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Created November 23, 2014 13:52
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class CreateTheme
public int Id;
public int AccountId;
public string Name;
public Optional<string> Description;
static void Handle(IUnitOfWork uow, CreateTheme cmd)
var account = uow.Load<Account>(cmd.AccountId);
uow.Register(account.Create(cmd.Name, cmd.Description));
class Theme
public readonly int Id;
public readonly int AccountId;
public readonly string Name;
public readonly string Description;
public Theme(int id, int accountId, string name, string description)
Guard.Against(id < 1, ()=> Argument.Invalid("id should be greater than 0"));
Guard.AgainstNullOrEmpty(()=> name);
Id = id;
AccountId = accountId;
Name = name;
Description = description;
class Account
const int Max_Themes_Per_Account = 10;
readonly IList<Theme> themes = new List<Theme>();
public Theme Create(string name, string description)
if (themes.Count + 1 > Max_Themes_Per_Account)
throw MaxThemePerAccountLimitReached.Create(this, name);
return new Theme(themes.Count + 1, this.Id, name, description);
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