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Created March 13, 2018 17:41
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template <typename T>
cv::Mat calculateDistanceAndErrorMatrix( const std::vector<T>& pts,
const float focalLength,
const float baseline,
const float pixelError )
const float& f = focalLength; // focal length in pixels
const float& t = baseline; // baseline in same units as points
const float& d_e = pixelError; // delta e = image error (in pixels)
const size_t numMatches = pts.size();
// de = distance and error
cv::Mat de = cv::Mat::zeros( numMatches, numMatches, CV_32FC2 );
auto dePtr = de.ptr<cv::Vec2f>();
// Calculate distance and error for point set:
for( int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i )
const float x1 = pts[i].x;
const float y1 = pts[i].y;
const float z1 = pts[i].z;
for( int j = i+1, index = (i*numMatches)+j; j < numMatches; ++j, ++index )
const float x2 = pts[j].x;
const float y2 = pts[j].y;
const float z2 = pts[j].z;
const float x12 = x1-x2;
const float y12 = y1-y2;
const float z12 = z1-z2;
// L = Length (distance between points 1 and 2)
const float L = sqrt( (x12*x12) + (y12*y12) +(z12*z12) );
const float a = (x12*(t-x1)) - (y12*y1) - (z12*z1);
const float A = a*a;
const float b = (x12*x1) + (y12*y1) + (z12*z1);
const float B = b*b;
const float C = 0.5 * (t*y12) * (t*y12);
const float d = (x12*(t-x2)) - (y12*y2) - (z12*z2);
const float D = d*d;
const float e = (x12*x2) + (y12*y2) + (z12*z2);
const float E = e*e;
const float F = C;
const float L_e = ( d_e / (L*f*t) ) * sqrt( (z1*z1)*(A+B+C) +
(z2*z2)*(D+E+F) );
dePtr[index][0] = L;
dePtr[index][1] = L_e;
return de;
// This algorithm calculates an approximation of a max-clique.
// TODO:
// 1) Implement angle contraint (see notes below)
// Fast, Unconstrained Camera Motion Estimation from Stereo without Tracking
// and Robust Statistics by Heiko Hirschmuller
// A property of rigid transformations in Euclidean space is that the relative
// distances between transformed points are maintained. Thus,
// |Pi-Pk| = |Ci-Ck| with i,k=1..n (2)
// Another constraint can be derived if the rotation R is restricted. Every
// rotation in 3-D can be represented by a rotation axis r and a rotation
// angle φ. If the vector Pi-Pk is orthogonal to r, then the angle between
// Pi-Pk and Ci-Ck is exactly φ. If Pi-Pk is parallel to r, then the angle
// between Pi-Pk and Ci-Ck is always zero. In all other cases, the angle is
// in between 0 and φ.
// The rotation axis r is unknown as well as the angle φ. However, imposing
// the restriction φ < θ results in the in-equality,
// (Pi-Pk)(Ci-Ck) > cos θ with i,k=1..n (3)
// For this study, θ was set to π/4 , which is a very low restriction on
// camera movement, since the camera may rotate by up to 45 degrees between
// two consecutive images. Still, this additional constraint is useful to
// identify outliers.
template <typename T>
std::vector<int> getMaxClique( const std::vector<T>& pts1,
const std::vector<T>& pts2,
const float focalLength,
const float baseline,
const float pixelError,
const double numStdDev )
assert( pts1.size() == pts2.size() );
const int32_t numMatches = pts1.size();
cv::Mat consistencyMatrix = cv::Mat::zeros( numMatches, numMatches, CV_8U );
uint8_t* consistencyMatrixPtr = consistencyMatrix.ptr<uint8_t>();
std::vector<int> nodeDegrees( numMatches, 0 );
cv::Mat de1 = calculateDistanceAndErrorMatrix( pts1, focalLength, baseline, pixelError );
cv::Mat de2 = calculateDistanceAndErrorMatrix( pts2, focalLength, baseline, pixelError );
auto de1Ptr = de1.ptr<cv::Vec2f>();
auto de2Ptr = de2.ptr<cv::Vec2f>();
// Upper triangular:
for( int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i )
for( int j = i+1, index = (i*numMatches)+j; j < numMatches; ++j, ++index )
const float L1 = de1Ptr[index][0];
const float L1_e = de1Ptr[index][1];
const float L2 = de2Ptr[index][0];
const float L2_e = de2Ptr[index][1];
// sigma gating test
if( std::fabs( L1 - L2 ) <= numStdDev * sqrt( (L1_e*L1_e) + (L2_e*L2_e) ) )
consistencyMatrixPtr[index] = 1;
// Fnd the largest set of mutually consistent matches:
// This is equivalent to finding the maximum clique on a graph with
// adjacency matrix W. Since the maximum clique problem is known to
// be NP-complete, we use the following sub-optimal algorithm:
// 1) Initialize the clique to contain the match with the largest
// number of consistent matches (i.e., choose the node with the
// maximum degree).
// 2) Find the set of matches compatible with all the matches already
// in the clique.
// 3) Add the match with the largest number consistent matches.
// Repeat (2) and (3) until the set of compatible matches is empty.
const int maxNodeIndex =
std::distance( nodeDegrees.begin(),
std::max_element( nodeDegrees.begin(), nodeDegrees.end() ) );
// We need to make this matrix not just upper triangular and so we
// must 'complete' the Consistency Matrix:
consistencyMatrix += consistencyMatrix.t();
std::vector<int> candidates = consistencyMatrix.row( maxNodeIndex );
std::vector<int> candidatesIndices;
candidatesIndices.reserve( nodeDegrees[ maxNodeIndex ] );
for( int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i )
if( candidates[i] > 0 )
candidatesIndices.push_back( i );
std::vector<int> maxClique;
maxClique.reserve( nodeDegrees[ maxNodeIndex ] );
maxClique.push_back( maxNodeIndex );
while( !candidatesIndices.empty() )
// Find the candidate with largest 'consistent' degree:
int maxIndex = -1;
int maxDegree = -1;
for( const auto& candidateIndex : candidatesIndices )
const int degree = cv::countNonZero( consistencyMatrix.row( candidateIndex ) );
if( degree > maxDegree )
maxIndex = candidateIndex;
maxDegree = degree;
maxClique.push_back( maxIndex );
// New clique addition at consistencyMatrix(maxIndex,maxIndex) is now
// and always zero, so it will be erased:
candidatesIndices.erase( std::remove_if( candidatesIndices.begin(), candidatesIndices.end(),
[=]( const int index )
return consistencyMatrixPtr[ index*numMatches + maxIndex ] == 0;
} ),
std::end( candidatesIndices ) );
return maxClique;
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