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Last active May 8, 2016 08:39
Swift multiline string literal prototype
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift
// This code sample and prototype implementation (implemented in patch against the 3.0
// branch of the swift compiler) explores a possible syntax based on ideas discussed in
// the swift-evolution mailing list at
// The proposed syntax uses a combination of two characters to signal the start and end
// of a multiline string in the source code: _" contents "_
// Additionally, the syntax introduces a new @string_literal() attibute that can be used
// to semantically tag the contents of a multiline string literal. The hope is that this
// attribute would be used by IDEs for custom validation/formatting of the contents of
// long string literals, as well as possibly be accessible at runtime via an extended
// mirror/reflection mechanism.
// Tagging literal contents
@string_literal("json") let att1 = _"{"key1": "stringValue"}"_
@string_literal("text/xml") let att2 = _"<catalog><book id="bk101" empty=""/></catalog>"_
@string_literal("swift_sil") let att3 = _" embedded SIL contents?! "_
// The following alternatives for placement of the attribute have been looked into
// and so far rejected for seemingly not fitting as closely with other attribute usage
// patterns in the Swift grammar:
// let att2 : @string_literal("text/xml") String = _" ... "_ // Conveys the impressing that the type is annotated rather than the variable
// let att2 = @string_literal("text/xml") _" ... "_ // Appealing, but without any precedent in the Swift grammar
// checking that nothing is broken
let s0 = "s0"
// The default swift syntax requires that quotes be escaped
let s1 = "{\"key1\": \"stringValue\"}"
// The proposed syntax for multiline strings works for single line strings as well (maybe it
// should not) and does not mandate that enclosed single quote characters be escaped
let s2 = _"{"v2"}"_
// When dealing with long blocks of embedded text, it seems natural to want to describe them
// as close as possible to the contents. The proposed syntax supports inserting a comment
// just before the data it documents. This allows the comment indentation to match exactly
// that of the string.
let s3 =
/* this is a template */
_"{"key3": "stringValue"}"_
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following section explores different ways to deal with leading spaces
let s4 =
/* this is (almost) the same template */
"key4": "stringValue"
, "key2": "stringValue"
let equivS4 =
"{\n" +
" \"key4\": \"stringValue\"\n" +
" , \"key2\": \"stringValue\"\n" +
"}\n" +
//TODO: fix the leading spaces
let s5 =
/* this is exactly the same template as s5 */
"key5": "stringValue"
//TODO: fix the leading spaces
let s6 =
/* this is exactly the same template as s5 */
| "key6": "stringValue"
| , "key2": "stringValue"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
{"key3": "stringValue"}
"key4": "stringValue"
, "key2": "stringValue"
"key5": "stringValue"
| "key6": "stringValue"
| , "key2": "stringValue"
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