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Last active December 16, 2015 17:59
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Playing around with Clojure
(ns cljcloud.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[ :as json]))
(defn parse
"Parse a Collection+JSON response body into a map."
(-> resp
(json/read-str :key-fn keyword)
; Examples:
; [{:name "first-name" :value "Arthur"} {:name "last-name" :value "Dent"}]
; [{:rel "next" :href "/next"} {:rel "prev" :href "/prev"}]
(defn datum
"Retrieve a datum in the given data by name."
([data name] (datum data name :name))
([data name key]
(first (filter #(= name (key %)) data))))
(defn- auth-header
"Create an authorization header using the given token."
{"Authorization" (str "Token token=" token)})
(defn- get-collection
([url email pass] (parse (http/get url {:basic-auth [email pass]})))
([url token] (parse (http/get url {:headers (auth-header token)}))))
(defn- follow-link
[coll link token]
(let [href (:href (datum (:links coll) "drops" :rel))]
(get-collection href token)))
(defn- authorize
[email pass]
(get-collection "" email pass))
(defn- root
(get-collection "" token))
(defn token
"Retrieve the authorization token for an account."
[email pass]
(-> (authorize email pass)
(get-in [:items 0 :data])
(datum "token")
(defn drops
"Retrieve the latest drops for an account."
(-> (root token)
(follow-link "drops" token)))
(ns cljcloud.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[cljcloud.core :as client]
[ :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]))
(deftest parse-test
(testing "basic collection+json response"
(let [coll {:collection {:version "1.0" :href ""}}
resp {:body (json/write-str coll)}]
(is (= {:version "1.0" :href ""}
(client/parse resp))))))
(deftest datum-test
(testing "retrieves datum by name by default"
(let [first-name {:name "first-name" :value "Arthur" }
last-name {:name "last-name" :value "Dent" }
data [first-name last-name]]
(is (= first-name (client/datum data "first-name")))))
(testing "retrieves datum by given key"
(let [next {:rel "next" :href "/next" }
prev {:rel "prev" :href "/prev" }
data [next prev]]
(is (= next (client/datum data "next" :rel))))))
(deftest token-test
(testing "fetch token for account"
(let [coll {:collection {:items [{:data [{:name "token"
:value "abc123"}]}]}}
resp {:body (json/write-str coll)}]
(with-redefs [http/get (constantly resp)] ; This seems bad.
(is (= "abc123" (client/token "" "towel")))))))
(deftest drops-test
(testing "i have no idea how to test this"))
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