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Forked from arq5x/table_s1.txt
Last active April 29, 2016 21:27
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Tomasetti & Vogelstein (2015) Science 'bad luck of cancer' paper supplementary table S1. Finalised via Yaniv Erlich & Aaron Quinlan's draft clean-ups of the PDF supplement
Cancer_type Lifetime_cancer_incidence Total_cells_tissue Total_Stem_Cells Stem_cell_divisions_per_year Stem_cell_divisions_per_lifetime LSCD
ALL 0.0041 3000000000000 135000000 12 960 129900000000
BCC 0.3 180000000000 5820000000 7.6 608 3550000000000
CLL 0.0052 3000000000000 135000000 12 960 129900000000
Colorectal 0.048 30000000000 200000000 73 5840 1168000000000
Colorectal_FAP 1 30000000000 200000000 73 5840 1168000000000
Colorectal_Lynch 0.5 30000000000 200000000 73 5840 1168000000000
Duodenum_adenocarcinoma 0.0003 680000000 4000000 24 1947 7796000000
Duodenum_adenocarcinoma_with_FAP 0.035 680000000 4000000 24 1947 7796000000
Esophageal_squamous_cell_carcinoma 0.001938 3240000000 846000 17.4 1390 1203000000
Gallbladder_non_papillary_adenocarcinoma 0.0028 160000000 1600000 0.584 47 78400000
Glioblastoma 0.00219 86400000000 135000000 0 0 270000000
Head_neck_squamous_cell_carcinoma 0.0138 16700000000 18500000 21.5 1720 31860000000
Head_neck_squamous_cell_carcinoma_with_HPV-16 0.07935 16700000000 18500000 21.5 1720 31860000000
Hepatocellular_carcinoma 0.0071 241000000000 3010000000 0.9125 88 270900000000
Hepatocellular_carcinoma_with_HCV 0.071 241000000000 3010000000 0.9125 88 270900000000
Lung_adenocarcinoma_(nonsmokers) 0.0045 434000000000 1220000000 0.07 5.6 9272000000
Lung_adenocarcinoma_(smokers) 0.081 434000000000 1220000000 0.07 5.6 9272000000
Medulloblastoma 0.00011 85000000000 136000000 0 0 272000000
Melanoma 0.0203 3800000000 3800000000 2.48 199 763800000000
Osteosarcoma 0.00035 19000000000 4180000 0.067 5 29260000
Osteosarcoma_of_arms 0.00004 300000000 650000 0.067 5 4550000
Osteosarcoma_of_head 0.0000302 390000000 860000 0.067 5 6020000
Osteosarcoma_legs 0.00022 720000000 1590000 0.067 5 11130000
Osteosarcoma_plevis 0.00003 200000000 450000 0.067 5 3150000
Ovarian_germ_cell 0.000411 11000000 11000000 0 0 22000000
Pancreatic_ductal_adenocarcinoma 0.013589 167200000000 4180000000 1 80 342800000000
Pancreatic_endocrine 0.000194 2950000000 74000000 1 80 6068000000
Small_intestine_adenocarcinoma 0.0007 17000000000 100000000 36 2920 292200000000
Testicular_germ_cell_cancer 0.0037 21600000000 7200000 5.8 463 3348000000
Thyroid_papillary/follicular_carcinoma 0.01026 10000000000 65000000 0.087 7 558500000
Thyroid_medullary_carcinoma 0.000324 1000000000 6500000 0.087 7 558500000
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