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Last active February 16, 2022 22:13
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My own commit emoji system

lmintmate's commit emoji system

Geared for dotfile and colorscheme tinkerers.

I wasn't satisfied by the existing emoji commit standards, because they are more geared towards coders than people just maintaining dotfiles and only occasionally contributing a bug report or a piece of documentation (e.g. I don't need an emoji for tests, because I don't do any).

Here is my own standard, modelled after my own usage (feel free to use it as well if you want):

  • 🎬 :clapper: = Initial commit1
  • πŸ†• :new: = Add stuff
  • πŸ—‘οΈ :wastebasket: = Remove stuff
  • ✏️ :pencil2: = Fix a typo or spelling mistake
  • πŸ“„ :page_facing_up: = Add documentation
  • πŸ› :bug: = Fix a bug or anything that might unintentionally break my dotfiles or colorschemes
  • πŸ”§ :wrench: = Adjust, improve or perfect parts of existing config
  • 🎨 :art: = For cosmetic changes (e.g. changing some colors of a colorscheme)
  • ✨ :sparkles: = Add something fancy (e.g. something that makes the repo look cool, like badges or decorative images)
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ :framed_picture: = Add screenshot
  • ⏲️ :timer_clock: = A temporary change that will be undone e.g. once a problem is definitely solved
  • ❗ :exclamation: = A major change that makes the new version radically different from the previous
  • ⚠️ :warning: = experiment (i.e. something I'm just trying out, that is a commit highly likely to be reverted)2.
  • πŸ“¦ :package: = A new release (for stuff that absolutely requires releases when you change anything at all)

License: MIT

  • 1: Why most commit emoji standards use πŸŽ‰ :tada: instead is beyond me. After all, the initial commit isn't such a big deal, so the tada seems like premature celebration. I feel that an initial commit is the first step of a big endeavor, similar to how using the movie clapper for the first time used to signify the start of the movie project.
  • 2: Where is the test tube emoji when you need it?
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