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Created July 16, 2023 11:21
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[Zig⚡️] update a gist
const std = @import("std");
const http = std.http;
const Client = http.Client;
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const calloc = gpa.allocator();
pub fn main() !void {
// get token and gist id from .envrc file (get ENV VAR)
const token = std.os.getenv("GH_TOKEN") orelse "";
const gist_id = std.os.getenv("GIST_ID") orelse "";
// build the uri with the gist_id
// for reference:
const location = try std.fmt.allocPrint(calloc, "{s}", .{gist_id});
const uri = try std.Uri.parse(location);
// build the bearer string for the authorization header
const bearer = try std.fmt.allocPrint(calloc, "Bearer {s}", .{token});
// our http client, this can make multiple requests (and is even threadsafe, although individual requests are not).
var client = Client{ .allocator = calloc };
// these are the headers we'll be sending to the server
var headers = http.Headers{ .allocator = calloc };
try headers.append("accept", "*/*");
try headers.append("authorization", bearer);
defer headers.deinit();
// make the connection and set up the request
var req = try client.request(.PATCH, uri, headers, .{});
defer req.deinit();
req.transfer_encoding = .chunked;
// send the request and headers to the server.
try req.start();
const payload = "{\"description\":\"ZIGZIG\"}";
// const payload =
// \\{
// \\ "description":"ZIGZIG",
// \\ "files":
// \\ {
// \\ "":
// \\ {
// \\ "content":"Hello World from zig ⚡️"
// \\ }
// \\ }
// \\ }
// ;
try req.writer().writeAll(payload);
try req.finish();
// wait for the server to send use a response
try req.wait();
// read the entire response body, but only allow it to allocate 8kb of memory
const body = req.reader().readAllAlloc(calloc, 8192) catch unreachable;
std.debug.print("{s}\n\n", .{body});
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