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Created August 14, 2017 17:03
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# Brewfile by Joel Parker Henderson and
# We use this Brewfile for our teams and their developer laptops.
# This file installs many apps, including office suites, multimedia suites,
# programming langauges and IDEs, unix utilities, and sysadmin tools.
# This file is organized in meaningful sections because we want to
# make it easy for you to pick and choose sections that you want.
# ## Taps
# We do not use tap in this file; instead, we use full paths.
# This is because we want to be as clear as possible about what
# is being installed, and from what locations.
# ## Dupes
# We generaly prefer homebrew/dupes to preinstalled Mac software.
# For example, we prefer the GNU `sed` command vs. macOS `sed` command.
# However, we have seen this cause conflicts with macOS software that
# isn't aware of GNU; therefore we install the dupes in parallel.
# ## Contents
# This file has a bunch of sections:
# * Browsers: firefox, google-chrome, opera, ...
# * Passwords: keybase, 1password, lastpass, ...
# * Terminals: iterm2, tmux, screen, ...
# * Shells: bash, zsh, fish, mosh, ...
# * Editors: vim, emacs, atom, sublime, ...
# * Downloaders: curl, wget, cask, carthage, ...
# * Version control: git, hg, svn, cvs, ...
# * GNU command line tools
# * System related: TODO
# * File compression: zstd, unrar, unzip, ...
# * File synchronization: rsync, unison, syncthing, ...
# * Text search: ripgrep, ag, sift, ...
# * Operating-related
# * Build tools
# * Fonts: hundreds of fonts
# * JetBrains programmer tools
# * OmniGroup project management tools
# * Database servers: postgresql, redis, ...
# * Database searchers: sphinx, TODO
# * Database managers: TODO
# * Markup languages: pandoc, TODO
# * Programming languages: Java, Node, Python, ...
# ## See Also
# See also:
# *
# ## Tracking
# * Package:
# * Version: 0.2.0
# * Created: 2017-01-01
# * Updated: 2017-02-07
# * License: GPL
# * Contact: Joel Parker Henderson (
# Browsers
# We prefer Firefox because it's open source.
# Google Chrome web browser
cask 'google-chrome'
# Passwords
# We use password-manager applications with many of our projects.
# If you don't use these, feel free to delete them.
# digital signature manager
brew 'keybase'
# LastPass is a password manager
cask 'lastpass'
# Terminals
# We typically use `tmux`, `tmate`,
# and sometimes fall back on `screen`.
# iTerm is our favorite terminal app.
cask 'iterm2'
# Tmux is a newer terminal multiplexer.
# brew 'pkg-config' && brew link pkg-config && brew 'tmux'
brew 'tmux'
# Screen is an older terminal multiplexer.
brew 'homebrew/dupes/screen'
# ngrok opens a secure tunnel to localhost
brew 'ngrok'
# Shells
# We typically use bash, zsh, fish, and mosh.
# Bash is the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is an sh-compatible shell.
brew 'bash'
# Programmable completion functions for bash
brew 'bash-completion'
# Bashish is a theme enviroment for text terminals.
brew 'bashish'
# Mobile Shell (MOSH) is like SSH plus roaming and smart echo.
brew 'mobile-shell'
# Editors
# We typically use command line editors (vim, emacs, etc.)
# and sometimes use GUI editors (atom, sublime, etc.)
# Vim editor
brew 'vim'
# MacVIM editor
cask 'macvim'
# Sublime text editor
cask 'sublime-text'
# GNU Aspell is a free open source spell checker; compare `lspell`.
#brew 'aspell --with-lang=en'
# Downloaders
# These items download files and fetch content from the network.
# Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew to install OS X applications and large binaries.
brew 'cask'
# curl is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
brew 'curl'
# HTTrack is a free and easy-to-use offline browser utility.
brew 'httrack'
# Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP and FTP.
brew 'wget'
# Version control
# Git is a free and open source distributed version control system.
# TODO: why do we need brew 'git' and also cask 'git'?
brew 'git'
cask 'git'
# Git extras: utilities including summary, repl, population, etc.
cask 'git-extras'
# Git extensions to provide high-level operations for Git Flow branching model.
brew 'git-flow'
brew 'git-ftp'
brew 'git-gerrit'
brew 'git-multipush'
brew 'git-now'
brew 'git-url-sub'
# SourceTree graphic client for git
cask 'sourcetree'
# GitUp friendly Git interface and visualizer
cask 'gitup'
# GNU command line tools
# If you are moving onto macOS from GNU/Linux, then you would probably
# find out that the command line tools shipped with macOS are not as
# powerful and easy to use as the tools in Linux. The reason is that
# macOS uses the BSD version command line tools, which are different
# from the Linux version.
# Note: if you choose to replace the macOS commands with GNU commands,
# then be aware that you may have some compatibility issues with shell
# scripts written specifically for macOS.
# If you like using man pages, then you may also want to add an
# itemto the to the MANPATH environmental variable:
# $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman
# For more about the GNU command line tools and brew, see this:
# Basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system.
brew 'coreutils'
brew 'binutils'
brew 'diffutils'
brew 'ed'
brew 'findutils'
brew 'gawk'
brew 'gnu-indent'
brew 'gnu-sed'
brew 'gnu-tar'
brew 'gnu-which'
brew 'gnutls'
brew 'gzip'
brew 'watch'
brew 'wdiff'
# Some GNU command line tools already exist by default on OS X.
# We choose to replace these with newer versions.
brew 'gdb' # gdb requires further actions to make it work. See `brew info gdb`.
brew 'gpatch'
brew 'less'
brew 'm4'
brew 'make'
brew 'nano'
# System related
# These are fundamental operating system tools that we use often.
# Automake is a tool for automatically generating Makefile installation files.
brew 'automake'
# GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) provides encryption as a free replacement for PGP.
brew 'gpg'
# OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols.
brew 'openssl'
# pkg-config is a helper tool used when compiling applications and libraries.
brew 'pkg-config && brew link pkg-config && brew install tmux'
# Functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines while typing.
brew 'readline'
# Parallel SSH
brew 'pssh'
# pkg-config is a helper tool used when compiling applications and libraries.
brew 'pkg-config'
# PCRE: Perl-compatible regular expressions, for better searching.
brew 'pcre'
brew 'pcre++'
# File compression/uncompression
# We prefer `zstd` because it is the best modern compression.
# Zstandard is the best modern compression
brew 'zstd'
# WinRAR provides compression/decompression for RAR and ZIP files.
brew 'unrar'
# unzip is the classic command.
brew 'homebrew/dupes/unzip'
# File synchronization
# We use `rsync` for our systems administration,
# and a variety of web-based services for file sharing.
# rsync is the classic unix file synchronizer.
brew 'homebrew/dupes/rsync'
# Dropbox file sharing.
cask 'dropbox'
# Text search
# We prefer ripgrep because it is very fast and very safe.#
# ripgrep is text search; we prefer it over grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift.
brew ''
# grep is the classic searcher
brew 'grep'
# jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
brew 'jq'
# Google software
# We use Chrome, Drive, Earth, Music, etc.
# Google Chrome web browser
cask 'google-chrome'
# Google Drive cloud file storage
cask 'google-drive'
cask 'google-notifier'
##################### TODO ####################################
# Netcat is a networking utility for the TCP/IP protocol.
brew 'netcat'
brew 'ncdu'
brew 'randomize-lines'
brew 'rename'
brew 'salt'
# Tree is a directory lister that shows a tree outline
brew 'tree'
# xclip is a command line interface to the X11 clipboard.
brew 'xclip'
## Server-Related
# Docker software containers to help distribute applications.
brew 'docker'
brew 'boot2docker'
brew 'nginx'
## Media-Related
brew 'exif'
brew 'exiftags'
brew 'exiftool'
brew 'flac'
brew 'ffmpeg'
brew 'ffmpeg2theora'
brew 'ffmpegthumbnailer'
brew 'imagemagick'
brew 'kindle'
brew 'theora'
# Font-Related
# Fontconfig is a library for configuring and customizing font access.
brew 'fontconfig'
# FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts.
brew 'freetype'
## Uncategorized
brew 'abook'
brew 'ack'
brew 'apple-gcc42'
brew 'ascii'
brew 'asciidoc'
brew 'asciitex'
brew 'autobench'
brew 'autoconf'
brew 'autoenv'
brew 'autogen'
brew 'base64'
brew 'bcrypt'
brew 'doxygen'
brew 'dpkg'
brew 'fakeroot'
brew 'findutils'
brew 'geoip'
brew 'gnu-barcode'
brew 'gnu-getopt'
brew 'gnu-indent'
brew 'gnu-prolog'
brew 'gnu-sed --default-names'
brew 'gnu-smalltalk'
brew 'gnu-tar'
brew 'gnu-time'
brew 'gnu-typist'
brew 'gnu-units'
brew 'gnu-which'
brew 'htop'
brew 'httperf'
# libMemcached is a client library and tools for the memcached server.
brew 'libmemcached'
brew 'memcached'
brew 'scrypt'
brew 'qt5'
# Dupes
# These formulas duplicate software provided by OS X,
# though may provide more recent or bugfix versions.
# We prefer to keep these explicitly listed in `/dupes`
# because these are potentially shadowing system tools,
# and we want to show that these are unusual and special.
# If you prefer to type less, then you can tap, like this:
# brew tap homebrew/dupes
# Then you can install any forumla, such as:
# brew 'awk'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/awk'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/diffstat'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/diffutils'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/ed'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/expect'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/fetchmail'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/file-formula'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/gdb'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/gpatch'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/gperf'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/grep'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/groff'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/gzip'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/heimdal'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/lapack'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/less'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/libedit'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/libiconv'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/libpcap'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/lsof'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/m4'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/make'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/nano'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/ncurses'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/openldap'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/openssh'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/screen'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/tcpdump'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/tidy'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/units'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/whois'
brew 'homebrew/dupes/zlib'
# Brew cask enables installing typical Mac OS X applications.
# For example, these formulas may download a `*.dmg` file,
# then unpack it into the correct `/Applications` directory,
# and possibly configure the app with typical settings.
# Adium is an open source multi-protocol instant messaging client.
cask 'adium'
cask 'adventure'
cask 'amazon-music'
# AppCleaner thoroughly uninstalls unwanted apps.
cask 'appcleaner'
cask 'caffeine'
cask 'calibre'
cask 'ccleaner'
cask 'cheatsheet'
cask 'chromecast'
# FileZilla FTP client
cask 'filezilla'
cask 'fluid'
# Flux dims the screen colors for better nighttime visibility.
cask 'flux'
# GitHub source code social sharing
cask 'github'
cask 'iterm2'
# Kindle book reader by Amazon
cask 'kindle'
cask 'little-snitch'
cask 'mysqlworkbench'
# Slack chat client
cask 'slack'
# Sophos anti virus
cask 'sophos-anti-virus-home-edition'
# VLC media player
cask 'vlc'
# Extras
# These are packages that we may want.
# If you want any of these, please let us know,
# or create a pull request for this repository.
# Applications that we want that are not on brew:
# * Kiwix
# * SoapUI
# Applications that we want that we need to find:
# * Automator
# * Battery Health
# * Cloud
# * Coffitivity
# * Disk Diag
# * Docs for Xcode
# * DxO Perspective
# * Facebook
# * Font Book
# * Fotor
# * Garmin
# * Gmail
# * Image Capture
# * MailTab for Gmail
# * Memory Clean
# * MenuBar Stats
# * Microsoft Remote Desktop
# * Mint QuickView
# * Prepo
# * Screen Recorder Robot Lite
# * Stickies
# * Tab for Reddit
# * The Unarchiver
# * Time Machine
# * Twitter
# * VirtualDJ
# * Wunderlist
# * Xcode
# * xScan
# Apple built-in apps:
# * App Store
# * Apple Configurator
# * Calculator
# * Calendar
# * Chess
# * Contacts
# * DVD Player
# * Dashboard
# * Dictionary
# * FaceTime
# * Game Center
# * GarageBand
# * iBooks
# * iCloud
# * iMovie
# * iPhoto
# * iTunes
# * iWork
# * Keynote
# * Launchpad
# * Mail
# * Maps
# * Messages
# * Mission Control
# * Notes
# * Numbers
# * Pages
# * Photo Booth
# * Preview
# * QuickTime Player
# * Reminders
# * Safari
# * System Preferences
# * TextEdit
# brew 'aws-cfn-tools'
# brew 'aws-cloudsearch'
# brew 'aws-elasticache'
# brew 'aws-iam-tools'
# brew 'aws-sns-cli'
# brew 'dart'
# brew 'json-c'
# brew 'json-glib'
# brew 'json_spirit'
# brew 'jsonpp'
# brew 'jstalk'
# brew 'jsvc'
# brew 'judy'
# brew 'justniffer'
# brew 'jython'
# brew 'kawa'
# brew 'kbtin'
# brew 'kdiff3'
# brew 'kelbt'
# brew 'kes'
# brew 'keychain'
# brew 'kismet'
# brew 'kite'
# brew 'kiwi'
# brew 'knife-completion'
# brew 'knock'
# brew 'konoha'
# brew 'ktoblzcheck'
# brew 'kumofs'
# brew 'kyoto-cabinet'
# brew 'kyoto-tycoon'
# brew 'kytea'
# brew 'lablgtk'
# brew 'lame'
# brew 'languagetool'
# brew 'lapack'
# brew 'lasi'
# brew 'lastfm_fplib'
# brew 'lastfmfpclient'
# brew 'lastfmlib'
# brew 'latex2html'
# brew 'latex2rtf'
# brew 'launch'
# brew 'lbdb'
# brew 'lcdf-typetools'
# brew 'lcov'
# brew 'lcrack'
# brew 'ldapvi'
# brew 'ldid'
# brew 'ldns'
# brew 'le'
# brew 'leafnode'
# brew 'ledger'
# brew 'ledit'
# brew 'legit'
# brew 'lemon'
# brew 'leptonica'
# brew 'less'
# brew 'lesspipe'
# brew 'lesstif'
# brew 'leveldb'
# brew 'lft'
# brew 'lftp'
# brew 'lha'
# brew 'libagg'
# brew 'libao'
# brew 'libarchive'
# brew 'libart'
# brew 'libass'
# brew 'libassuan'
# brew 'libbinio'
# brew 'libbs2b'
# brew 'libcaca'
# brew 'libcddb'
# brew 'libcdio'
# brew 'libcmph'
# brew 'libconfig'
# brew 'libcouchbase'
# brew 'libcroco'
# brew 'libcsv'
# brew 'libcue'
# brew 'libcuefile'
# brew 'libdaemon'
# brew 'libdap'
# brew 'libdbusmenu-qt'
# brew 'libdc1394'
# brew 'libdca'
# brew 'libdlna'
# brew 'libdmtx'
# brew 'libdnet'
# brew 'libdrizzle'
# brew 'libdshconfig'
# brew 'libdsk'
# brew 'libdv'
# brew 'libdvbpsi'
# brew 'libdvdcss'
# brew 'libdvdnav'
# brew 'libdvdread'
# brew 'libebml'
# brew 'libechonest'
# brew 'libelf'
# brew 'libemu'
# brew 'libev'
# brew 'libevent'
# brew 'libewf'
# brew 'libexif'
# brew 'libexosip'
# brew 'libextractor'
# brew 'libffi'
# brew 'libfishsound'
# brew 'libfixbuf'
# brew 'libflowmanager'
# brew 'libftdi'
# brew 'libgadu'
# brew 'libgaiagraphics'
# brew 'libgarmin'
# brew 'libgcrypt'
# brew 'libgda'
# brew 'libgee'
# brew 'libgeotiff'
# brew 'libgit2'
# brew 'libglade'
# brew 'libglademm'
# brew 'libgnomecanvas'
# brew 'libgpg-error'
# brew 'libgphoto2'
# brew 'libgsasl'
# brew 'libgsf'
# brew 'libgtextutils'
# brew 'libgtop'
# brew 'libharu'
# brew 'libhid'
# brew 'libical'
# brew 'libicns'
# brew 'libiconv'
# brew 'libid3tag'
# brew 'libident'
# brew 'libidl'
# brew 'libidn'
# brew 'libimobiledevice'
# brew 'libinfinity'
# brew 'libiptcdata'
# brew 'libkate'
# brew 'libkml'
# brew 'libksba'
# brew 'liblas'
# brew 'liblastfm'
# brew 'liblinear'
# brew 'liblo'
# brew 'liblockfile'
# brew 'liblqr'
# brew 'liblunar'
# brew 'libmagic'
# brew 'libmatroska'
# brew 'libmemcached'
# brew 'libmicrohttpd'
# brew 'libmikmod'
# brew 'libming'
# brew 'libmms'
# brew 'libmp3splt'
# brew 'libmpc'
# brew 'libmpd'
# brew 'libmpdclient'
# brew 'libmpeg2'
# brew 'libmtp'
# brew 'libmusicbrainz'
# brew 'libmxml'
# brew 'libnet'
# brew 'libnfc'
# brew 'libnids'
# brew 'libogg'
# brew 'liboil'
# brew 'libopennet'
# brew 'liboping'
# brew 'libosip'
# brew 'libotr'
# brew 'libpano'
# brew 'libpar2'
# brew 'libpcap'
# brew 'libplist'
# brew 'libpst'
# brew 'libpurple'
# brew 'libpuzzle'
# brew 'libqalculate'
# brew 'libqglviewer'
# brew 'libquicktime'
# brew 'librasterlite'
# brew 'libraw'
# brew 'libreplaygain'
# brew 'librets'
# brew 'librsvg'
# brew 'libsamplerate'
# brew 'libsgml'
# brew 'libshout'
# brew 'libsigc++'
# brew 'libsigsegv'
# brew 'libsmi'
# brew 'libsndfile'
# brew 'libspatialite'
# brew 'libspiro'
# brew 'libspotify'
# brew 'libssh'
# brew 'libssh2'
# brew 'libstfl'
# brew 'libstxxl'
# brew 'libsvg'
# brew 'libsvg-cairo'
# brew 'libsvm'
# brew 'libtasn1'
# brew 'libtecla'
# brew 'libtermkey'
# brew 'libtiff'
# brew 'libtommath'
# brew 'libtool'
# brew 'libtorrent'
# brew 'libtorrent-rasterbar'
# brew 'libtrace'
# brew 'libunique'
# brew 'libunistring'
# brew 'libupnp'
# brew 'libusb'
# brew 'libusb-compat'
# brew 'libutf'
# brew 'libvbucket'
# brew 'libvirt'
# brew 'libvo-aacenc'
# brew 'libvorbis'
# brew 'libvpx'
# brew 'libwbxml'
# brew 'libwmf'
# brew 'libwpd'
# brew 'libwpg'
# brew 'libwps'
# brew 'libxdiff'
# brew 'libxmi'
# brew 'libxml++'
# brew 'libxml2'
# brew 'libxmlsec1'
# brew 'libxslt'
# brew 'libxspf'
# brew 'libyaml'
# brew 'libyubikey'
# brew 'libzdb'
# brew 'libzip'
# brew 'libzzip'
# brew 'lifelines'
# brew 'lightning'
# brew 'lighttpd'
# brew 'lilypond'
# brew 'link-grammar'
# brew 'linklint'
# brew 'links'
# brew 'liquibase'
# brew 'litmus'
# brew 'little-cms'
# brew 'little-cms2'
# brew 'llvm'
# brew 'lmutil'
# brew 'lockrun'
# brew 'log4cplus'
# brew 'log4cpp'
# brew 'log4cxx'
# brew 'log4shib'
# brew 'logcheck'
# brew 'logentries'
# brew 'logrotate'
# brew 'logstalgia'
# brew 'logtalk'
# brew 'lolcode'
# brew 'lorem'
# brew 'loudmouth'
# brew 'lout'
# brew 'lpc21isp'
# brew 'lrzip'
# brew 'lrzsz'
# brew 'lsdvd'
# brew 'lsof'
# brew 'lua'
# brew 'luajit'
# brew 'luarocks'
# brew 'luciddb'
# brew 'lv'
# brew 'lxsplit'
# brew 'lynx'
# brew 'lysp'
# brew 'lzip'
# brew 'lzlib'
# brew 'lzo'
# brew 'lzop'
# brew 'm4'
# brew 'mac-robber'
# brew 'macvim'
# brew 'mad'
# brew 'madplay'
# brew 'mafft'
# brew 'magit'
# brew 'mailcheck'
# brew 'mairix'
# brew 'make'
# brew 'makeicns'
# brew 'makensis'
# brew 'malbolge'
# brew 'mame'
# brew 'man2html'
# brew 'mapnik'
# brew 'mapserver'
# brew 'mariadb'
# brew 'markdown'
# brew 'mathgl'
# brew 'mathomatic'
# brew 'maven-shell'
# brew 'mawk'
# brew 'maxima'
# brew 'mcabber'
# brew 'mcl'
# brew 'mcpp'
# brew 'mcrypt'
# brew 'md'
# brew 'md5deep'
# brew 'md5sha1sum'
# brew 'mdbtools'
# brew 'mdf2iso'
# brew 'mdxmini'
# brew 'mecab'
# brew 'mecab-ipadic'
# brew 'media-info'
# brew 'mediatomb'
# brew 'memcache-top'
# brew 'memcached'
# brew 'memcacheq'
# brew 'memtester'
# brew 'mercurial'
# brew 'mesalib-glw'
# brew 'mess'
# brew 'metalua'
# brew 'metapixel'
# brew 'metaproxy'
# brew 'metasploit'
# brew 'metis'
# brew 'mftrace'
# brew 'mg'
# brew 'mhash'
# brew 'midgard2'
# brew 'midnight-commander'
# brew 'mikmod'
# brew 'minbif'
# brew 'minc'
# brew 'minicom'
# brew 'minisat'
# brew 'minised'
# brew 'miniupnpc'
# brew 'minuit2'
# brew 'mira'
# brew 'mit-scheme'
# brew 'mjpegtools'
# brew 'mkclean'
# brew 'mkcue'
# brew 'mksh'
# brew 'mktorrent'
# brew 'mkvalidator'
# brew 'mkvtoolnix'
# brew 'mldonkey'
# brew 'mlton'
# brew 'mmv'
# brew 'mobile-shell'
# brew 'mod_python'
# brew 'mod_wsgi'
# brew 'mogenerator'
# brew 'monetdb'
# brew 'mongoose'
# brew 'mongrel2'
# brew 'monotone'
# brew 'montage'
# brew 'moreutils'
# brew 'mosh'
# brew 'mosml'
# brew 'mosquitto'
# brew 'movgrab'
# brew 'mp3cat'
# brew 'mp3check'
# brew 'mp3gain'
# brew 'mp3info'
# brew 'mp3splt'
# brew 'mp3val'
# brew 'mp3wrap'
# brew 'mp4v2'
# brew 'mpack'
# brew 'mpc'
# brew 'mpd'
# brew 'mpdas'
# brew 'mpdscribble'
# brew 'mpfr'
# brew 'mpg123'
# brew 'mpg321'
# brew 'mpgtx'
# brew 'mpich2'
# brew 'mpio'
# brew 'mplayer'
# brew 'mpop'
# brew 'mpsolve'
# brew 'mr'
# brew 'mrfast'
# brew 'mrtg'
# brew 'mscgen'
# brew 'msgpack'
# brew 'msgpack-rpc'
# brew 'msmtp'
# brew 'mt-daapd'
# brew 'mtools'
# brew 'mtr'
# brew 'mu'
# brew 'multimarkdown'
# brew 'multitail'
# brew 'muparser'
# brew 'mupdf'
# brew 'muscle'
# brew 'musepack'
# brew 'mydumper'
# brew 'mytop'
# brew 'n2n'
# brew 'nacl'
# brew 'nagios'
# brew 'nagios-plugins'
# brew 'nailgun'
# brew 'nano'
# brew 'narwhal'
# brew 'nasm'
# brew 'naturaldocs'
# brew 'nauty'
# brew 'ncdu'
# brew 'ncftp'
# brew 'ncmpc'
# brew 'ncmpcpp'
# brew 'ncrack'
# brew 'ncurses'
# brew 'ncview'
# brew 'ndiff'
# brew 'neko'
# brew 'neo4j'
# brew 'neon'
# brew 'nesc'
# brew 'net-nuclear'
# brew 'net-snmp'
# brew 'net6'
# brew 'netcat'
# brew 'netcdf'
# brew 'netpbm'
# brew 'netsed'
# brew 'nettle'
# brew 'newick-utils'
# brew 'newlisp'
# brew 'ngircd'
# brew 'ngrep'
# brew 'ngspice'
# brew 'nickle'
# brew 'nimrod'
# brew 'nkf'
# brew 'nload'
# brew 'nlopt'
# brew 'nmap'
# brew 'node'
# brew 'notmuch'
# brew 'noweb'
# brew 'nrg2iso'
# brew 'nrpe'
# brew 'nspr'
# brew 'nss'
# brew 'ntfs-3g'
# brew 'ntl'
# brew 'nu'
# brew 'num-utils'
# brew 'nuttcp'
# brew 'nvi'
# brew 'nylon'
# brew 'nzbget'
# brew 'o-make'
# brew 'oath-toolkit'
# brew 'obby'
# brew 'objective-caml'
# brew 'ocp'
# brew 'ocrad'
# brew 'octave'
# brew 'ode'
# brew 'odt2txt'
# brew 'offline-imap'
# brew 'oggz'
# brew 'ogmtools'
# brew 'ohcount'
# brew 'omega'
# brew 'oniguruma'
# brew 'oorexx'
# brew 'open-babel'
# brew 'open-cobol'
# brew 'open-mesh'
# brew 'open-mpi'
# brew 'open-ocd'
# brew 'open-scene-graph'
# brew 'open-sg'
# brew 'open-sp'
# brew 'open-vcdiff'
# brew 'opencc'
# brew 'opencolorio'
# brew 'openconnect'
# brew 'opencore-amr'
# brew 'opencv'
# brew 'openexr'
# brew 'openfst'
# brew 'openimageio'
# brew 'openjpeg'
# brew 'openldap'
# brew 'openmeeg'
# brew 'opensaml'
# brew 'openslp'
# brew 'opentracker'
# brew 'openttd'
# brew 'openvpn'
# brew 'ophcrack'
# brew 'optipng'
# brew 'opus'
# brew 'opus-tools'
# brew 'orbit'
# brew 'orc'
# brew 'orpie'
# brew 'ortp'
# brew 'osm-pbf'
# brew 'osm2pgsql'
# brew 'osmosis'
# brew 'osslsigncode'
# brew 'ossp-uuid'
# brew 'otx'
# brew 'owfs'
# brew 'p0f'
# brew 'p11-kit'
# brew 'p7zip'
# brew 'pam_yubico'
# brew 'paml'
# brew 'pango'
# brew 'pangomm'
# brew 'paperkey'
# brew 'par'
# brew 'par2'
# brew 'par2tbb'
# brew 'parallel'
# brew 'pari'
# brew 'parmetis'
# brew 'parrot'
# brew 'patchutils'
# brew 'pathfinder'
# brew 'pax-construct'
# brew 'pax-runner'
# brew 'pbc'
# brew 'pbc-sig'
# brew 'pbzip2'
# brew 'pcal'
# brew 'pcb'
# brew 'pdal'
# brew 'pdf2image'
# brew 'pdf2json'
# brew 'pdf2svg'
# brew 'pdfcrack'
# brew 'pdfgrep'
# brew 'pdfjam'
# brew 'pdflib-lite'
# brew 'pdftohtml'
# brew 'pdksh'
# brew 'pdnsd'
# brew 'pdsh'
# brew 'peg'
# brew 'peg-markdown'
# brew 'perceptualdiff'
# brew 'percona-server'
# brew 'percona-toolkit'
# brew 'perforce'
# brew 'perforce-proxy'
# brew 'perforce-server'
# brew 'perl'
# brew 'pg_top'
# brew 'pgbouncer'
# brew 'pgdbf'
# brew 'pgpool-ii'
# brew 'pgtap'
# brew 'phantomjs'
# brew 'phash'
# brew 'phoronix-test-suite'
# brew 'phyml'
# brew 'physfs'
# brew 'pianobar'
# brew 'picoc'
# brew 'picocom'
# brew 'pidof'
# brew 'pig'
# brew 'pigz'
# brew 'pil'
# brew 'pincaster'
# brew 'pinentry'
# brew 'pipebench'
# brew 'pipemeter'
# brew 'pit'
# brew 'pixie'
# brew 'pixman'
# brew 'pkg-config'
# brew 'play'
# brew 'playdar'
# brew 'plink'
# brew 'plod'
# brew 'plotutils'
# brew 'plowshare'
# brew 'plt-racket'
# brew 'plustache'
# brew 'plzip'
# brew 'pmdmini'
# brew 'pms'
# brew 'png2ico'
# brew 'pngcheck'
# brew 'pngcrush'
# brew 'pngnq'
# brew 'pngrewrite'
# brew 'poco'
# brew 'podofo'
# brew 'points2grid'
# brew 'polipo'
# brew 'polyml'
# brew 'poppler'
# brew 'popt'
# brew 'portaudio'
# brew 'portmidi'
# brew 'pos'
# brew 'poster'
# brew 'postgis'
# brew 'postgresql'
# brew 'postmark'
# brew 'potrace'
# brew 'pound'
# brew 'povray'
# brew 'pow'
# brew 'ppl'
# brew 'ppss'
# brew 'premake'
# brew 'primer3'
# brew 'primesieve'
# brew 'privoxy'
# brew 'proctools'
# brew 'prodigal'
# brew 'proguard'
# brew 'proj'
# brew 'proxytunnel'
# brew 'psftools'
# brew 'psgrep'
# brew 'pstoedit'
# brew 'pstree'
# brew 'pth'
# brew 'ptunnel'
# brew 'puf'
# brew 'pulledpork'
# brew 'pure'
# brew 'pure-ftpd'
# brew 'putmail'
# brew 'putmail-queue'
# brew 'putty'
# brew 'pv'
# brew 'pwgen'
# brew 'pwnat'
# brew 'pwsafe'
# brew 'py2cairo'
# brew 'pygobject'
# brew 'pygtk'
# brew 'pygtkglext'
# brew 'pypy'
# brew 'pyqt'
# brew 'pyqwt'
# brew 'pyside'
# brew 'pyside-tools'
# brew 'qca'
# brew 'qcachegrind'
# brew 'qd'
# brew 'qdbm'
# brew 'qemu'
# brew 'qfits'
# brew 'qhull'
# brew 'qi'
# brew 'qjson'
# brew 'qpdf'
# brew 'qprint'
# brew 'qrencode'
# brew 'qrupdate'
# brew 'qscintilla2'
# brew 'qstat'
# brew 'qt-mobility'
# brew 'quantlib'
# brew 'quassel'
# brew 'quex'
# brew 'quickfix'
# brew 'quicktree'
# brew 'quilt'
# brew 'quvi'
# brew 'qwt'
# brew 'qxmpp'
# brew 'radare2'
# brew 'ragel'
# brew 'rails-completion'
# brew 'rakudo-star'
# brew 'ranger'
# brew 'raptor'
# brew 'rarian'
# brew 'rasqal'
# brew 'rats'
# brew 'rbenv'
# brew 'rbenv-gemset'
# brew 'rbenv-vars'
# brew 'rc'
# brew 'rdesktop'
# brew 'rdiff-backup'
# brew 'rds-command-line-tools'
# brew 're2'
# brew 're2c'
# brew 'readline'
# brew 'readosm'
# brew 'readpst'
# brew 'reattach-to-user-namespace'
# brew 'rebar'
# brew 'recode'
# brew 'recutils'
# brew 'redis'
# brew 'redis-tools'
# brew 'redland'
# brew 'redo'
# brew 'redsocks'
# brew 'regina-rexx'
# brew 'remind'
# brew 'ren'
# brew 'rename'
# brew 'renameutils'
# brew 'repl'
# brew 'repo'
# brew 'reposurgeon'
# brew 'resty'
# brew 'rfcdiff'
# brew 'rfcmarkup'
# brew 'rfcstrip'
# brew 'rhino'
# brew 'riak'
# brew 'riak-search'
# brew 'riemann'
# brew 'rinetd'
# brew 'ringojs'
# brew 'ripmime'
# brew 'rlog'
# brew 'rlwrap'
# brew 'rmcast'
# brew 'rmtrash'
# brew 'rnv'
# brew 'robodoc'
# brew 'rock'
# brew 'rogue'
# brew 'rom-tools'
# brew 'roundup'
# brew 'rpg'
# brew 'rpl'
# brew 'rpm2cpio'
# brew 'rrdtool'
# brew 'rsense'
# brew 'rsnapshot'
# brew 'rsyslog'
# brew 'rt-audio'
# brew 'rtmpdump'
# brew 'rtorrent'
# brew 'rtpbreak'
# brew 'rubber'
# brew 'rubinius'
# brew 'ruby'
# brew 'ruby-build'
# brew 'ruby-enterprise-edition'
# brew 'ruby-odbc'
# brew 'runcocoa'
# brew 'runit'
# brew 'rush'
# brew 'rust'
# brew 'rxvt-unicode'
# brew 'rzip'
# brew 's-lang'
# brew 's3-backer'
# brew 's3cmd'
# brew 's3fs'
# brew 's3sync'
# brew 'saga-core'
# brew 'salt'
# brew 'sam2p'
# brew 'samba'
# brew 'samtools'
# brew 'sane-backends'
# brew 'sary'
# brew 'savana'
# brew 'saxon'
# brew 'saxon-b'
# brew 'sbcl'
# brew 'sbt'
# brew 'sc68'
# brew 'scalate'
# brew 'scalpel'
# brew 'scamperema'
# brew 'scantailor'
# brew 'scheme48'
# brew 'schroedinger'
# brew 'scm-manager'
# brew 'scons'
# brew 'scotch'
# brew 'screen'
# brew 'scrollkeeper'
# brew 'scrotwm'
# brew 'scrub'
# brew 'scrypt'
# brew 'scsh'
# brew 'scummvm'
# brew 'sdcc'
# brew 'sdelta3'
# brew 'sdf'
# brew 'sdl'
# brew 'sdl_gfx'
# brew 'sdl_image'
# brew 'sdl_mixer'
# brew 'sdl_net'
# brew 'sdl_rtf'
# brew 'sdl_sound'
# brew 'sdl_ttf'
# brew 'sedna'
# brew 'selenium-server-standalone'
# brew 'ser2net'
# brew 'serf'
# brew 'sersniff'
# brew 'sgrep'
# brew 'shakespeare'
# brew 'shapelib'
# brew 'shaper-probe'
# brew 'shared-mime-info'
# brew 'shark'
# brew ''
# brew 'shen'
# brew 'shiboken'
# brew 'shmux'
# brew 'shntool'
# brew 'shocco'
# brew 'shorten'
# brew 'shtool'
# brew 'sic'
# brew 'sickbeard'
# brew 'sigar'
# brew 'signing-party'
# brew 'silk'
# brew 'simgrid'
# brew 'simh'
# brew 'since'
# brew 'sip'
# brew 'sipcalc'
# brew 'sipp'
# brew 'sipsak'
# brew 'sisc-scheme'
# brew 'sispmctl'
# brew 'sitecopy'
# brew 'ski'
# brew 'skipfish'
# brew 'skktools'
# brew 'skytools'
# brew 'sl'
# brew 'sleepwatcher'
# brew 'sleuthkit'
# brew 'sloccount'
# brew 'slrn'
# brew 'smake'
# brew 'smartmontools'
# brew 'smartypants'
# brew 'smlnj'
# brew 'smpeg'
# brew 'snappy'
# brew 'snobol4'
# brew 'snort'
# brew 'sntop'
# brew 'socat'
# brew 'sofia-sip'
# brew 'solid'
# brew 'solr'
# brew 'sonar'
# brew 'sound-touch'
# brew 'source-highlight'
# brew 'sox'
# brew 'spark'
# brew 'spatialindex'
# brew 'spatialite-tools'
# brew 'spawn-fcgi'
# brew 'speex'
# brew 'sphinx'
# brew 'spidermonkey'
# brew 'spim'
# brew 'spin'
# brew 'spiped'
# brew 'splint'
# brew 'spring-roo'
# brew 'sproxy'
# brew 'sqsh'
# brew 'squashfs'
# brew 'squid'
# brew 'squirrel'
# brew 'srecord'
# brew 'ssdeep'
# brew 'ssed'
# brew 'ssh-copy-id'
# brew 'sshfs'
# brew 'sshguard'
# brew 'sshuttle'
# brew 'ssldump'
# brew 'sslscan'
# brew 'ssss'
# brew 'stanford-parser'
# brew 'star'
# brew 'staticrouted'
# brew 'stgit'
# brew 'stklos'
# brew 'storm'
# brew 'stormfs'
# brew 'stow'
# brew 'stp'
# brew 'strategoxt'
# brew 'streamripper'
# brew 'stress'
# brew 'stunnel'
# brew 'style-check'
# brew 'sub2srt'
# brew 'subversion'
# brew 'suite-sparse'
# brew 'sundials'
# brew 'surfraw'
# brew 'svdlibc'
# brew 'svg2pdf'
# brew 'svg2png'
# brew 'swaks'
# brew 'swfmill'
# brew 'swftools'
# brew 'swi-prolog'
# brew 'swig'
# brew 'swish-e'
# brew 'syck'
# brew 'symphony'
# brew 'synergy'
# brew 'synfig'
# brew 'synfigstudio'
# brew 'syslog-ng'
# brew 'szip'
# brew 'szl'
# brew 't1utils'
# brew 'ta-lib'
# brew 'tabbed'
# brew 'tabix'
# brew 'taglib'
# brew 'tal'
# brew 'talk-filters'
# brew 'talloc'
# brew 'tarsnap'
# brew 'task'
# brew 'tbb'
# brew 'tcl'
# brew 'tclap'
# brew 'tcpdump'
# brew 'tcpflow'
# brew 'tcping'
# brew 'tcpreplay'
# brew 'tcpstat'
# brew 'tcptrace'
# brew 'tcptraceroute'
# brew 'tcptrack'
# brew 'tcpurify'
# brew 'teapot'
# brew 'teem'
# brew 'term'
# brew 'tesseract'
# brew 'testdisk'
# brew 'tetgen'
# brew 'texinfo'
# brew 'thc-pptp-bruter'
# brew 'the_silver_searcher'
# brew 'theora'
# brew 'thrift'
# brew 'thrulay'
# brew 'tidy'
# brew 'tidyp'
# brew 'tiff2png'
# brew 'tig'
# brew 'tiger-vnc'
# brew 'timbl'
# brew 'timedog'
# brew 'tin'
# brew 'tinc'
# brew 'tintin'
# brew 'tiny-fugue'
# brew 'tinyproxy'
# brew 'tinysvm'
# brew 'titlecase'
# brew 'tivodecode'
# brew 'tk'
# brew 'tkdiff'
# brew 'tmap'
# brew 'tmpreaper'
# brew 'tmux'
# brew 'tn5250'
# brew 'tnef'
# brew 'todo-txt'
# brew 'tofrodos'
# brew 'toilet'
# brew 'tokyo-cabinet'
# brew 'tokyo-dystopia'
# brew 'tokyo-tyrant'
# brew 'tomcat'
# brew 'topgit'
# brew 'tophat'
# brew 'tor'
# brew 'torsocks'
# brew 'trafficserver'
# brew 'trafshow'
# brew 'trang'
# brew 'transcode'
# brew 'transmission'
# brew 'tre'
# brew 'tree'
# brew 'treecc'
# brew 'treeline'
# brew 'triangle'
# brew 'tsung'
# brew 'ttf2eot'
# brew 'ttf2pt1'
# brew 'tth'
# brew 'ttyrec'
# brew 'ttytter'
# brew 'tup'
# brew 'two-lame'
# brew 'txt2man'
# brew 'txt2tags'
# brew 'typespeed'
# brew 'uade'
# brew 'uchardet'
# brew 'ucl'
# brew 'udis86'
# brew 'udns'
# brew 'udunits'
# brew 'ufraw'
# brew 'uif2iso'
# brew 'uim'
# brew 'unafold'
# brew 'unbound'
# brew 'uncrustify'
# brew 'unfs3'
# brew 'ungif'
# brew 'unifdef'
# brew 'unison'
# brew 'unittest'
# brew 'unixodbc'
# brew 'unp'
# brew 'unpaper'
# brew 'unrtf'
# brew 'unshield'
# brew 'unyaffs'
# brew 'uptimed'
# brew 'upx'
# brew 'uriparser'
# brew 'urlview'
# brew 'urweb'
# brew 'usbmuxd'
# brew 'ushare'
# brew 'utimer'
# brew 'uudeview'
# brew 'uwsgi'
# brew 'v8'
# brew 'v8cgi'
# brew 'vala'
# brew 'valkyrie'
# brew 'vbindiff'
# brew 'vcdimager'
# brew 'vcftools'
# brew 'vcodex'
# brew 'vcprompt'
# brew 'vde'
# brew 'velvet'
# brew 'verilator'
# brew 'vf'
# brew 'vgmstream'
# brew 'vice'
# brew 'vifm'
# brew 'vilistextum'
# brew 'vimeo-downloader'
# brew 'vimpager'
# brew 'vimpc'
# brew 'vip'
# brew 'vips'
# brew ''
# brew 'virtuoso'
# brew 'visitors'
# brew 'visualnetkit'
# brew 'vmalloc'
# brew 'vnstat'
# brew 'vobcopy'
# brew 'voldemort'
# brew 'vorbis-tools'
# brew 'vorbisgain'
# brew 'vpnc'
# brew 'vrpn'
# brew 'vsftpd'
# brew 'vte'
# brew 'vtk'
# brew 'w3m'
# brew 'wait_on'
# brew 'wakeonlan'
# brew 'watch'
# brew 'wavpack'
# brew 'wbox'
# brew 'wdfs'
# brew 'wdiff'
# brew 'web100clt'
# brew 'webalizer'
# brew 'webfs'
# brew 'webkit2png'
# brew 'webp'
# brew 'weechat'
# brew 'wemux'
# brew 'whatmask'
# brew 'when'
# brew 'whirr'
# brew 'whohas'
# brew 'wiggle'
# brew 'willgit'
# brew 'wine'
# brew 'winetricks'
# brew 'winexe'
# brew 'wkhtmltopdf'
# brew 'wla-dx'
# brew 'wmctrl'
# brew 'wol'
# brew 'wopr'
# brew 'wordnet'
# brew 'wp-cli'
# brew 'wps2odt'
# brew 'wput'
# brew 'wrangler'
# brew 'writerperfect'
# brew 'wrk'
# brew 'wtf'
# brew 'wv'
# brew 'wv2'
# brew 'wwwoffle'
# brew 'wxmac'
# brew 'wyrd'
# brew 'x264'
# brew 'x3270'
# brew 'xa'
# brew 'xapian'
# brew 'xar'
# brew 'xaric'
# brew 'xastir'
# brew 'xaw3d'
# brew 'xchat'
# brew 'xclip'
# brew 'xdelta'
# brew 'xdotool'
# brew 'xerces-c'
# brew 'xml-coreutils'
# brew 'xml-security-c'
# brew 'xml-tooling-c'
# brew 'xml2rfc'
# brew 'xmlformat'
# brew 'xmlrpc-c'
# brew 'xmlto'
# brew 'xmltoman'
# brew 'xmoto'
# brew 'xmp'
# brew 'xpa'
# brew 'xpdf'
# brew 'xplanet'
# brew 'xqilla'
# brew 'xrootd'
# brew 'xspin'
# brew 'xspringies'
# brew 'xsw'
# brew 'xvid'
# brew 'xz'
# brew 'yaf'
# brew 'yajl'
# brew 'yamdi'
# brew 'yaml-cpp'
# brew 'yara'
# brew 'yarp'
# brew 'yasm'
# brew 'yaws'
# brew 'yaz'
# brew 'yazpp'
# brew 'yconalyzer'
# brew 'yeti'
# brew 'ykclient'
# brew 'ykpers'
# brew 'youtube-dl'
# brew 'yuicompressor'
# brew 'yydecode'
# brew 'z'
# brew 'zbar'
# brew 'zdelta'
# brew 'zebra'
# brew 'zeromq'
# brew 'zile'
# brew 'zint'
# brew 'zlib'
# brew 'znc'
# brew 'zookeeper'
# brew 'zsh'
# brew 'zsh-completions'
# brew 'zsh-lovers'
# brew 'zssh'
# brew 'zsync'
# brew 'zzuf'
# Use Homebrew to install our favorite typical-user packages
# that may need to be installed manually because of passwords,
# or moving files, or more-complex issues that need a human.
## Environment-related
# DisplayLink enables adding monitors
cask 'displaylink'
# Java language for running many applications
cask 'java'
# Karabiner remaps keyboard keys
cask 'karabiner'
## Media-related
# Adobe Air player for multimedia content
cask 'adobe-air'
# Adobe Reader for PDF files
cask 'adobe-reader'
## Misc
cask 'flip4mac'
cask 'google-hangouts'
cask 'inky'
cask 'obs'
cask 'pandoc'
cask 'prey'
cask 'seil'
cask 'teamviewer'
cask 'unity-web-player'
cask 'unity3d'
cask 'zoomus'
## Mac App Store
mas 'Numbers', id: 409203825
mas 'Pages', id: 409201541
mas 'Slack', id: 803453959
mas 'Sip', id: 507257563
mas 'Simplenote', id: 692867256
mas 'Todoist', id: 585829637
# Use Homebrew to install our favorite tech-related packages
# that can be installed fully automatically i.e. unattended;
# these packages do not ask for passwords, do not have any
# prompts, and do not have any issues that need a human.
# If you're using this file and you find any packages that
# do not install automatically, please let us know by opening
# an issue, or emailing us, or creating a pull request. Thanks!
# ## Link
# Some of the brew packages need to link to others.
# * `brew link cmake` before mysql
# * `brew link cmake` before wireshark can be installed
# * `brew link cmake` before homebrew/science/opencv
# * `brew link pandoc` before shellcheck can be installed
# System
# XQuartz provides X.Org X Window System that runs on OS X.
cask 'xquartz'
# Environment
# Shell
# GUI for rsync
brew 'grsync'
# Shell script syntax check linter
brew link pandoc; brew 'shellcheck'
# BATS: Bash Automated Testing System
cask 'bats'
# Clients
# Shuttle: simple SSH shortcut menu
cask 'shuttle'
# Fugu: a graphical shell for SSH and FTP.
cask 'fugu'
# Charles: enables a developer to view HTTP traffic.
cask 'charles'
# Languages
# Networking
# Wireshark network monitoring, with the QT GUI.
brew link cmake; cask 'wireshark --with-qt'
# Wireshark-chmodbft enables regular users to capture network packets.
cask 'wireshark-chmodbpf'
# Charles web debugging proxy
cask 'charles'
# Siege is an http load testing and benchmarking utility.
brew 'siege'
# Virtual environments
# Docker assembles applications from components.
cask 'docker'
# Vagrant creates and configures portable development environments.
cask 'vagrant'
# VirtualBox creates and configures portable development environments, by Oracle.
cask 'virtualbox'
# Terraform common configuration to launch infrastructure.
brew 'terraform'
# Markup languages
# For example this section is a good place for HTML tools,
# Markdown tools, UML tools, XML tools, and similar.
# Pandoc converts among various formats, such as Markdown and HTML
brew 'pandoc'
## Markdown
# MacDown simple markdown editor
cask 'macdown'
# Programming languages
# This section installs many programming languages:
# Clojure, Elixir, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript,
# Perl, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, Swift, and tooling.
## Java
# Java programming language
cask 'java'
# Gradle is a Java build tool
brew 'gradle'
# Maven is a Java build tool
brew 'maven'
## JavaScript
# Node.js is a JavaScript platform for building fast, scalable network app.
brew 'node'
# PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API.
brew 'phantomjs'
# V8 JavaScript Engine.
brew 'v8'
# JSON output using the shell
brew 'jo'
# JID JSON explorer
brew tap simeji/jid && brew 'jid'
## Perl
# Perl programming language, esp. for systems administration.
brew 'perl'
# Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions pattern matching tools.
brew 'pcre'
# CPAN search for perl modules
brew 'cpansearch'
## Python
# Python programming language, esp. for systems scripting.
brew 'python'
brew 'python3'
# Libraries
# We do this near the end of this file,
# because we expect these will already be
# installed by a bunch of the software above.
# This section here is really just to cover our
# bases to make sure we have the libraries that we
# sometimes need for building other software later on.
# THe libevent API provides provides asynchronous event notification and callbacks.
brew 'libevent'
# Magic number recognition library for file types.
brew 'libmagic'
# Audio/Visual converters
brew 'libav'
# Curl web fetcher
brew 'libcurl'
# Foreign Function Interface Library
brew 'libffi'
# Text encoding
brew 'libiconv'
# File magic number recognizer
brew 'libmagic'
# ncurses console nagivation
brew 'libncurses'
# Sodium secure cryptography
brew 'libsodium'
# Readline terminal input
brew 'libreadline'
# GNU libtool is a generic library support script.
brew 'libtool'
# XML handlers
brew 'libxml2'
brew 'libxslt'
# High-level interface to X.509 and CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
brew 'libksba'
# V8 JavaScript
brew 'libv8'
# YAML markup language
brew 'libyaml'
# ZIP file compression
brew 'libzip'
# Images
brew 'libjpg'
brew 'libpng'
brew 'libtiff'
brew 'libwebp'
# Use Homebrew to install our favorite tech-related packages
# that may need to be installed manually because of passwords,
# or moving files, or more-complex issues that need a human.
# Update - this is always the first step
brew update
# Emacs editor.
sudo rm /usr/bin/emacs &&
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/emacs &&
brew 'emacs --cocoa --srgb --use-git-head --HEAD &&'
ls -1 /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/*/bin/emacs |
tail -1 |
xargs -I{} sudo ln -sf "{}" /usr/bin/emacs
## Networking
# nmap network mapper is a security scanner
cask 'nmap'
# Wireshark network protocol analyzer
cask 'wireshark'
## Programming
## Tools
# Ansible is a simple way to automate apps and IT infrastructure.
brew 'ansible'
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