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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save lloydwatkin/53e7b03118790a2ad6f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nodejs v0.10.31 segfault dump
lloyd$ lldb -- node
Current executable set to 'node' (x86_64).
(lldb) run /Users/lloyd/.nvm/v0.10.31/bin/npm test
Process 6393 launched: '/Users/lloyd/.nvm/v0.10.31/bin/node' (x86_64)
> project@0.5.0 test /Users/lloyd/code/project
> massah test
debugger listening on port 5858
- Welcome to Massah
Found a .massah.js config file
User Author page
Should show presence buttons
- Given an authenticated user
- Then something
Should change the user's JID to a link
✓ Given an authenticated user (2537ms)
✓ When I navigate to the recent items page (1031ms)
✓ When the standard recent threads have appeared (237ms)
PID 6408 received SIGSEGV for address: 0x8
0 segfault_handler.node 0x0000000100ce949f _ZL16segfault_handleriP9__siginfoPv + 287
1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff87e8d5aa _sigtramp + 26
2 node 0x000000010037acd4 _ZN2v88internal9Assembler15RecordRelocInfoENS0_9RelocInfo4ModeEl + 68
3 node 0x00000001002293c0 _ZN2v88internal17BoundsCheckBbData10CoverCheckEPNS0_12HBoundsCheckEi + 192
4 node 0x00000001001f86e4 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 308
5 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
6 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
7 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
8 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
9 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
10 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
11 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
12 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
13 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
14 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
15 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
16 node 0x00000001001f8854 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEPNS0_11HBasicBlockEPNS0_16BoundsCheckTableE + 676
17 node 0x00000001001f7e55 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph30EliminateRedundantBoundsChecksEv + 229
18 node 0x00000001001f7d48 _ZN2v88internal6HGraph8OptimizeEPNS0_17SmartArrayPointerIcEE + 1192
19 node 0x000000010015d24a _ZN2v88internal18OptimizingCompiler13OptimizeGraphEv + 42
20 node 0x000000010015fa16 _ZN2v88internalL12GenerateCodeEPNS0_15CompilationInfoE + 134
21 node 0x000000010015e694 _ZN2v88internal8Compiler11CompileLazyEPNS0_15CompilationInfoE + 404
22 node 0x00000001002a5322 _ZN2v88internal10JSFunction16CompileOptimizedENS0_6HandleIS1_EENS0_9BailoutIdENS0_18ClearExceptionFlagE + 162
23 node 0x00000001003188e4 _ZN2v88internal36Runtime_CompileForOnStackReplacementENS0_9ArgumentsEPNS0_7IsolateE + 644
24 ??? 0x0000330f61a06362 0x0 + 56141155427170
25 ??? 0x0000330f61a132ad 0x0 + 56141155480237
26 ??? 0x0000330f626e58fc 0x0 + 56141168924924
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
npm ERR! not ok code 0
Process 6393 exited with status = 1 (0x00000001)
(lldb) disas -n _ZN2v88internal17BoundsCheckBbData10CoverCheckEPNS0_12HBoundsCheckEi
node`v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int):
0x100229300: pushq %rbp
0x100229301: movq %rsp, %rbp
0x100229304: pushq %r15
0x100229306: pushq %r14
0x100229308: pushq %r12
0x10022930a: pushq %rbx
0x10022930b: movq %rsi, %r14
0x10022930e: movq %rdi, %rbx
0x100229311: cmpl %edx, 0xc(%rbx)
0x100229314: jge 0x100229334 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 52
0x100229316: movl %edx, 0xc(%rbx)
0x100229319: movq 0x18(%rbx), %r12
0x10022931d: movq 0x20(%rbx), %r15
0x100229321: cmpq %r15, %r12
0x100229324: jne 0x100229346 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 70
0x100229326: movq %r14, 0x20(%rbx)
0x10022932a: cmpq %r14, %r12
0x10022932d: movq %r14, %r15
0x100229330: jne 0x1002293a9 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 169
0x100229332: jmp 0x1002293a6 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 166
0x100229334: cmpl %edx, 0x8(%rbx)
0x100229337: jle 0x100229390 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 144
0x100229339: movl %edx, 0x8(%rbx)
0x10022933c: movq 0x18(%rbx), %r15
0x100229340: cmpq 0x20(%rbx), %r15
0x100229344: je 0x1002293a2 ; v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::CoverCheck(v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, int) + 162
0x100229346: movq (%r14), %rax
0x100229349: xorl %esi, %esi
0x10022934b: movq %r14, %rdi
0x10022934e: callq *0x58(%rax)
0x100229351: movq %rbx, %rdi
0x100229354: movq %rax, %rsi
0x100229357: movq %r15, %rdx
0x10022935a: movq %r14, %rcx
0x10022935d: callq 0x10044a1ec ; symbol stub for: v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::MoveIndexIfNecessary(v8::internal::HValue*, v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, v8::internal::HInstruction*)
0x100229362: movq (%r15), %rax
0x100229365: xorl %esi, %esi
0x100229367: movq %r15, %rdi
0x10022936a: callq *0x58(%rax)
0x10022936d: movq %r15, %rdi
0x100229370: movq %rax, %rsi
0x100229373: callq 0x1001de840 ; v8::internal::HValue::ReplaceAllUsesWith(v8::internal::HValue*)
0x100229378: movq (%r14), %rax
0x10022937b: xorl %esi, %esi
0x10022937d: movq %r14, %rdi
0x100229380: callq *0x58(%rax)
0x100229383: xorl %esi, %esi
0x100229385: movq %r15, %rdi
0x100229388: movq %rax, %rdx
0x10022938b: callq 0x1001de590 ; v8::internal::HValue::SetOperandAt(int, v8::internal::HValue*)
0x100229390: xorl %esi, %esi
0x100229392: movq %r14, %rdi
0x100229395: popq %rbx
0x100229396: popq %r12
0x100229398: popq %r14
0x10022939a: popq %r15
0x10022939c: popq %rbp
0x10022939d: jmpq 0x1001de710 ; v8::internal::HValue::DeleteAndReplaceWith(v8::internal::HValue*)
0x1002293a2: movq %r14, 0x18(%rbx)
0x1002293a6: movq %r15, %r12
0x1002293a9: movq 0x30(%r14), %r15
0x1002293ad: movq %r14, %rdi
0x1002293b0: callq 0x1001df2b0 ; v8::internal::HInstruction::Unlink()
0x1002293b5: movq %r14, %rdi
0x1002293b8: movq %r12, %rsi
0x1002293bb: callq 0x1001df400 ; v8::internal::HInstruction::InsertAfter(v8::internal::HInstruction*)
0x1002293c0: movq (%r14), %rax
0x1002293c3: xorl %esi, %esi
0x1002293c5: movq %r14, %rdi
0x1002293c8: callq *0x58(%rax)
0x1002293cb: movq %rbx, %rdi
0x1002293ce: movq %rax, %rsi
0x1002293d1: movq %r14, %rdx
0x1002293d4: movq %r15, %rcx
0x1002293d7: popq %rbx
0x1002293d8: popq %r12
0x1002293da: popq %r14
0x1002293dc: popq %r15
0x1002293de: popq %rbp
0x1002293df: jmpq 0x10044a1ec ; symbol stub for: v8::internal::BoundsCheckBbData::MoveIndexIfNecessary(v8::internal::HValue*, v8::internal::HBoundsCheck*, v8::internal::HInstruction*)
0x1002293e4: nopw %cs:(%rax,%rax)
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