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Created August 23, 2019 08:55
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Currency Converter
<div class="container">
<div class="header">
<h1>Currency Converter</h1>
<div class="date"></div>
<ul class="currencies"></ul>
<button class="add-currency-btn"><i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left"></i>Add Currency</button>
<ul class="add-currency-list"></ul>
// Global Variables
const addCurrencyBtn = document.querySelector(".add-currency-btn");
const addCurrencyList = document.querySelector(".add-currency-list");
const currenciesList = document.querySelector(".currencies");
const dataURL = "";
const initiallyDisplayedCurrencies = ["USD", "EUR", "GBP", "JPY", "RUB"];
let baseCurrency;
let baseCurrencyAmount;
let currencies = [
name: "US Dollar",
abbreviation: "USD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Euro",
abbreviation: "EUR",
symbol: "\u20AC",
flagURL: ""
name: "Japanese Yen",
abbreviation: "JPY",
symbol: "\u00A5",
flagURL: ""
name: "British Pound",
abbreviation: "GBP",
symbol: "\u00A3",
flagURL: ""
name: "Australian Dollar",
abbreviation: "AUD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Canadian Dollar",
abbreviation: "CAD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Swiss Franc",
abbreviation: "CHF",
symbol: "\u0043\u0048\u0046",
flagURL: ""
name: "Chinese Yuan Renminbi",
abbreviation: "CNY",
symbol: "\u00A5",
flagURL: ""
name: "Swedish Krona",
abbreviation: "SEK",
symbol: "\u006B\u0072",
flagURL: ""
name: "New Zealand Dollar",
abbreviation: "NZD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Mexican Peso",
abbreviation: "MXN",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Singapore Dollar",
abbreviation: "SGD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Hong Kong Dollar",
abbreviation: "HKD",
symbol: "\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "Norwegian Krone",
abbreviation: "NOK",
symbol: "\u006B\u0072",
flagURL: ""
name: "South Korean Won",
abbreviation: "KRW",
symbol: "\u20A9",
flagURL: ""
name: "Turkish Lira",
abbreviation: "TRY",
symbol: "\u20BA",
flagURL: ""
name: "Russian Ruble",
abbreviation: "RUB",
symbol: "\u20BD",
flagURL: ""
name: "Indian Rupee",
abbreviation: "INR",
symbol: "\u20B9",
flagURL: ""
name: "Brazilian Real",
abbreviation: "BRL",
symbol: "\u0052\u0024",
flagURL: ""
name: "South African Rand",
abbreviation: "ZAR",
symbol: "\u0052",
flagURL: ""
name: "Philippine Peso",
abbreviation: "PHP",
symbol: "\u20B1",
flagURL: ""
name: "Czech Koruna",
abbreviation: "CZK",
symbol: "\u004B\u010D",
flagURL: ""
name: "Indonesian Rupiah",
abbreviation: "IDR",
symbol: "\u0052\u0070",
flagURL: ""
name: "Malaysian Ringgit",
abbreviation: "MYR",
symbol: "\u0052\u004D",
flagURL: ""
name: "Hungarian Forint",
abbreviation: "HUF",
symbol: "\u0046\u0074",
flagURL: ""
name: "Icelandic Krona",
abbreviation: "ISK",
symbol: "\u006B\u0072",
flagURL: ""
name: "Croatian Kuna",
abbreviation: "HRK",
symbol: "\u006B\u006E",
flagURL: ""
name: "Bulgarian Lev",
abbreviation: "BGN",
symbol: "\u043B\u0432",
flagURL: ""
name: "Romanian Leu",
abbreviation: "RON",
symbol: "\u006C\u0065\u0069",
flagURL: ""
name: "Danish Krone",
abbreviation: "DKK",
symbol: "\u006B\u0072",
flagURL: ""
name: "Thai Baht",
abbreviation: "THB",
symbol: "\u0E3F",
flagURL: ""
name: "Polish Zloty",
abbreviation: "PLN",
symbol: "\u007A\u0142",
flagURL: ""
name: "Israeli Shekel",
abbreviation: "ILS",
symbol: "\u20AA",
flagURL: ""
// Event Listeners
addCurrencyBtn.addEventListener("click", addCurrencyBtnClick);
function addCurrencyBtnClick(event) {
addCurrencyList.addEventListener("click", addCurrencyListClick);
function addCurrencyListClick(event) {
const clickedListItem ="li");
if(!clickedListItem.classList.contains("disabled")) {
const newCurrency = currencies.find(c => c.abbreviation===clickedListItem.getAttribute("data-currency"));
if(newCurrency) newCurrenciesListItem(newCurrency);
currenciesList.addEventListener("click", currenciesListClick);
function currenciesListClick(event) {
if("close")) {
const parentNode =;
if(parentNode.classList.contains("base-currency")) {
const newBaseCurrencyLI = currenciesList.querySelector(".currency");
if(newBaseCurrencyLI) {
baseCurrencyAmount = Number(newBaseCurrencyLI.querySelector(".input input").value);
function setNewBaseCurrency(newBaseCurrencyLI) {
baseCurrency =;
const baseCurrencyRate = currencies.find(currency => currency.abbreviation===baseCurrency).rate;
currenciesList.querySelectorAll(".currency").forEach(currencyLI => {
const currencyRate = currencies.find(currency =>;
const exchangeRate = ? 1 : (currencyRate/baseCurrencyRate).toFixed(4);
currencyLI.querySelector(".base-currency-rate").textContent = `1 ${baseCurrency} = ${exchangeRate} ${}`;
currenciesList.addEventListener("input", currenciesListInputChange);
function currenciesListInputChange(event) {
const isNewBaseCurrency ="li").id!==baseCurrency;
if(isNewBaseCurrency) {
const newBaseCurrencyAmount = isNaN( ? 0 : Number(;
if(baseCurrencyAmount!==newBaseCurrencyAmount || isNewBaseCurrency) {
baseCurrencyAmount = newBaseCurrencyAmount;
const baseCurrencyRate = currencies.find(currency => currency.abbreviation===baseCurrency).rate;
currenciesList.querySelectorAll(".currency").forEach(currencyLI => {
if(!==baseCurrency) {
const currencyRate = currencies.find(currency =>;
const exchangeRate = ? 1 : (currencyRate/baseCurrencyRate).toFixed(4);
currencyLI.querySelector(".input input").value = exchangeRate*baseCurrencyAmount!==0 ? (exchangeRate*baseCurrencyAmount).toFixed(4) : "";
currenciesList.addEventListener("focusout", currenciesListFocusOut);
function currenciesListFocusOut(event) {
const inputValue =;
if(isNaN(inputValue) || Number(inputValue)===0)"";
else = Number(inputValue).toFixed(4);
currenciesList.addEventListener("keydown", currenciesListKeyDown);
function currenciesListKeyDown(event) {
// Auxiliary Functions
function populateAddCyrrencyList() {
for(let i=0; i<currencies.length; i++) {
`<li data-currency=${currencies[i].abbreviation}>
<img src=${currencies[i].flagURL} class="flag"><span>${currencies[i].abbreviation} - ${currencies[i].name}</span>
function populateCurrenciesList() {
for(let i=0; i<initiallyDisplayedCurrencies.length; i++) {
const currency = currencies.find(c => c.abbreviation===initiallyDisplayedCurrencies[i]);
if(currency) newCurrenciesListItem(currency);
function newCurrenciesListItem(currency) {
if(currenciesList.childElementCount===0) {
baseCurrency = currency.abbreviation;
baseCurrencyAmount = 0;
const baseCurrencyRate = currencies.find(c => c.abbreviation===baseCurrency).rate;
const exchangeRate = currency.abbreviation===baseCurrency ? 1 : (currency.rate/baseCurrencyRate).toFixed(4);
const inputValue = baseCurrencyAmount ? (baseCurrencyAmount*exchangeRate).toFixed(4) : "";
`<li class="currency ${currency.abbreviation===baseCurrency ? "base-currency" : ""}" id=${currency.abbreviation}>
<img src=${currency.flagURL} class="flag">
<div class="info">
<p class="input"><span class="currency-symbol">${currency.symbol}</span><input placeholder="0.0000" value=${inputValue}></p>
<p class="currency-name">${currency.abbreviation} - ${}</p>
<p class="base-currency-rate">1 ${baseCurrency} = ${exchangeRate} ${currency.abbreviation}</p>
<span class="close">&times;</span>
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
document.querySelector(".date").textContent =;
data.rates["EUR"] = 1;
currencies = currencies.filter(currency => data.rates[currency.abbreviation]);
currencies.forEach(currency => currency.rate = data.rates[currency.abbreviation]);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
@import url('');
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