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Last active November 27, 2020 22:49
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Janus Lua script for the Astricon 2017 Dangerous Demo
-- This is the Astricon Dangerous Demo application logic built in Lua,
-- and conceived to be used in conjunction with the janus_lua.c plugin.
-- It only uses data channels, and expects commands to control the ARI.
-- Note: this example depends on lua-json to do JSON processing
-- ( and on lua-http for HTTP
-- requests (
json = require('json')
-- Example details
name = "astricon.lua"
print("[" .. name .. "] Loading...")
-- State and properties
sessions = {}
tasks = {}
datas = {}
-- SDP template
sdpTemplate= "v=0\r\n" ..
"o=- 0 0 IN IP4\r\n" ..
"s=Janus TextRoom plugin\r\n" ..
"t=0 0\r\n" ..
"m=application 1 DTLS/SCTP 5000\r\n" ..
"c=IN IP4\r\n" ..
"a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 16\r\n"
-- ARI
ari = "http://localhost:8888/ari/channels"
ariKey = "?api_key=janus:astricon"
-- Methods
function init()
-- This is where we initialize the plugin, for static properties
print("[" .. name .. "] Initialized")
function destroy()
-- This is where we deinitialize the plugin, when Janus shuts down
print("[" .. name .. "] Deinitialized")
function createSession(id)
-- Keep track of a new session
print("[" .. name .. "] Created new session: " .. id)
sessions[id] = { id = id, lua = name }
function destroySession(id)
-- A Janus plugin session has gone
print("[" .. name .. "] Destroyed session: " .. id)
sessions[id] = nil
function querySession(id)
-- Return info on a session
print("[" .. name .. "] Queried session: " .. id)
local s = sessions[id]
if s == nil then
return nil
info = { script = s["lua"], id = s["id"] }
infojson = json.encode(info)
return infojson
function handleMessage(id, tr, msg, jsep)
-- Handle a message, synchronously or asynchronously, and return
-- something accordingly: if it's the latter, we'll do a coroutine
print("[" .. name .. "] Handling message for session: " .. id)
local s = sessions[id]
if s == nil then
return -1, "Session not found"
-- Decode the message JSON string to a table
local msgT = json.decode(msg)
-- We only support request:"setup" and request:"ack" here
if msgT["request"] == "setup" then
-- We need a new coroutine here
async = coroutine.create(function(id, tr, comsg, cojsep)
-- We'll only execute this when the scheduler resumes the task
print("[" .. name .. "] Handling async message for session: " .. id)
-- Prepare an offer
local event = { event = "success" }
eventjson = json.encode(event)
local offer = { type = "offer", sdp = sdpTemplate }
jsep = json.encode(offer)
pushEvent(id, tr, eventjson, jsep)
-- Enqueue it: the scheduler will resume it later
tasks[#tasks+1] = { co = async, id = id, tr = tr, msg = msgT, jsep = nil }
-- Return explaining that this is will be handled asynchronously
return 1, nil
elseif msgT["request"] == "ack" then
if jsep ~= nil then
local response = { response = "error", error = "Missing answer" }
responsejson = json.encode(response)
return 0, responsejson
local response = { echotest = "response", result = "success" }
responsejson = json.encode(response)
return 0, responsejson
local response = { response = "error", error = "Unsupported request" }
responsejson = json.encode(response)
return 0, responsejson
function setupMedia(id)
-- WebRTC is now available
print("[" .. name .. "] WebRTC PeerConnection is up for session: " .. id)
function hangupMedia(id)
-- WebRTC not available anymore
print("[" .. name .. "] WebRTC PeerConnection is down for session: " .. id)
function incomingData(id, data, length)
-- Incoming data channel message: parse and handle
print("[" .. name .. "] Got data channel message: " .. id)
-- Handle the data asynchronously
async = coroutine.create(function(id, data, length)
-- We'll only execute this when the scheduler resumes the task
print("[" .. name .. "] Handling async data for session: " .. id)
-- Check what we need to do
local op = data:split(" ")
if op[1] == "help" then
response =
"Welcome, brave user, to this Dangerous Demo!\n" ..
"This is the list of supported commands:\n\n" ..
"help -- Print this message\n" ..
"channels -- List the active channels\n" ..
"call USER from EXTENSION -- Originate a SIP call\n" ..
"hangup CHANNEL -- Hangup a channel\n" ..
"raise hell -- Break this demo\n"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
elseif op[1] == "channels" then
-- Send the GET to the ARI
local http_request = require "http.request"
local uri = ari .. ariKey
local post = http_request.new_from_uri(uri)
local headers, stream = post:go()
local body = stream:get_body_as_string()
if body == "[]" then
response = "No channel active"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
local res = json.decode(body)
response = "Channels:\n"
for index,channel in ipairs(res) do
response = response .. " -- " .. channel["id"] .. " (" .. channel["name"] .. ", state is " .. channel["state"] .. ")\n"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
elseif op[1] == "call" then
if op[2] == nil or op[3] == nil or op[3] ~= "from" or op[4] == nil then
response = "Invalid arguments"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
-- Send the POST to the ARI
local http_request = require "http.request"
local uri = ari .. ariKey .. "&endpoint=" .. op[2] .. "&extension=" .. op[4]
local post = http_request.new_from_uri(uri)
post.headers:upsert(":method", "POST")
local headers, stream = post:go()
local body = stream:get_body_as_string()
local res = json.decode(body)
local channel = res["id"]
-- Done
response = "Channel " .. channel
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
elseif op[1] == "hangup" then
if op[2] == nil then
response = "Invalid arguments"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
-- Send the DELETE to the ARI
local http_request = require "http.request"
local uri = ari .. "/" .. op[2] .. ariKey
local post = http_request.new_from_uri(uri)
post.headers:upsert(":method", "DELETE")
local headers, stream = post:go()
local body = stream:get_body_as_string()
-- Done
response = "Channel closed"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
elseif op[1] == "raise" and op[2] == "hell" then
response = "Invalid request"
relayData(id, response, string.len(response))
-- Enqueue it: the scheduler will resume it later
datas[#datas+1] = { co = async, id = id, data = data, length = length }
function resumeScheduler()
-- This is the function responsible for resuming coroutines associated
-- with asynchronous requests: if you're handling async stuff yourself,
-- you're free not to use this and just return, but the C Lua plugin
-- expects this method to exist so it MUST be present, even if empty
print("[" .. name .. "] Resuming coroutines")
for index,task in ipairs(tasks) do
coroutine.resume(,,, task.msg, task.jsep)
tasks = {}
for index,task in ipairs(datas) do
coroutine.resume(,,, task.length)
print("[" .. name .. "] Coroutines resumed")
datas = {}
-- Helper for logging tables
function dumpTable(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dumpTable(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
-- Helper to split strings
function string:split(sep)
local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
return fields
-- Done
print("[" .. name .. "]" .. " Loaded")
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