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Last active May 28, 2021 14:12
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def pop_val(datastring, index):
b = None
res = shift = 0
while b is None or b >= 0x20:
b = ord(datastring[index]) - 63
res |= ( (b & 0x1f) << shift )
index += 1
shift += 5
if res & 1:
return ~(res >> 1), index
return (res >> 1), index
def decode(datastring):
coordinates = []
lat = lon = 0
idx = 0
while idx < len(datastring):
delta_lat, idx = pop_val(datastring, idx)
lat += delta_lat / 100000.0
delta_lon, idx = pop_val(datastring, idx)
lon += delta_lon / 100000.0
coordinates.append((lat, lon))
return coordinates
segments = []
for c, g in legs_df.iterrows():
cnt = g['count']
lat_prev = 0.0
lon_prev = 0.0
for s in decode(g['geometryPoints']):
segments.append([lat_prev, lon_prev, s[0], s[1], cnt])
lat_prev = s[0]
lon_prev = s[1]
segments_df = pd.DataFrame(segments, columns = ['lat_x', 'lon_x', 'lat_y', 'lon_y', 'count'])
segments_df = segments_df[segments_df.lat_x > 0.0]
segments_df = segments_df.groupby(['lat_x', 'lon_x', 'lat_y', 'lon_y']).sum().reset_index()
segments_df = segments_df.sort_values('count')
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