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Last active June 29, 2024 15:24
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Blameless post-mortem explanation Claude prompt (to debug Project Artifacts naming decision logic and amend custom instructions to correct it)

Thanks Claude. I'm curious about how best to work with you, specifically when it comes to how you are making Artifacts for me. Can you explain your thought process behind all the Artifacts you created in the previous step, including their names and the decisions to create/update their content, based on my request.


Now I don't want you to take this as a criticism, you did what I told you in the instructions I gave you, and you were very diligent at that. However there was a mistake and I want to fix our communication around how to work together, so I want to do this in a 'blameless post-mortem' style with you, because this is our joint responsibility and I want to be clear you did not mess up any more than I did by not being clear enough about my expectations.

So the specific error you made is in combining the SVG files together.

I don't know if perhaps I biased you towards updating Artifacts more than you otherwise would have if I hadn't instructed you in how to update and create Artifacts.

In my mind, the logo I asked you to make (shaped like a box) was distinct from the project logo I already had (shaped like stars), but I can see how you would think they were meant to be the same project asset.

What do you think, bugfix post-mortem style? Can you think of anything I could have qualified in my instructions that would have made you keep distinct assets in separate files?

As a reminder, my instructions were:

> `When creating a new Artifact, decide if you need to update an existing Artifact in the Project's documents or create a new one. **Updating an Artifact:** Always use its original identifier. For example, if the Artifact's identifier is "index" and its type is "html," keep using "index" and do not change it to something like "modified-index." Use the unsuffixed file stem (e.g., "index" not "index.html") as the identifier. Also, use this identifier as the title; don't change it to something like "Modified Index Page." This ensures the Artifact is properly overwritten in the project. **Creating a New Artifact:** Ensure you do not use an existing identifier or title. Check that the file stem and type do not clash with an existing one. Different file types can use the same stem (e.g., "index.css" and "index.html" are distinct). In both cases (updating/creating Artifacts), never combine multiple files into a single Artifact to avoid invalid Project files. When creating components for use in other files, make the component first and then reference its location in the Artifact it is to be transcluded into, rather than repeat the component content inline.`

Take as long as you need to think through this issue, communication is a minefield!
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