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Extracting / Exporting custom emoji from Slack

Extracting Emoji From Slack!

Slack doesn't provide an easy way to extract custom emoji from a team. (Especially teams with thousands of custom emoji) This Gist walks you through a relatively simple approach to get your emoji out.

If you're an admin of your own team, you can get the list of emoji directly using this API: Once you have it, skip to Step 3

HOWEVER! This gist is intended for people who don't have admin access, nor access tokens for using that list.

Follow along...

Step 1

Open your Slack team on your browser (I used FireFox in this example)

Next, Open your developer tools, and go to the network tab. Look for a POST request on /emoji.list step1

Step 2

Right Click on the request, and choose to open it in a new tab. step2

This will cause the browser to replay the request, yielding a JSON file with all your emoji information. step3

Save this file somewhere as emoji.json

Step 3

Run on the file. (Make sure you chmod +x it to make it executable. Details on the file.

./ emoji.json

Sit back and wait. This will create a folder called output and will save all your emoji to it.

Optional Step 4

To bulk upload your emoji into a new team, use this chrome extension:


1- This downloads files sequentially, one at a time. I didn't want to incurr Slack's rage by hammering their edge server with concurrent downloads. 2- This will duplicate aliased emoji

#!/usr/bin/env bash
## UPDATE for 2019: I completely changed my approach on how to obtain the emoji dump.
## The new approach results in a JSON file, so the processing is a bit diferent than
## with the previous version. This version will also take care of aliased emoji.
# Use:
# Make this file executable, and feed it the results from the Slack emoji URL dump. Files will be downloaded to `output`
# chmod +x
# ./ emoji.json
# Input File
# Create output directory where downloaded emoji will be stored
mkdir -p output;
# Clean Up Source File:
# Break up the file into individual lines for processing (Comma and { to NewLine)
# Slack's emoji JSON brings an unwanted escape character "\". We need to remove it.
# We'll also remove unwanted quote marks `"` and curly braces "{" "}"
RAW_LIST=$(cat "${INPUT}" | tr ",{" "\\n" | sed -E 's/[\\"{}]//g')
# Separate into Custom Emoji (Ignoring slack's default ones) and Aliases
# Filter for custom emoji (ie: Anything on, and remove the ":" separator
EMOJI_LIST=$( echo "${RAW_LIST}" | grep "" | sed 's/:https/ https/')
# Filter for the aliases, and remove the separator
ALIAS_LIST=$( echo "${RAW_LIST}" | grep ":alias:" | sed 's/:alias:/ /' )
# First download all the emoji
echo "${EMOJI_LIST}" |
while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo "Downloading ${name}.${extension}"
curl -s -o "output/${name}.${extension}" "${url}"
# Now duplicate all the aliases
echo "${ALIAS_LIST}" |
while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
target=$(echo "${EMOJI_LIST}" | grep "${source} ")
echo "Looking for source of ${alias} in ${source} -> ${target}"
echo "copying output/${source}.${extension} to output/${alias}.${extension}"
cp "output/${source}.${extension}" "output/${alias}.${extension}"
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@lmarkus Thanks for this very helpful gist and comment thread.

@griffero I liked your ruby script. I modified it slightly and put it in a docker container:

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Is anyone else experiencing this, it would be pretty painful going through renaming and re-running each time. The JSON file does have the alias on there:


@yeti-brad yes, I ran into this issue and after downloading all the separate files, I made them into one "results" array to parse that looked like this:

  "results": [
      "name": "here",
      "value": "XXXXXX",
      "updated": 1592413041,
      "collection_id": "XXXXXXX"

I then modified @skeenan947 's python script to download the results (had to update parts of it to python3):

import json
import urllib3
import os
import sys

http = urllib3.PoolManager()

f = open(sys.argv[1])
emojis = json.load(f)['results']

for emoji in emojis:
    url = emoji["value"]
    alias = ""
    if "is_alias" in emoji:
        alias = " or " + emoji["alias"]
    name = emoji["name"]
    ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1]
    fname = OUTDIR + '/' + name + alias + ext
    ef = http.request('GET', url)
    with open(fname, "wb") as code:

Run it as:

$ emoji_list.json

For the emojis that have aliases, it names them as [name] or [alt name].png. Hopefully, that will help when trying to grep through file names.

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dubiousdesigns commented Jul 29, 2022

I wasn't having any luck with the above methods (e.g., files named wrong, errors downloading, etc).

But this node script worked great!

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dlants commented Sep 29, 2022

Yeah this is a bit out of date, but still somewhat workable.

Slack no longer uses the emoji.list route in the slack workspace. Instead, there's a emoji.adminList route on the customize/emoji admin page. That returns things in a similar format, though they are paginated, so you need to either page through manually or modify the request to get all the entries at once.

Once you have the adminList JSON responses downloaded, I used this nodejs script to actually download the image files:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as request from 'request';

async function run() {
  const emojiStr = fs.readFileSync('emojis.json');
  const emojis: any = JSON.parse(emojiStr.toString());

  for (const spec of emojis.emoji) {
    const outputFile = `./emojis/${}${path.extname(spec.url)}`;
    console.log(`Downloading ${spec.url} into ${outputFile}`);

    await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
        .on('close', resolve)
        .on('error', reject)

  () => {
  (err) => {

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bossxl commented Oct 3, 2022

slightly updated version of @dlants script.
Allows for multiple admin files and removes request for fetch.

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

async function run() {
  const listsFolder = './emoji_lists/';
  const files = fs.readdirSync(listsFolder);
  const emojis = { emoji:[] }
  files.forEach(file => {
    const emojiStr = fs.readFileSync(`${listsFolder}/${file}`);
    const fileEmojis = JSON.parse(emojiStr.toString());
    emojis.emoji = emojis.emoji.concat(fileEmojis.emoji);
  for (const spec of emojis.emoji) {
    const outputFile = `./emojis/${}${path.extname(spec.url)}`;
    console.log(`Downloading ${spec.url} into ${outputFile}`);
    await fetch(spec.url)
    .then(res =>

  () => {
  (err) => {

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Very quick solution in ruby

require 'json'
require 'down'
require 'fileutils'

file ='./emojis.json')
data = JSON.parse(file)

data['emoji'].each do |child|
    url = child['url']
    extension = File.extname(URI.parse(url).path)
    outputFile = "./emojis/#{child['name']}#{extension}";
    puts "Downloading #{url} into #{outputFile}";
    tempfile =, outputFile)

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faster ruby script that uses a single http connection and does not require external dependencies. adapted from the one above.

require 'fileutils'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'

file ='./emojis.json')
data = JSON.parse(file)
emojis = data.is_a?(Array) ? data : data.fetch('emoji')


host = URI.parse(emojis.dig(0, 'url') || fail('no emojis or no url')).host

Net::HTTP.start(host, use_ssl: true) do |http|
  emojis.each do |emoji|
    path = URI.parse(emoji['url']).path
    extension = File.extname(path)
    output_path = "./emojis/#{emoji['name']}#{extension}"
    puts "Downloading #{path} into #{output_path}"
    response = http.get(path)
    File.write(output_path, response.body)

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h1bay1 commented Mar 21, 2023

I've been developing a Slack app to make Emoji wrangling easier in Slack which is now in the Slack app marketplace.

I've just finished an export feature via the official Slack API for those who don't wish to do anything custom 😄 feel free to add it to your workspace and give it a go 😊 Keen for feedback!


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statico commented Mar 21, 2023

Very cool! I'll give it a try

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if needed, I created a tiny go project to download/backup all your custom emojis from a given slack space :)

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h1bay1 commented Sep 5, 2023

Been pondering this problem a bit more and have since found an even easier way. It relies on Slack Connect and using EmojiBox.

Slack connect lets you instantly add emojis from one workspace to another by right clicking them.

Steps go like this.
Step 1: Create a slack connect channel between the 2 workspaces
Step 2: Invite yourself to the channel in the second workspace.
Step 3: Accept the invite
Step 4: Install EmojiBox in the app store if you haven’t already and add @EmojiBox from the old workspace to the slack connect channel.
Step 5: Type “@EmojiBox show all” (and hold onto something cause this logs out all your emojis)
Step 6: Right click any emoji you want in your new workspace and they’ll be instantly added.
Step 7: Archive the slack connect channel once your done.


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