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Last active October 16, 2018 12:25
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Xresources file featuring settings and Blue Mood colorscheme for XTerm and URxvt
!note: after every change to these settings, apply with xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
!colorscheme definitions
#define dodgerblue4 #104e8b
#define whitesmoke #f5f5f5
#define tomato #ff6347
#define gold #ffd700
#define bg2 #235c94
#define wheat #f5deb3
#define cyan #00ffff
#define cyan3 #00cdcd
#define darkgray #4d4d4d
#define red #ff0000
#define black #000000
#define chartreuse_green #7fff00
#define steelblue3 #4f94cd
#define gray75 #bfbfbf
#define yellow #ffff00
!XTerm config
XTerm*utf8: 1
XTerm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono:size=14:antialias=false
XTerm*selectToClipboard: true
XTerm*ScrollBar: true
XTerm*rightScrollBar: true
XTerm*cursorBlink: true
XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
!Blue Mood color theme
XTerm*background: dodgerblue4
XTerm*foreground: whitesmoke
XTerm*color0: black
XTerm*color1: red
XTerm*color2: chartreuse_green
XTerm*color3: gold
XTerm*color4: bg2
XTerm*color5: steelblue3
XTerm*color6: wheat
XTerm*color7: gray75
XTerm*color8: darkgray
XTerm*color9: tomato
XTerm*color10: chartreuse_green
XTerm*color11: yellow
XTerm*color12: cyan3
XTerm*color13: cyan
XTerm*color14: wheat
XTerm*color15: whitesmoke
!Related settings
XTerm*cursorColor: #ffb90f
!URxvt config
URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=14:antialias=false
URxvt*letterSpace: -1
URxvt*geometry: 80x26
URxvt*cursorBlink: true
URxvt*scrollstyle: plain
URxvt*scrollBar_right: true
URxvt*thickness: 14
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
!Blue Mood color theme
URxvt*background: dodgerblue4
URxvt*foreground: whitesmoke
URxvt*color0: black
URxvt*color1: red
URxvt*color2: chartreuse_green
URxvt*color3: gold
URxvt*color4: bg2
URxvt*color5: steelblue3
URxvt*color6: wheat
URxvt*color7: gray75
URxvt*color8: darkgray
URxvt*color9: tomato
URxvt*color10: chartreuse_green
URxvt*color11: yellow
URxvt*color12: cyan3
URxvt*color13: cyan
URxvt*color14: wheat
URxvt*color15: whitesmoke
!Related settings
URxvt*cursorColor: #ffb90f
URxvt*highlightColor: red
URxvt*highlightTextColor: yellow
URxvt*scrollColor: gold
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