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Created October 12, 2023 21:08
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// ReSharper disable All
using UIntSpan = System.Span<uint>;
using Lumina.Text;
using Lumina.Data;
using Lumina.Data.Structs.Excel;
using Lumina.Excel;
using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets;
namespace Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets2;
[Sheet( "Quest", columnHash: 0x73334779 )]
public partial class Quest : ExcelRow
public struct QuestParamsStruct
public SeString ScriptInstruction { get; internal set; }
public uint ScriptArg { get; internal set; }
public struct QuestListenerParamsStruct
public uint Listener { get; internal set; }
public uint ConditionValue { get; internal set; }
public ushort Behavior { get; internal set; }
public byte ActorSpawnSeq { get; internal set; }
public byte ActorDespawnSeq { get; internal set; }
public byte QuestUInt8A { get; internal set; }
public byte ConditionType { get; internal set; }
public byte ConditionOperator { get; internal set; }
public bool VisibleBool { get; internal set; }
public bool ConditionBool { get; internal set; }
public bool ItemBool { get; internal set; }
public bool AnnounceBool { get; internal set; }
public bool BehaviorBool { get; internal set; }
public bool AcceptBool { get; internal set; }
public bool QualifiedBool { get; internal set; }
public bool CanTargetBool { get; internal set; }
public struct TodoParamsStruct
public LazyRow< Level >[] ToDoLocation { get; internal set; }
public byte ToDoCompleteSeq { get; internal set; }
public byte ToDoQty { get; internal set; }
public byte CountableNum { get; internal set; }
public SeString Name { get; private set; }
public QuestParamsStruct[] QuestParams { get; private set; }
public QuestListenerParamsStruct[] QuestListenerParams { get; private set; }
public TodoParamsStruct[] TodoParams { get; private set; }
public uint GilReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Item > CurrencyReward { get; private set; }
public uint CurrencyRewardCount { get; private set; }
public ILazyRow[] Reward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Item >[] OptionalItemReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< InstanceContent > InstanceContentUnlock { get; private set; }
public ushort ExpFactor { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Emote > EmoteReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Action > ActionReward { get; private set; }
public ushort[] SystemReward { get; private set; }
public ushort GCTypeReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Item >[] ItemCatalyst { get; private set; }
public byte[] ItemCountCatalyst { get; private set; }
public byte ItemRewardType { get; private set; }
public byte[] ItemCountReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Stain >[] RewardStain { get; private set; }
public byte[] OptionalItemCountReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Stain >[] OptionalItemStainReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< GeneralAction >[] GeneralActionReward { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< QuestRewardOther > OtherReward { get; private set; }
public byte Tomestone { get; private set; }
public byte TomestoneReward { get; private set; }
public byte TomestoneCountReward { get; private set; }
public byte ReputationReward { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1465 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1466 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1467 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1468 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1469 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1470 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1471 { get; private set; }
public bool[] OptionalItemIsHQReward { get; private set; }
public SeString Id { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Quest >[] PreviousQuest { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Quest >[] QuestLock { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< InstanceContent >[] InstanceContent { get; private set; }
public ILazyRow IssuerStart { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Level > IssuerLocation { get; private set; }
public ILazyRow TargetEnd { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< JournalGenre > JournalGenre { get; private set; }
public uint Icon { get; private set; }
public uint IconSpecial { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Mount > MountRequired { get; private set; }
public ushort[] ClassJobLevel { get; private set; }
public ushort Header { get; private set; }
public ushort BellStart { get; private set; }
public ushort BellEnd { get; private set; }
public ushort BeastReputationValue { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Behavior > ClientBehavior { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< QuestClassJobSupply > QuestClassJobSupply { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< PlaceName > PlaceName { get; private set; }
public ushort SortKey { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< ExVersion > Expansion { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< ClassJobCategory > ClassJobCategory0 { get; private set; }
public byte QuestLevelOffset { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< ClassJobCategory > ClassJobCategory1 { get; private set; }
public byte PreviousQuestJoin { get; private set; }
public byte Unknown10 { get; private set; }
public byte QuestLockJoin { get; private set; }
public byte Unknown17 { get; private set; }
public byte Unknown18 { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< ClassJob > ClassJobUnlock { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< GrandCompany > GrandCompany { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< GrandCompanyRank > GrandCompanyRank { get; private set; }
public byte InstanceContentJoin { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< Festival > Festival { get; private set; }
public byte FestivalBegin { get; private set; }
public byte FestivalEnd { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< BeastTribe > BeastTribe { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< BeastReputationRank > BeastReputationRank { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< SatisfactionNpc > SatisfactionNpc { get; private set; }
public byte SatisfactionLevel { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< DeliveryQuest > DeliveryQuest { get; private set; }
public byte RepeatIntervalType { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< QuestRepeatFlag > QuestRepeatFlag { get; private set; }
public byte Type { get; private set; }
public byte LevelMax { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< ClassJob > ClassJobRequired { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< QuestRewardOther > QuestRewardOtherDisplay { get; private set; }
public byte Unknown1514 { get; private set; }
public LazyRow< EventIconType > EventIconType { get; private set; }
public byte Unknown1520 { get; private set; }
public bool IsHouseRequired { get; private set; }
public bool IsRepeatable { get; private set; }
public bool CanCancel { get; private set; }
public bool Introduction { get; private set; }
public bool HideOfferIcon { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1522 { get; private set; }
public bool Unknown1523 { get; private set; }
public override void PopulateData( RowParser parser, GameData gameData, Language language )
base.PopulateData( parser, gameData, language );
Name = parser.ReadOffset< SeString >( 0 );
QuestParams = new QuestParamsStruct[50];
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
QuestParams[i].ScriptInstruction = parser.ReadOffset< SeString >( (ushort) (i * 8 + 4));
QuestParams[i].ScriptArg = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) (i * 8 + 8));
QuestListenerParams = new QuestListenerParamsStruct[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
QuestListenerParams[i].Listener = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 404));
QuestListenerParams[i].ConditionValue = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 408));
QuestListenerParams[i].Behavior = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 412));
QuestListenerParams[i].ActorSpawnSeq = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 414));
QuestListenerParams[i].ActorDespawnSeq = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 415));
QuestListenerParams[i].QuestUInt8A = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 416));
QuestListenerParams[i].ConditionType = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 417));
QuestListenerParams[i].ConditionOperator = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 418));
QuestListenerParams[i].VisibleBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419));
QuestListenerParams[i].ConditionBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 2);
QuestListenerParams[i].ItemBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 4);
QuestListenerParams[i].AnnounceBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 8);
QuestListenerParams[i].BehaviorBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 16);
QuestListenerParams[i].AcceptBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 32);
QuestListenerParams[i].QualifiedBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 64);
QuestListenerParams[i].CanTargetBool = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( (ushort) (i * 16 + 419), 128);
TodoParams = new TodoParamsStruct[24];
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
TodoParams[i].ToDoLocation = new LazyRow< Level >[8];
for (int ToDoLocationIndexer = 0; ToDoLocationIndexer < 8; ToDoLocationIndexer++)
TodoParams[i].ToDoLocation[ToDoLocationIndexer] = new LazyRow< Level >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( i * 36 + 1428 + ToDoLocationIndexer * 4 ), language );
TodoParams[i].ToDoCompleteSeq = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 36 + 1460));
TodoParams[i].ToDoQty = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 36 + 1461));
TodoParams[i].CountableNum = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) (i * 36 + 1462));
GilReward = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2292 );
CurrencyReward = new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2296 ), language );
CurrencyRewardCount = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2300 );
var Reward = new ILazyRow[ 7 ];
UIntSpan RewardRowId = stackalloc uint[ 7 ];
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
RewardRowId[ i ] = (uint) parser.ReadOffset< int >( 2304 + ( i * 4 ) );
OptionalItemReward = new LazyRow< Item >[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
OptionalItemReward[i] = new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) ( 2332 + i * 4 ) ), language );
InstanceContentUnlock = new LazyRow< InstanceContent >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2352 ), language );
ExpFactor = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2356 );
EmoteReward = new LazyRow< Emote >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2358 ), language );
ActionReward = new LazyRow< Action >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2360 ), language );
SystemReward = new ushort[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
SystemReward[i] = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2362 + i * 2 );
GCTypeReward = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2366 );
ItemCatalyst = new LazyRow< Item >[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ItemCatalyst[i] = new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) ( 2368 + i * 1 ) ), language );
ItemCountCatalyst = new byte[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ItemCountCatalyst[i] = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2371 + i * 1 );
ItemRewardType = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2374 );
ItemCountReward = new byte[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
ItemCountReward[i] = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2375 + i * 1 );
RewardStain = new LazyRow< Stain >[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
RewardStain[i] = new LazyRow< Stain >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) ( 2382 + i * 1 ) ), language );
OptionalItemCountReward = new byte[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
OptionalItemCountReward[i] = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2389 + i * 1 );
OptionalItemStainReward = new LazyRow< Stain >[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
OptionalItemStainReward[i] = new LazyRow< Stain >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) ( 2394 + i * 1 ) ), language );
GeneralActionReward = new LazyRow< GeneralAction >[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
GeneralActionReward[i] = new LazyRow< GeneralAction >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( (ushort) ( 2399 + i * 1 ) ), language );
OtherReward = new LazyRow< QuestRewardOther >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2401 ), language );
Tomestone = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2402 );
TomestoneReward = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2403 );
TomestoneCountReward = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2404 );
ReputationReward = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2405 );
Unknown1465 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2406 );
Unknown1466 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2407 );
Unknown1467 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2408 );
Unknown1468 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2409 );
Unknown1469 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2410 );
Unknown1470 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2411 );
Unknown1471 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2412 );
OptionalItemIsHQReward = new bool[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
OptionalItemIsHQReward[i] = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2413 + i * 1 );
Id = parser.ReadOffset< SeString >( 2420 );
PreviousQuest = new LazyRow< Quest >[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PreviousQuest[i] = new LazyRow< Quest >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) ( 2424 + i * 4 ) ), language );
QuestLock = new LazyRow< Quest >[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
QuestLock[i] = new LazyRow< Quest >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) ( 2436 + i * 4 ) ), language );
InstanceContent = new LazyRow< InstanceContent >[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
InstanceContent[i] = new LazyRow< InstanceContent >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( (ushort) ( 2444 + i * 4 ) ), language );
IssuerStart = EmptyLazyRow.GetFirstLazyRowOrEmpty( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2456 ), language, "EObjName", "ENpcResident" );
IssuerLocation = new LazyRow< Level >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2460 ), language );
TargetEnd = EmptyLazyRow.GetFirstLazyRowOrEmpty( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2464 ), language, "EObjName", "ENpcResident" );
JournalGenre = new LazyRow< JournalGenre >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2468 ), language );
Icon = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2472 );
IconSpecial = parser.ReadOffset< uint >( 2476 );
MountRequired = new LazyRow< Mount >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< int >( 2480 ), language );
ClassJobLevel = new ushort[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
ClassJobLevel[i] = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2484 + i * 2 );
Header = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2488 );
BellStart = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2490 );
BellEnd = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2492 );
BeastReputationValue = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2494 );
ClientBehavior = new LazyRow< Behavior >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2496 ), language );
QuestClassJobSupply = new LazyRow< QuestClassJobSupply >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2498 ), language );
PlaceName = new LazyRow< PlaceName >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2500 ), language );
SortKey = parser.ReadOffset< ushort >( 2502 );
Expansion = new LazyRow< ExVersion >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2504 ), language );
ClassJobCategory0 = new LazyRow< ClassJobCategory >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2505 ), language );
QuestLevelOffset = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2506 );
ClassJobCategory1 = new LazyRow< ClassJobCategory >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2507 ), language );
PreviousQuestJoin = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2508 );
Unknown10 = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2509 );
QuestLockJoin = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2510 );
Unknown17 = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2511 );
Unknown18 = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2512 );
ClassJobUnlock = new LazyRow< ClassJob >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2513 ), language );
GrandCompany = new LazyRow< GrandCompany >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2514 ), language );
GrandCompanyRank = new LazyRow< GrandCompanyRank >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2515 ), language );
InstanceContentJoin = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2516 );
Festival = new LazyRow< Festival >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2517 ), language );
FestivalBegin = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2518 );
FestivalEnd = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2519 );
BeastTribe = new LazyRow< BeastTribe >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2520 ), language );
BeastReputationRank = new LazyRow< BeastReputationRank >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2521 ), language );
SatisfactionNpc = new LazyRow< SatisfactionNpc >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2522 ), language );
SatisfactionLevel = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2523 );
DeliveryQuest = new LazyRow< DeliveryQuest >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2524 ), language );
RepeatIntervalType = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2525 );
QuestRepeatFlag = new LazyRow< QuestRepeatFlag >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2526 ), language );
Type = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2527 );
LevelMax = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2528 );
ClassJobRequired = new LazyRow< ClassJob >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2529 ), language );
QuestRewardOtherDisplay = new LazyRow< QuestRewardOther >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2530 ), language );
Unknown1514 = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2531 );
EventIconType = new LazyRow< EventIconType >( gameData, parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2532 ), language );
Unknown1520 = parser.ReadOffset< byte >( 2533 );
IsHouseRequired = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534 );
IsRepeatable = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 2 );
CanCancel = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 4 );
Introduction = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 8 );
HideOfferIcon = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 16 );
Unknown1522 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 32 );
Unknown1523 = parser.ReadOffset< bool >( 2534, 64 );
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
Reward[ i ] = ItemRewardType switch
1 => new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, RewardRowId[i], language ),
3 => new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, RewardRowId[i], language ),
5 => new LazyRow< Item >( gameData, RewardRowId[i], language ),
6 => new LazyRow< QuestClassJobReward >( gameData, RewardRowId[i], language ),
7 => new LazyRow< BeastRankBonus >( gameData, RewardRowId[i], language ),
_ => new EmptyLazyRow( (uint) RewardRowId[i] ),
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