGW64 ~/codes/puppet/contributor-summit-project (master)
$ gem install octokit
Successfully installed multipart-post-2.0.0
Successfully installed faraday-0.15.3
Successfully installed public_suffix-3.0.3
Successfully installed addressable-2.5.2
Successfully installed sawyer-0.8.1
Successfully installed octokit-4.12.0
6 gems installed