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Created July 27, 2018 06:08
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import pathlib
c = get_config()
c.NbConvertApp.export_format = 'PDF'
c.TemplateExporter.template_path = ['.', str(pathlib.Path.cwd())]
c.Exporter.template_file = 'cyrillic'
((* set cell_style = 'style_python.tplx' *))
((* extends cell_style *))
((* block docclass *))
((* endblock docclass *))
((* block packages *))
((* endblock packages *))
default: run
@pipenv run jupyter notebook --ip= --config=./jupyter_notebook_config.json
@find . -name 'doc.*' -not -name doc.ipynb -delete
@make clean
@pipenv run jupyter nbconvert --config --to latex doc.ipynb
@pdflatex doc.tex
# @evince doc.pdf
.PHONY: default run convert clean
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