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Created October 12, 2023 19:11
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using System.Text;
using Lumina.Data.Structs.Excel;
namespace Lumina.Generator.CodeGen;
public class ArrayGenerator : BaseGenerator
public ArrayGenerator( Field field, List< ExcelColumnDefinition > columns, int startColumnIndex, int startOffset ) : base( field, columns, startColumnIndex, startOffset ) { }
public override void WriteFields( StringBuilder sb )
if( Field.Fields?.Count > 1 )
sb.Append( $"public {Field.Name}Struct[] {Field.Name} {{ get; private set; }}\n" );
else if( Util.IsSimpleLinkArray(Field) )
var nonStructField = Field.Fields[ 0 ];
if( nonStructField.Targets.Count == 1 )
sb.Append( $"public LazyRow< {nonStructField.Targets[0]} >[] {Field.Name} {{ get; private set; }}\n" );
sb.Append( $"public ILazyRow[] {Field.Name} {{ get; private set; }}\n" );
else if( Util.IsComplexLinkArray( Field ) )
sb.Append( $"public ILazyRow[] {Field.Name} {{ get; private set; }}\n" );
// no fields so our array is just scalars
sb.Append( $"public {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()}[] {Field.Name} {{ get; private set; }}\n" );
public override void WriteReaders( StringBuilder sb )
if( Field.Fields?.Count > 1 )
{ // begin inner struct handling
sb.Append( $"{Field.Name} = new {Field.Name}Struct[{Field.Count}];\n" );
sb.Append( $"for (int i = 0; i < {Field.Count}; i++)\n" );
sb.Append( "{\n" );
var structField = $"{Field.Name}[i]";
var columnStart = StartColumnIndex;
var structFieldSize = Util.GetFieldSize( Field, Columns, ref columnStart );
foreach( var subField in Field.Fields )
if( subField.Type == FieldType.Link )
if( subField.Targets.Count == 1 )
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = new LazyRow< {subField.Targets[ 0 ]} >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( (ushort) (i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()}) ), language );\n" );
else if (subField.Targets.Count > 1)
var sheetList = string.Join( ", ", subField.Targets.Select( x => $"\"{x}\"" ) );
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = EmptyLazyRow.GetFirstLazyRowOrEmpty( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()} ), language, {sheetList} );\n" );
else if (subField.Condition != null)
// TODO what the fuck
else if (Util.IsScalar(subField)) // scalar
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( (ushort) (i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()}){GetParserBitArg()});\n" );
else if (Util.IsSimpleArray(subField))
var iterator = $"{subField.Name}Indexer";
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = new {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()}[{subField.Count}];\n" );
sb.Append( $"\tfor (int {iterator} = 0; {iterator} < {subField.Count}; {iterator}++)\n" );
sb.Append( $"\t\t{structField}.{subField.Name}[{iterator}] = parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( (ushort) ( i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()} + {iterator} * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} ) );\n" );
else if (Util.IsSimpleLinkArray(subField))
var iterator = $"{subField.Name}Indexer";
if( subField.Fields[ 0 ].Targets.Count == 1 )
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = new LazyRow< {subField.Targets[ 0 ]} >[{subField.Count}];\n" );
sb.Append( $"\tfor (int {iterator} = 0; {iterator} < {Field.Count}; {iterator}++)\n" );
sb.Append( $"\t\t{structField}.{Field.Name}[{iterator}] = new LazyRow< {subField.Targets[ 0 ]} >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()} + {iterator} * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} ), language );\n" );
var sheetList = string.Join( ", ", subField.Targets.Select( x => $"\"{x}\"" ) );
sb.Append( $"\t{structField}.{subField.Name} = new ILazyRow[{subField.Count}];\n" );
sb.Append( $"\tfor (int {iterator} = 0; {iterator} < {Field.Count}; {iterator}++)\n" );
sb.Append( $"\t\t{structField}.{Field.Name}[{iterator}] = EmptyLazyRow.GetFirstLazyRowOrEmpty( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( i * {structFieldSize} + {CurrentOffset()} + {iterator} * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} ), language, {sheetList} );\n" );
// else if (Util.IsComplexLinkArray(subField)) TODO what the fuck
sb.Append( "}\n" );
} // end inner struct handling
else if( Util.IsSimpleLinkArray(Field) )
var nonStructField = Field.Fields[ 0 ];
if( nonStructField.Targets.Count == 1 )
// Name = new LazyRow< ActionTimeline >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 0 ), language );
sb.AppendLine( $"{Field.Name} = new LazyRow< {nonStructField.Targets[ 0 ]} >[{Field.Count}];" );
sb.AppendLine( $"for (int i = 0; i < {Field.Count}; i++)" );
sb.AppendLine( $"\t{Field.Name}[i] = new LazyRow< {nonStructField.Targets[ 0 ]} >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( (ushort) ( {CurrentOffset()} + i * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} ) ), language );" );
var sheetList = string.Join( ", ", nonStructField.Targets.Select( x => $"\"{x}\"" ) );
sb.AppendLine( $"{Field.Name} = new ILazyRow[{nonStructField.Count}];" );
sb.AppendLine( $"for (int i = 0; i < {Field.Count}; i++)" );
sb.AppendLine( $"\t{Field.Name}[i] = EmptyLazyRow.GetFirstLazyRowOrEmpty( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( {CurrentOffset()} + i * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} ), language, {sheetList} );" );
else if( Util.IsComplexLinkArray( Field ) )
sb.AppendLine( $"var {Field.Name} = new ILazyRow[ {Field.Count} ];" );
sb.AppendLine( $"Span<uint> {Field.Name}RowId = stackalloc uint[ {Field.Count} ];" );
sb.AppendLine( $"for( int i = 0; i < {Field.Count}; i++ )" );
sb.AppendLine( "{" );
sb.AppendLine( $"\t{Field.Name}RowId[ i ] = (uint) parser.ReadOffset< int >( {CurrentOffset()} + ( i * 4 ) );" );
sb.AppendLine( "}" );
// no fields so our array is just scalars, all the same type
sb.AppendLine( $"{Field.Name} = new {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()}[{Field.Count}];" );
sb.AppendLine( $"for (int i = 0; i < {Field.Count}; i++)" );
sb.AppendLine( $"\t{Field.Name}[i] = parser.ReadOffset< {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} >( {CurrentOffset()} + i * {SizeOfCurrentColumn()} );" );
public override void WriteStructs( StringBuilder sb )
if( Field.Fields?.Count > 1 )
sb.Append( $"public struct {Field.Name}Struct\n{{\n" );
foreach( var subField in Field.Fields )
if( subField.Type == FieldType.Link ) // link
if( subField.Targets?.Count == 1 )
sb.Append( $"\tpublic LazyRow< {subField.Targets[0]} > {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
else if ( subField.Targets?.Count > 1 || subField.Condition != null)
sb.Append( $"\tpublic ILazyRow {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
throw new Exception( $"Unable to handle link for field {subField.Name}" );
else if (Util.IsScalar(subField))
sb.Append( $"\tpublic {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()} {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
else if (Util.IsSimpleLinkArray(subField))
if( subField.Fields[0].Targets.Count == 1 )
sb.Append( $"\tpublic LazyRow< {subField.Fields[0].Targets[0]} >[] {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
sb.Append( $"\tpublic ILazyRow[] {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
SkipColumn( Util.GetFieldCount( subField ) );
else if( Util.IsComplexLinkArray( subField ) )
sb.Append( $"\tpublic ILazyRow[] {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
SkipColumn( Util.GetFieldCount( subField ) );
else if (Util.IsSimpleArray(subField))
// we don't have complex nested arrays... for now
sb.Append( $"\tpublic {ClrTypeOfCurrentColumn()}[] {subField.Name} {{ get; internal set; }}\n" );
SkipColumn( Util.GetFieldCount( subField ) );
sb.Append( "}\n" );
public override void WriteInitializers( StringBuilder sb )
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