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Created June 5, 2021 11:44
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Modified version of the installer at which successfully installed macOS Mojave on Linux Mint 20.1, see notes at
# Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox
# (c) myspaghetti, licensed under GPL2.0 or higher
# url:
# version 0.98.7
# Dependencies: bash coreutils gzip unzip wget xxd dmg2img
# Optional features: tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng
# Supported versions:
# VirtualBox >= 6.1.6 dmg2img >= 1.6.5
# GNU bash >= 4.3 GNU coreutils >= 8.22
# GNU gzip >= 1.5 GNU wget >= 1.14
# Info-ZIP unzip >= 6.0 xxd with -e little endian support
# tesseract-ocr >= 4
function set_variables() {
# Customize the installation by setting these variables:
vm_name="macOS" # name of the VirtualBox virtual machine
macOS_release_name="Mojave" # install "HighSierra" "Mojave" or "Catalina"
storage_size=80000 # VM disk image size in MB, minimum 22000
storage_format="vdi" # VM disk image file format, "vdi" or "vmdk"
cpu_count=2 # VM CPU cores, minimum 2
memory_size=4096 # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048
gpu_vram=128 # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128
resolution="1280x800" # VM display resolution - tried 2880x1800
# The script will attempt to get the host's EFI and NVRAM parameters
# if it is running on macOS and "get_parameters_from_macOS_host" is set to "yes"
# Values for NVRAM and EFI parameters are required by iCloud, iMessage,
# and other connected Apple applications, but otherwise not required.
# Parameters taken from a genuine Mac may result in a "Call customer support"
# message if they do not match the genuine Mac exactly.
# Non-genuine yet genuine-like parameters usually work.
# check environment for macOS using sw_vers
if [[ -z "$(sw_vers 2>/dev/null)" || ! "${get_parameters_from_macOS_host}" =~ [Yy] ]]; then
# Assigning the following parameters is not required when installing or using macOS.
DmiSystemFamily="MacBook Pro" # Model Name
DmiSystemProduct="MacBookPro11,2" # Model Identifier
DmiBIOSVersion="string:MBP7.89" # Boot ROM Version
DmiSystemSerial="NO_DEVICE_SN" # Serial Number (system)
ROM='%aa*%bbg%cc%dd' # ROM identifier
DmiBoardSerial="${MLB}" # MLB SN stored in EFI
DmiBoardProduct="Mac-3CBD00234E554E41" # Product (board) identifier
SystemUUID="aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899" # System UUID
# These values are taken from a genuine Mac...
hardware_overview="$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType)"
model_name="${hardware_overview##*Model Name: }"; model_name="${model_name%%$'\n'*}"
model_identifier="${hardware_overview##*Model Identifier: }"; model_identifier="${model_identifier%%$'\n'*}"
boot_rom_ver="${hardware_overview##*Boot ROM Version: }"; boot_rom_ver="${boot_rom_ver%%$'\n'*}"
sn_system="${hardware_overview##*Serial Number (system): }"; sn_system="${sn_system%%$'\n'*}"
hardware_uuid="${hardware_overview##*Hardware UUID: }"; hardware_uuid="${hardware_uuid%%$'\n'*}"
nvram_rom="$(nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ROM)"; nvram_rom="${nvram_rom##*$'\t'}"
nvram_mlb="$(nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:MLB)"; nvram_mlb="${nvram_mlb##*$'\t'}"
ioreg_board_id="$(ioreg -p "IODeviceTree" -r -n / -d 1)"; ioreg_board_id="${ioreg_board_id##*board-id\" = <\"}"; ioreg_board_id="${ioreg_board_id%%\">*}"
ioreg_system_id="$(ioreg -p "IODeviceTree" -n platform -r)"; ioreg_system_id="${ioreg_system_id##*system-id\" = <}"; ioreg_system_id="${ioreg_system_id%%>*}"
# ...and set in VirtualBox EFI and NVRAM...
DmiSystemFamily="${model_name}" # Model Name
DmiSystemProduct="${model_identifier}" # Model Identifier
DmiBIOSVersion="string:${boot_rom_ver}" # Boot ROM Version
DmiSystemSerial="${sn_system}" # Serial Number (system)
DmiSystemUuid="${hardware_uuid}" # Hardware UUID
ROM="${nvram_rom}" # ROM identifier, stored in NVRAM
MLB="${nvram_mlb}" # MLB SN, stored in NVRAM
DmiBoardSerial="${nvram_mlb}" # MLB SN, stored in EFI
DmiBoardProduct="${ioreg_board_id}" # Product (board) identifier
SystemUUID="${ioreg_system_id}" # System UUID, stored in NVRAM
system_integrity_protection='10' # '10' - enabled, '77' - disabled
# Additional configurations may be saved in external files and loaded with the
# following command prior to executing the script:
# export macos_vm_vars_file=/path/to/variable_assignment_file
# "variable_assignment_file" is a plain text file that contains zero or more
# lines with a variable assignment for any variable specified above.
[[ -r "${macos_vm_vars_file}" ]] && source "${macos_vm_vars_file}"
# welcome message
function welcome() {
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox${default_color}
This script installs only open-source software and unmodified Apple binaries,
and requires about ${highlight_color}50GB${default_color} of available storage, of which 25GB are for temporary
installation files that may be deleted when the script is finished.
The script interacts with the virtual machine twice, ${highlight_color}please do not interact${default_color}
${highlight_color}with the virtual machine manually${default_color} before the script is finished.
Documentation about optional configuration, ${highlight_color}iCloud and iMessage connectivity${default_color},
resuming the script by stages, and other topics can be viewed with the
following command:
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Press enter to review the script configuration${default_color}"
function pad_to_33_chars() {
local padded="${1} "
echo "${padded:0:33}${2}"
# custom settings prompt
echo -e "\nvm_name=\"${vm_name}\""
pad_to_33_chars "macOS_release_name=\"${macOS_release_name}\"" "# install \"HighSierra\" \"Mojave\" \"Catalina\""
pad_to_33_chars "storage_size=${storage_size}" "# VM disk image size in MB, minimum 22000"
pad_to_33_chars "storage_format=\"${storage_format}\"" "# VM disk image file format, \"vdi\" or \"vmdk\""
pad_to_33_chars "cpu_count=${cpu_count}" "# VM CPU cores, minimum 2"
pad_to_33_chars "memory_size=${memory_size}" "# VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048"
pad_to_33_chars "gpu_vram=${gpu_vram}" "# VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128"
pad_to_33_chars "resolution=\"${resolution}\"" "# VM display resolution"
echo -ne "\nThese values may be customized as described in the documentation.\n
${highlight_color}Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit${default_color}"
# check dependencies
function check_shell() {
if [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" && -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]]; then
echo "The script cannot determine if it is executed on bash or zsh."
echo "Please explicitly execute the script on the same shell as the interactive shell,"
echo -e "for example, for zsh:\n"
echo " ${highlight_color}zsh${default_color}"
elif [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ]]; then
if [[ ! ( "${BASH_VERSION:0:1}" -ge 5
|| "${BASH_VERSION:0:3}" =~ 4\.[3-9]
|| "${BASH_VERSION:0:4}" =~ 4\.[12][0-9] ) ]]; then
echo "Please execute this script with Bash 4.3 or higher, or zsh 5.5 or higher."
if [[ -n "$(sw_vers 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo "macOS detected. Make sure the script is not executed with the default /bin/bash"
echo "which is version 3. Explicitly type the executable path, for example for zsh:"
echo " ${highlight_color}/path/to/5.5/zsh${default_color}"
elif [[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]]; then
if [[ ( "${ZSH_VERSION:0:1}" -ge 6
|| "${ZSH_VERSION:0:3}" =~ 5\.[5-9]
|| "${ZSH_VERSION:0:4}" =~ 5\.[1-4][0-9] ) ]]; then
# make zsh parse the script (almost) like bash
setopt extendedglob sh_word_split ksh_arrays posix_argzero nullglob bsd_echo
echo "Please execute this script with zsh version 5.5 or higher."
echo "The script appears to be executed on a shell other than bash or zsh. Exiting."
if [[ ! -t 1 ]]; then # terminal is not interactive
tesseract_ocr="$(tesseract --version 2>/dev/null)"
tesseract_lang="$(tesseract --list-langs 2>/dev/null)"
regex_ver='[Tt]esseract 4' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ ! ( "${tesseract_ocr}" =~ ${regex_ver} ) || -z "${tesseract_lang}" ]]; then
echo "Running the script on a non-interactive shell requires the following packages:"
echo " tesseract-ocr >= 4 tesseract-ocr-eng"
function check_gnu_coreutils_prefix() {
if [[ -n "$(gcsplit --help 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
function base64() {
gbase64 "$@"
function csplit() {
gcsplit "$@"
function expr() {
gexpr "$@"
function ls() {
gls "$@"
function split() {
gsplit "$@"
function tac() {
gtac "$@"
function seq() {
gseq "$@"
function check_dependencies() {
# check environment for macOS and non-GNU coreutils
if [[ -n "$(sw_vers 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
# Add Homebrew GNU coreutils to PATH if path exists
if [[ -d "${homebrew_gnubin}" ]]; then
# if csplit isn't GNU variant, exit
if [[ -z "$(csplit --help 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo -e "\nmacOS detected.\nPlease use a package manager such as ${highlight_color}homebrew${default_color}, ${highlight_color}pkgsrc${default_color}, ${highlight_color}nix${default_color}, or ${highlight_color}MacPorts${default_color}"
echo "Please make sure the following packages are installed and that"
echo "their path is in the PATH variable:"
echo -e " ${highlight_color}bash coreutils dmg2img gzip unzip wget xxd${default_color}"
echo "Please make sure Bash and coreutils are the GNU variant."
# check for gzip, unzip, coreutils, wget
if [[ -z "$(gzip --help 2>/dev/null)" ||
-z "$(unzip -hh 2>/dev/null)" ||
-z "$(csplit --help 2>/dev/null)" ||
-z "$(wget --version 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo "Please make sure the following packages are installed"
echo -e "and that they are of the version specified or newer:\n"
echo " coreutils 8.22 wget 1.14 gzip 1.5 unzip 6.0"
echo -e "\nPlease make sure the coreutils and gzip packages are the GNU variant."
# check that xxd supports endianness -e flag
if [[ -z "$(xxd -e -p -l 16 /dev/urandom 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo "Please make sure a version of xxd which supports the -e option is installed."
echo -e "The -e option should be listed when executing ${low_contrast_color}xxd --help${default_color}"
echo "The package vim-common-8 provides a compatible version on most modern distros."
# wget supports --show-progress from version 1.16
regex='1\.1[6-9]|1\.[2-9][0-9]' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ "$(wget --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
wgetargs="--quiet --continue --show-progress --timeout=60" # pretty
wgetargs="--continue" # ugly
# VirtualBox in ${PATH}
# Cygwin
if [[ -n "$(cygcheck -V 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
if [[ -n "$(cmd.exe /d /s /c call VBoxManage.exe -v 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
function VBoxManage() {
cmd.exe /d /s /c call VBoxManage.exe "$@"
cmd_path_VBoxManage='C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe'
echo "Can't find VBoxManage in PATH variable,"
echo "checking ${cmd_path_VBoxManage}"
if [[ -n "$(cmd.exe /d /s /c call "${cmd_path_VBoxManage}" -v 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
function VBoxManage() {
cmd.exe /d /s /c call "${cmd_path_VBoxManage}" "$@"
echo "Found VBoxManage"
echo "Please make sure VirtualBox version 5.2 or higher is installed, and that"
echo "the path to the VBoxManage.exe executable is in the PATH variable, or assign"
echo "in the script the full path including the name of the executable to"
echo -e "the variable ${highlight_color}cmd_path_VBoxManage${default_color}"
# Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
elif [[ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)" =~ [Mm]icrosoft ]]; then
if [[ -n "$(VBoxManage.exe -v 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
function VBoxManage() {
VBoxManage.exe "$@"
wsl_path_VBoxManage='/mnt/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe'
echo "Can't find VBoxManage in PATH variable,"
echo "checking ${wsl_path_VBoxManage}"
if [[ -n "$("${wsl_path_VBoxManage}" -v 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
function VBoxManage() {
VBoxManage.exe "$@"
echo "Found VBoxManage"
echo "Please make sure VirtualBox is installed on Windows, and that the path to the"
echo "VBoxManage.exe executable is in the PATH variable, or assigned in the script"
echo -e "to the variable \"${highlight_color}wsl_path_VBoxManage${default_color}\" including the name of the executable."
# everything else (not cygwin and not wsl)
elif [[ -z "$(VBoxManage -v 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo "Please make sure VirtualBox version 5.2 or higher is installed,"
echo "and that the path to the VBoxManage executable is in the PATH variable."
# VirtualBox version
vbox_version="$(VBoxManage -v 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ -z "${vbox_version}" || -z "${vbox_version:2:1}" ]]; then
echo "Can't determine VirtualBox version. Exiting."
elif [[ ! ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" -gt 5
|| "${vbox_version:0:3}" =~ 5\.2 ) ]]; then
echo -e "\nPlease make sure VirtualBox version 5.2 or higher is installed."
echo "Exiting."
elif [[ "${vbox_version:0:1}" = 5 ]]; then
echo -e "\n${highlight_color}VirtualBox version ${vbox_version} detected.${default_color} Please see the following"
echo -ne "URL for issues with the VISO filesystem on VirtualBox 5.2 to 5.2.40:\n\n"
echo ""
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit${default_color}"
# Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
extpacks="$(VBoxManage list extpacks 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ "$(expr match "${extpacks}" '.*Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack')" -le "0" ||
"$(expr match "${extpacks}" '.*Usable:[[:blank:]]*false')" -gt "0" ]];
echo -e "\nThe command \"VBoxManage list extpacks\" either does not list the Oracle VM"
echo -e "VirtualBox Extension Pack, or lists one or more extensions as unusable."
echo -e "The virtual machine will be configured without USB xHCI controllers."
extension_pack_usb3_support="--usbxhci off"
extension_pack_usb3_support="--usbxhci on"
# dmg2img
if [[ -z "$(dmg2img -d 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$(cygcheck -V 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo "Please install the package dmg2img."
if [[ -z "$("${PWD%%/}/dmg2img.exe" -d 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${PWD}" ]]; then echo "PWD environment variable is not set. Exiting."; exit; fi
echo "Locally installing dmg2img"
wget "" \
${wgetargs} \
if [[ ! -s ]]; then
echo "Error downloading dmg2img. Please provide the package manually."
unzip -oj "" "dmg2img.exe"
rm ""
chmod +x "dmg2img.exe"
function dmg2img() {
"${PWD%%/}/dmg2img.exe" "$@"
# set Apple software update catalog URL according to macOS version
if [[ "${macOS_release_name:0:1}" =~ [Cc] ]]; then
if [[ ! ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" -gt 6 ||
"${vbox_version}" =~ ^6\.1\.[4-9] ||
"${vbox_version}" =~ ^6\.1\.[123][0-9] ||
"${vbox_version}" =~ ^6\.[2-9] ) ]]; then
echo -e "\nmacOS Catalina requires VirtualBox version 6.1.4 or higher."
echo "Exiting."
if [[ "${macOS_release_name:0:1}" =~ [Cc] ]]; then
elif [[ "${macOS_release_name:0:1}" =~ [Hh] ]]; then
elif [[ "${macOS_release_name:0:1}" =~ [Mm] ]]; then
echo "Can't parse macOS_release_name. Exiting."
print_dimly "${macOS_release_name} selected to be downloaded and installed"
# Done with dependencies
function prompt_delete_existing_vm() {
print_dimly "stage: prompt_delete_existing_vm"
if [[ -n "$(VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}" 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo -e "\nA virtual machine named \"${vm_name}\" already exists."
echo -ne "${warning_color}Delete existing virtual machine \"${vm_name}\"?${default_color}"
if [[ "${delete}" == "y" ]]; then
echo "Deleting ${vm_name} virtual machine."
VBoxManage unregistervm "${vm_name}" --delete
echo -e "\n${highlight_color}Please assign a different VM name to variable \"vm_name\" by editing the script,${default_color}"
echo "or skip this check manually as described when executing the following command:"
# Attempt to create new virtual machine named "${vm_name}"
function create_vm() {
print_dimly "stage: create_vm"
if [[ -n "$( VBoxManage createvm --name "${vm_name}" --ostype "MacOS1013_64" --register 2>&1 >/dev/null )" ]]; then
echo -e "\nError: Could not create virtual machine \"${vm_name}\"."
echo -e "${highlight_color}Please delete exising \"${vm_name}\" VirtualBox configuration files ${warning_color}manually${default_color}.\n"
echo -e "Error message:\n"
VBoxManage createvm --name "${vm_name}" --ostype "MacOS1013_64" --register 2>/dev/tty
function check_default_virtual_machine() {
print_dimly "stage: check_default_virtual_machine"
echo -e "\nChecking that VirtualBox starts the virtual machine without errors."
if [[ -n $(VBoxManage startvm "${vm_name}" 2>&1 1>/dev/null) ]]; then
echo -e "Error while starting the virtual machine.\nExiting."
VBoxManage controlvm "${vm_name}" poweroff 2>/dev/null
echo -e "\nChecking that VirtualBox uses hardware-supported virtualization."
vbox_log="$(VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}" --log 0)"
regex='Attempting fall back to NEM' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ "${vbox_log}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
echo -e "\nVirtualbox is not using hardware-supported virtualization features."
if [[ -n "$(cygcheck -V 2>/dev/null)" ||
"$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)" =~ [Mm]icrosoft ]]; then
echo "Check that software such as Hyper-V, Windows Sandbox, WSL2, memory integrity"
echo "protection, and other Windows features that lock virtualization are turned off."
echo "Exiting."
function prepare_macos_installation_files() {
print_dimly "stage: prepare_macos_installation_files"
# Find the correct download URL in the Apple catalog
echo -e "\nDownloading Apple macOS ${macOS_release_name} software update catalog"
wget "${sucatalog}" \
${wgetargs} \
# if file was not downloaded correctly
if [[ ! -s "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog" ]]; then
wget --debug --timeout=60 -O /dev/null -o "${macOS_release_name}_wget.log" "${sucatalog}"
echo -e "\nCouldn't download the Apple software update catalog."
if [[ "$(expr match "$(cat "${macOS_release_name}_wget.log")" '.*ERROR[[:print:]]*is not trusted')" -gt "0" ]]; then
echo -e "\nMake sure certificates from a certificate authority are installed."
echo "Certificates are often installed through the package manager with"
echo "a package named ${highlight_color}ca-certificates${default_color}"
echo "Exiting."
echo "Trying to find macOS ${macOS_release_name} InstallAssistant download URL"
tac "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog" | csplit - '/InstallAssistantAuto.smd/+1' '{*}' -f "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog_" -s
for catalog in "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog_"* "error"; do
if [[ "${catalog}" == error ]]; then
rm "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog"*
echo "Couldn't find the requested download URL in the Apple catalog. Exiting."
urlbase="$(tail -n 1 "${catalog}" 2>/dev/null)"
urlbase="$(expr match "${urlbase}" '.*\(http://[^<]*/\)')"
wget "${urlbase}InstallAssistantAuto.smd" \
${wgetargs} \
if [[ "$(cat "${catalog}_InstallAssistantAuto.smd" )" =~ Beta ]]; then
found_version="$(head -n 6 "${catalog}_InstallAssistantAuto.smd" | tail -n 1)"
if [[ "${found_version}" == *${CFBundleShortVersionString}* ]]; then
echo -e "Found download URL: ${urlbase}\n"
rm "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog"*
echo "Downloading macOS installation files from"
for filename in "BaseSystem.chunklist" \
"InstallInfo.plist" \
"AppleDiagnostics.dmg" \
"AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" \
"BaseSystem.dmg" \
"InstallESDDmg.pkg"; \
if [ -f "${macOS_release_name}_${filename}" ]; then
echo "Skipping download for $filename -- already exists"
wget "${urlbase}${filename}" \
${wgetargs} \
--output-document "${macOS_release_name}_${filename}"
echo -e "\nSplitting the several-GB InstallESDDmg.pkg into 1GB parts because"
echo "VirtualBox hasn't implemented UDF/HFS VISO support yet and macOS"
echo "doesn't support ISO 9660 Level 3 with files larger than 2GB."
split --verbose -a 2 -d -b 1000000000 "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESDDmg.pkg" "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESD.part"
if [[ ! -s "ApfsDriverLoader.efi" ]]; then
echo -e "\nDownloading open-source APFS EFI drivers used for VirtualBox 6.0 and 5.2"
[[ "${vbox_version:0:1}" -gt 6 || ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" = 6 && "${vbox_version:2:1}" -ge 1 ) ]] && echo "...even though VirtualBox version 6.1 or higher is detected."
wget '' \
${wgetargs} \
--output-document ''
unzip -oj ''
function create_nvram_files() {
print_dimly "stage: create_nvram_files"
# Each NVRAM file may contain multiple entries.
# Each entry contains a namesize, datasize, name, guid, attributes, and data.
# Each entry is immediately followed by a crc32 of the entry.
# The script creates each file with only one entry for easier editing.
# The hex strings are stripped by xxd, so they can
# look like "0xAB 0xCD" or "hAB hCD" or "AB CD" or "ABCD" or a mix of formats
# and have extraneous characters like spaces or minus signs.
# Load the binary files into VirtualBox VM NVRAM with the builtin command dmpstore
# in the VM EFI Internal Shell, for example:
# dmpstore -all -l fs0:\system-id.bin
# DmpStore code is available at this URL:
function generate_nvram_bin_file() {
# input: name data guid (three positional arguments, all required)
# output: function outputs nothing to stdout
# but writes a binary file to working directory
local namestring="${1}" # string of chars
local filename="${namestring}"
# represent string as string-of-hex-bytes, add null byte after every byte,
# terminate string with two null bytes
local name="$( for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#namestring} ; i++ )); do printf -- "${namestring:${i}:1}" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n'; printf '00'; done; printf '0000' )"
# size of string in bytes, represented by eight hex digits, big-endian
local namesize="$(printf "%08x" $(( ${#name} / 2 )) )"
# flip four big-endian bytes byte-order to little-endian
local namesize="$(printf "${namesize}" | xxd -r -p | xxd -e -g 4 | xxd -r | xxd -p)"
# strip string-of-hex-bytes representation of data of spaces, "x", "h", etc
local data="$(printf -- "${2}" | xxd -r -p | xxd -p)"
# size of data in bytes, represented by eight hex digits, big-endian
local datasize="$(printf "%08x" $(( ${#data} / 2 )) )"
# flip four big-endian bytes byte-order to little-endian
local datasize="$(printf "${datasize}" | xxd -r -p | xxd -e -g 4 | xxd -r | xxd -p)"
# guid string-of-hex-bytes is five fields, 8+4+4+4+12 nibbles long
# first three are little-endian, last two big-endian
# for example, 0F1A2B3C-4D5E-6A7B-8C9D-A1B2C3D4E5F6
# is stored as 3C2B1A0F-5E4D-7B6A-8C9D-A1B2C3D4E5F6
local g="$( printf -- "${3}" | xxd -r -p | xxd -p )" # strip spaces etc
local guid="${g:6:2} ${g:4:2} ${g:2:2} ${g:0:2} ${g:10:2} ${g:8:2} ${g:14:2} ${g:12:2} ${g:16:16}"
# attributes in four bytes little-endian
local attributes="07 00 00 00"
# the data structure
local entry="${namesize} ${datasize} ${name} ${guid} ${attributes} ${data}"
# calculate crc32 using gzip, flip crc32 bytes into big-endian
local crc32="$(printf "${entry}" | xxd -r -p | gzip -c | tail -c8 | xxd -p -l 4)"
# save binary data
printf -- "${entry} ${crc32}" | xxd -r -p - "${vm_name}_${filename}.bin"
MLB_b16="$(printf -- "${MLB}" | xxd -p)"
generate_nvram_bin_file "MLB" "${MLB_b16}" "4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14"
# Convert the mixed-ASCII-and-base16 ROM value
# into an ASCII string that represents a base16 number.
ROM_b16="$(for (( i=0; i<${#ROM}; )); do
if [[ "${ROM:${i}:1}" == "%" ]]; then
let j=i+1
echo -n "${ROM:${j}:2}"
let i=i+3
x="$(echo -n "${ROM:${i}:1}" | xxd -p | tr -d ' ')"
echo -n "${x}"
let i=i+1
generate_nvram_bin_file "ROM" "${ROM_b16}" "4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14"
# system-id
generate_nvram_bin_file "system-id" "${SystemUUID}" "7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82"
# SIP / csr-active-config
generate_nvram_bin_file "csr-active-config" "${system_integrity_protection}" "7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82"
function create_macos_installation_files_viso() {
print_dimly "stage: create_macos_installation_files_viso"
echo "Creating EFI startup script"
echo 'echo -off' > "${vm_name}_startup.nsh"
if [[ ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" -lt 6 ) || ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" = 6 && "${vbox_version:2:1}" = 0 ) ]]; then
echo 'load fs0:\EFI\OC\Drivers\AppleImageLoader.efi
load fs0:\EFI\OC\Drivers\AppleUiSupport.efi
load fs0:\EFI\OC\Drivers\ApfsDriverLoader.efi
map -r' >> "${vm_name}_startup.nsh"
# EFI Internal Shell 2.1 (VBox 6.0) doesn't support for-loops that start with 0
echo 'if exist "fs0:\EFI\NVRAM\MLB.bin" then
dmpstore -all -l fs0:\EFI\NVRAM\MLB.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs0:\EFI\NVRAM\ROM.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs0:\EFI\NVRAM\csr-active-config.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs0:\EFI\NVRAM\system-id.bin
for %a run (1 5)
if exist "fs%a:\EFI\NVRAM\MLB.bin" then
dmpstore -all -l fs%a:\EFI\NVRAM\MLB.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs%a:\EFI\NVRAM\ROM.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs%a:\EFI\NVRAM\csr-active-config.bin
dmpstore -all -l fs%a:\EFI\NVRAM\system-id.bin
for %a run (1 5)
if exist "fs%a:\macOS Install Data\Locked Files\Boot Files\boot.efi" then
"fs%a:\macOS Install Data\Locked Files\Boot Files\boot.efi"
for %a run (1 5)
if exist "fs%a:\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi" then
endfor' >> "${vm_name}_startup.nsh"
echo -e "\nCreating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing the"
echo -e "installation files from\n"
create_viso_header "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" "${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"
# add files to viso
# Apple macOS installation files
for filename in "BaseSystem.chunklist" \
"InstallInfo.plist" \
"AppleDiagnostics.dmg" \
"AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" \
"BaseSystem.dmg" ; do
if [[ -s "${macOS_release_name}_${filename}" ]]; then
echo "/${filename}=\"${macOS_release_name}_${filename}\"" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso"
if [[ -s "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESD.part00" ]]; then
for part in "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESD.part"*; do
echo "/InstallESD${part##*InstallESD}=\"${part}\"" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso"
# NVRAM binary files
for filename in "MLB.bin" "ROM.bin" "csr-active-config.bin" "system-id.bin"; do
if [[ -s "${vm_name}_${filename}" ]]; then
echo "/ESP/EFI/NVRAM/${filename}=\"${vm_name}_${filename}\"" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso"
# EFI drivers for VirtualBox 6.0 and 5.2
for filename in "ApfsDriverLoader.efi" "AppleImageLoader.efi" "AppleUiSupport.efi"; do
if [[ -s "${filename}" ]]; then
echo "/ESP/EFI/OC/Drivers/${filename}=\"${filename}\"" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso"
# EFI startup script
echo "/ESP/startup.nsh=\"${vm_name}_startup.nsh\"" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso"
function configure_vm() {
print_dimly "stage: configure_vm"
if [[ -n "$(VBoxManage modifyvm "${vm_name}" --cpus "${cpu_count}" \
--memory "${memory_size}" --vram "${gpu_vram}" --pae on \
--boot1 none --boot2 none --boot3 none --boot4 none \
--firmware efi --rtcuseutc on --chipset ich9 ${extension_pack_usb3_support} \
--mouse usbtablet --keyboard usb --audiocontroller hda \
--audiocodec stac9221 --audio=none 2>&1 >/dev/null )" ]]; then
echo -e "\nError: Could not configure virtual machine \"${vm_name}\"."
echo -e "Please execute the stage ${low_contrast_color}configure_vm${default_color} again before resuming the script"
echo -e "as described in the documentation.\n"
echo "Exiting."
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution" "${resolution}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemFamily" "${DmiSystemFamily}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "${DmiSystemProduct}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" "${DmiSystemSerial}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemUuid" "${DmiSystemUuid}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiOEMVBoxVer" "${DmiOEMVBoxVer}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiOEMVBoxRev" "${DmiOEMVBoxRev}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion" "${DmiBIOSVersion}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" "${DmiBoardProduct}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardSerial" "${DmiBoardSerial}"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" "Apple Inc."
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "1.0"
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey" \
VBoxManage setextradata "${vm_name}" \
"VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC" 0
# Create the macOS base system virtual disk image
function populate_basesystem_virtual_disk() {
print_dimly "stage: populate_basesystem_virtual_disk"
[[ -s "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" ]] && echo "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format} bootstrap virtual disk image exists." && return
[[ ! -s "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg" ]] && echo -e "\nCould not find ${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg; exiting." && exit
echo "Converting BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.img"
dmg2img "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img"
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
local success=''
VBoxManage convertfromraw --format "${storage_format}" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" && local success="True"
if [[ "${success}" = "True" ]]; then
rm "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" 2>/dev/null
echo "Failed to create \"${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}\"."
if [[ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)" =~ [Mm]icrosoft ]]; then
echo -e "\nSome versions of WSL require the script to execute on a Windows filesystem path,"
echo -e "for example ${highlight_color}/mnt/c/Users/Public/Documents${default_color}"
echo -e "Switch to a path on the Windows filesystem if VBoxManage.exe fails to"
echo -e "create or open a file.\n"
echo "Exiting."
# Create the installation media virtual disk image
function create_bootable_installer_virtual_disk() {
print_dimly "stage: create_bootable_installer_virtual_disk"
if [[ -w "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" ]]; then
echo "\"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\" virtual disk image exists."
echo -ne "${warning_color}Delete \"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\"?${default_color}"
if [[ "${delete}" == "y" ]]; then
if [[ "$( VBoxManage list runningvms )" =~ \""${vm_name}"\" ]]
echo "\"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\" may be deleted"
echo "only when the virtual machine is powered off."
echo "Exiting."
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
rm "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}"
echo "Exiting."
if [[ ! -e "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" ]]; then
echo "Creating ${macOS_release_name} installation media virtual disk image."
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage createmedium --size=12000 \
--format "${storage_format}" \
--filename "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" \
--variant standard 2>/dev/tty
function populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk() {
print_dimly "stage: populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk"
# Attach virtual disk images of the base system, installation, and target
# to the virtual machine
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --add sata --name SATA --hostiocache on >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not configure virtual machine storage controller. Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 1 --hotpluggable on \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\". Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 2 \
--type dvddrive --medium "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso\". Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 --hotpluggable on \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}\". Exiting."; exit; fi
echo -e "\nCreating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal script"
echo -e "for partitioning and populating the bootable installer virtual disk.\n"
create_viso_header "${vm_name}_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso" "bootinst-sh"
echo "/\"${vm_name}_bootinst.txt\"" >> "${vm_name}_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso"
# Assigning "physical" disks from largest to smallest to "${disks[]}" array
# Partitioning largest disk as APFS
# Partition second-largest disk as JHFS+
echo '# this script is executed on the macOS virtual machine' > "${vm_name}_bootinst.txt"
echo 'disks="$(diskutil list | grep -o "\*[0-9][^ ]* [GTP]B *disk[0-9]$" | grep -o "[0-9].*")" && \
disks="$(echo "${disks}" | sed -e "s/\.[0-9] T/000.0 G/" -e "s/\.[0-9] P/000000.0 G/" | sort -gr | grep -o disk[0-9] )" && \
disks=(${disks[@]}) && \
if [ -z "${disks}" ]; then echo "Could not find disks"; fi && \
[ -n "${disks[0]}" ] && \
diskutil partitionDisk "/dev/${disks[0]}" 1 GPT JHFS+ "Install" R && \' >> "${vm_name}_bootinst.txt"
# Create secondary base system on the Install disk
# and copy macOS install app files to the app directory
echo 'asr restore --source "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"'/BaseSystem.dmg" --target /Volumes/Install --erase --noprompt && \
app_path="$(ls -d "/Volumes/"*"Base System 1/Install"*.app)" && \
install_path="${app_path}/Contents/SharedSupport/" && \
mkdir -p "${install_path}" && cd "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files/"'" && \
cp *.chunklist *.plist *.dmg "${install_path}" && \
echo "" && echo "Copying the several-GB InstallESD.dmg to the installer app directory" && echo "Please wait" && \
if [ -s "${install_path}/InstallESD.dmg" ]; then \
rm -f "${install_path}/InstallESD.dmg" ; fi && \
for part in InstallESD.part*; do echo "Concatenating ${part}"; cat "${part}" >> "${install_path}/InstallESD.dmg"; done && \
sed -i.bak -e "s/InstallESDDmg\.pkg/InstallESD.dmg/" -e "s/pkg\.InstallESDDmg/dmg.InstallESD/" "${install_path}InstallInfo.plist" && \
sed -i.bak2 -e "/InstallESD\.dmg/{n;N;N;N;d;}" "${install_path}InstallInfo.plist" && \' >> "${vm_name}_bootinst.txt"
# shut down the virtual machine
echo 'shutdown -h now' >> "${vm_name}_bootinst.txt"
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 4 \
--type dvddrive --medium "${vm_name}_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${vm_name}_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso\". Exiting."; exit; fi
VBoxManage modifyvm "${vm_name}" --cpu-profile host
VBoxManage modifyvm "${vm_name}" --cpuidremoveall
VBoxManage modifyvm "${vm_name}" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"
echo -e "\nStarting virtual machine \"${vm_name}\".
This should take a couple of minutes. If booting fails, exit the script by
pressing CTRL-C then see the documentation for information about applying
different CPU profiles in the section ${highlight_color}CPU profiles and CPUID settings${default_color}."
( VBoxManage startvm "${vm_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 )
echo -e "\nUntil the script completes, please do not manually interact with\nthe virtual machine."
[[ -z "${kscd}" ]] && declare_scancode_dict
echo -e "\nPartitioning the bootable installer virtual disk; loading base system onto the
installer virtual disk; moving installation files to installer virtual disk;
updating the InstallInfo.plist file; and rebooting the virtual machine.
The virtual machine may report that disk space is critically low; this is fine.
When the bootable installer virtual disk is finished being populated, the script
will shut down the virtual machine. After shutdown, the initial base system will
be detached from the VM and released from VirtualBox."
print_dimly "If the partitioning fails, exit the script by pressing CTRL-C
Otherwise, please wait."
while [[ "$( VBoxManage list runningvms )" =~ \""${vm_name}"\" ]]; do sleep 2 >/dev/null 2>&1; done
echo "Waiting for the VirtualBox GUI to shut off."
animated_please_wait 10
# Detach the original 2GB BaseSystem virtual disk image
# and release basesystem VDI from VirtualBox configuration
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 --medium none >/dev/null
2>&1 VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; then
echo "Could not detach ${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}"
echo "The script will try to detach the virtual disk image. If this takes more than"
echo "a few seconds, terminate the script with CTRL-C, manually shut down VirtualBox,"
echo "and resume with the following stages as described in the documentation:"
echo " ${highlight_color}create_target_virtual_disk populate_macos_target_disk${default_color}"
while [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 --medium none >/dev/null
2>&1 VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; do
animated_please_wait 10
echo -e "\n${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format} successfully detached from"
echo "the virtual machine and released from VirtualBox Manager."
function create_target_virtual_disk() {
print_dimly "stage: create_target_virtual_disk"
if [[ -w "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" ]]; then
echo "${vm_name}.${storage_format} target system virtual disk image exists."
echo -ne "${warning_color}Delete \"${vm_name}.${storage_format}\"?${default_color}"
if [[ "${delete}" == "y" ]]; then
if [[ "$( VBoxManage list runningvms )" =~ \""${vm_name}"\" ]]
echo "\"${vm_name}.${storage_format}\" may be deleted"
echo "only when the virtual machine is powered off."
echo "Exiting."
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
rm "${vm_name}.${storage_format}"
echo "Exiting."
if [[ "${macOS_release_name}" = "Catalina" && "${storage_size}" -lt 25000 ]]; then
echo "Attempting to install macOS Catalina on a disk smaller than 25000MB will fail."
echo "Please assign a larger virtual disk image size. Exiting."
elif [[ "${storage_size}" -lt 22000 ]]; then
echo "Attempting to install macOS on a disk smaller than 22000MB will fail."
echo "Please assign a larger virtual disk image size. Exiting."
if [[ ! -e "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" ]]; then
echo "Creating target system virtual disk image for \"${vm_name}\""
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage createmedium --size="${storage_size}" \
--format "${storage_format}" \
--filename "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" \
--variant standard 2>/dev/tty
function populate_macos_target_disk() {
print_dimly "stage: populate_macos_target_disk"
if [[ "$( VBoxManage list runningvms )" =~ \""${vm_name}"\" ]]; then
echo -e "${highlight_color}Please ${warning_color}manually${highlight_color} shut down the virtual machine and press enter to continue.${default_color}"
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --add sata --name SATA --hostiocache on >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not configure virtual machine storage controller. Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${vm_name}.${storage_format}\". Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 1 --hotpluggable on \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\". Exiting."; exit; fi
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 2 \
--type dvddrive --medium "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso\". Exiting."; exit; fi
echo -e "\nCreating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal scripts"
echo -e "for partitioning and populating the target virtual disk.\n"
create_viso_header "${vm_name}_populate_macos_target_disk.viso" "target-sh"
echo "/\"${vm_name}_configure_nvram.txt\"" >> "${vm_name}_populate_macos_target_disk.viso"
echo "/\"${vm_name}_startosinstall.txt\"" >> "${vm_name}_populate_macos_target_disk.viso"
# execute script concurrently, catch SIGUSR1 when installer finishes preparing
echo '# this script is executed on the macOS virtual machine' > "${vm_name}_configure_nvram.txt"
echo 'printf '"'"'trap "exit 0" SIGUSR1; while true; do sleep 10; done;'"'"' | sh && \
disks="$(diskutil list | grep -o "[0-9][^ ]* [GTP]B *disk[0-9]$")" && \
disks="$(echo "${disks}" | sed -e "s/\.[0-9] T/000.0 G/" -e "s/\.[0-9] P/000000.0 G/" | sort -gr | grep -o disk[0-9])" && \
disks=(${disks[@]}) && \
mkdir -p "/Volumes/'"${vm_name}"'/tmp/mount_efi" && \
mount_msdos /dev/${disks[0]}s1 "/Volumes/'"${vm_name}"'/tmp/mount_efi" && \
cp -r "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"'/ESP/"* "/Volumes/'"${vm_name}"'/tmp/mount_efi/" && \
installer_pid=$(ps | grep startosinstall | grep -v grep | cut -d '"'"' '"'"' -f 3) && \
kill -SIGUSR1 ${installer_pid}' > "${vm_name}_configure_nvram.txt"
# Find background process PID, then
# start the installer, send SIGUSR1 to concurrent bash script,
# the other script copies files to EFI system partition,
# then sends SIGUSR1 to the installer which restarts the virtual machine
echo '# this script is executed on the macOS virtual machine' > "${vm_name}_startosinstall.txt"
echo 'background_pid="$(ps | grep '"'"' sh$'"'"' | cut -d '"'"' '"'"' -f 3)" && \
[[ "${background_pid}" =~ ^[0-9][0-9]*$ ]] && \
disks="$(diskutil list | grep -o "[0-9][^ ]* [GTP]B *disk[0-9]$")" && \
disks="$(echo "${disks}" | sed -e "s/\.[0-9] T/000.0 G/" -e "s/\.[0-9] P/000000.0 G/" | sort -gr | grep -o disk[0-9])" && \
disks=(${disks[@]}) && \
[ -n "${disks[0]}" ] && \
diskutil partitionDisk "/dev/${disks[0]}" 1 GPT APFS "'"${vm_name}"'" R && \
app_path="$(ls -d /Install*.app)" && \
cd "/${app_path}/Contents/Resources/" && \
./startosinstall --agreetolicense --pidtosignal ${background_pid} --rebootdelay 90 --volume "/Volumes/'"${vm_name}"'"' >> "${vm_name}_startosinstall.txt"
if [[ -n $(
2>&1 VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 \
--type dvddrive --medium "${vm_name}_populate_macos_target_disk.viso" >/dev/null
) ]]; then echo "Could not attach \"${vm_name}_populate_macos_target_disk.viso\". Exiting."; exit; fi
echo "The VM will boot from the populated installer base system virtual disk."
( VBoxManage startvm "${vm_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 )
[[ -z "${kscd}" ]] && declare_scancode_dict
echo -e "\nThe second open Terminal in the virtual machine copies EFI and NVRAM files"
echo -e "to the target EFI system partition when the installer finishes preparing."
echo -e "\nAfter the installer finishes preparing and the EFI and NVRAM files are copied,"
echo -ne "macOS will install and boot up when booting the target disk.\n"
print_dimly "Please wait"
if [[ ! ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" -gt 6
|| ( "${vbox_version:0:1}" = 6 && "${vbox_version:2:1}" -ge 1 ) ) ]]; then
echo -e "\n${highlight_color}When the installer finishes preparing and reboots the VM, press enter${default_color} so the script
powers off the virtual machine and detaches the device \"${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}\" to avoid
booting into the initial installer environment again."
VBoxManage controlvm "${vm_name}" poweroff >/dev/null 2>&1
for (( i=10; i>0; i-- )); do echo -ne " \r${i} "; sleep 0.5; done; echo -ne "\r "
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --add sata --name SATA --hostiocache on >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${vm_name}.${storage_format}"
echo -e "\nFor further information, such as applying EFI and NVRAM variables to enable
iMessage connectivity, see the documentation with the following command:\n"
echo -e "\n${highlight_color}That's it! Enjoy your virtual machine.${default_color}\n"
function prompt_delete_temporary_files() {
print_dimly "stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files"
if [[ ! "$(VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}")" =~ State:[\ \t]*powered\ off ]]
echo -e "Temporary files may be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off
and without a suspended state by executing the following command at the script's
working directory:
${highlight_color}${0} prompt_delete_temporary_files${default_color}"
# detach temporary VDIs and attach the macOS target disk
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --remove --name SATA >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage storagectl "${vm_name}" --add sata --name SATA --hostiocache on >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ -s "${vm_name}.${storage_format}" ]]; then
VBoxManage storageattach "${vm_name}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 \
--type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${vm_name}.${storage_format}"
VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_bootable_installer.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.${storage_format}" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo -e "The following temporary files are safe to delete:\n"
ls -d "${temporary_files[@]}" 2>/dev/null
echo -ne "\n${warning_color}Delete temporary files listed above?${default_color}"
if [[ "${delete}" == "y" ]]; then
rm -f "${temporary_files[@]}" 2>/dev/null
function and_all_subsequent_stages() {
# if exactly two arguments were specified on the command line, and the first is a stage title,
# then perform all stages subsequent to the specified stage, otherwise do nothing.
# first_argument is already sanitized so it's safe (though incorrect) to use as a regex (for brevity)
first_argument=${specified_arguments%% *}
last_argument=${specified_arguments##* }
[[ "${first_argument} ${last_argument}" = "${specified_arguments}" ]] && \
[[ "${stages}" =~ "${first_argument}" ]] && \
for stage in ${stages##*${first_argument}}; do ${stage}; done
function documentation() {
for stage in ${stages}; do
low_contrast_stages="${low_contrast_stages}"' '"${low_contrast_color}${stage}${default_color}"$'\n'
echo -ne "\n ${highlight_color}NAME${default_color}
Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox
The script downloads macOS High Sierra, Mojave, and Catalina from Apple servers
and installs them on VirtualBox 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1. The script doesn't install
any closed-source additions or bootloaders. A default install requires the user
press enter when prompted, less than ten times, to complete the installation.
Systems with the package ${low_contrast_color}tesseract-ocr${default_color} may automate the installation completely.
${low_contrast_color}${0} [STAGE]... ${default_color}
The installation is divided into stages. Stage titles may be given as command-
line arguments for the script. When the script is executed with no command-line
arguments, each of the stages is performed in succession in the order listed:
Other than the stages above, the command-line arguments \"${low_contrast_color}documentation${default_color}\",
\"${low_contrast_color}troubleshoot${default_color}\", and \"${low_contrast_color}and_all_subsequent_stages${default_color}\" are available. \"${low_contrast_color}troubleshoot${default_color}\"
generates a file with system information, VirtualBox logs, and checksums for
some installation files. \"${low_contrast_color}documentation${default_color}\" outputs the script's documentation.
If \"${low_contrast_color}documentation${default_color}\" is the first argument, no other arguments are parsed.
If the first argument is a stage title and the only other argument is
\"${low_contrast_color}and_all_subsequent_stages${default_color}\", then the speficied stage and all subsequent
stages are performed in succession in the order listed above;
otherwise, \"${low_contrast_color}and_all_subsequent_stages${default_color}\" does not perform any stages.
The stage \"${low_contrast_color}check_shell${default_color}\" is always performed when the script loads.
The stages \"${low_contrast_color}check_gnu_coreutils_prefix${default_color}\", \"${low_contrast_color}set_variables${default_color}\", and
\"${low_contrast_color}check_dependencies${default_color}\" are always performed when any stage title other than
\"${low_contrast_color}documentation${default_color}\" is specified as the first argument, and the rest of the
specified stages are performed only after the checks pass.
${low_contrast_color}${0} create_vm configure_vm${default_color}
The above command might be used to create and configure a virtual machine on a
new VirtualBox installation, then manually attach to the new virtual machine
an existing macOS disk image that was previously created by the script.
${low_contrast_color}${0} prompt_delete_temporary_files${default_color}
The above command might be used when no more virtual machines need to be
installed, and the temporary files can be deleted.
${low_contrast_color}${0} configure_vm and_all_subsequent_stages${default_color}
The above command might be used to resume the script stages after the stage
\"${low_contrast_color}configure_vm${default_color}\" failed.
${low_contrast_color}${0} "'\\'"${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}configure_vm create_nvram_files create_macos_installation_files_viso${default_color}
The above command might be used to update the EFI and NVRAM variables required
for iCloud and iMessage connectivity and other Apple-connected apps.
The script's default configuration is stored in the ${low_contrast_color}set_variables()${default_color} function at
the top of the script. No manual configuration is required to use the script.
The configuration may be manually edited either by editing the variable
assignment in ${low_contrast_color}set_variables()${default_color} or by executing the following command:
${low_contrast_color}export macos_vm_vars_file=/path/to/variable_assignment_file${default_color}
\"${low_contrast_color}variable_assignment_file${default_color}\" is a plain text file that contains zero or more
lines with a variable assignment for any variable specified in ${low_contrast_color}set_variables()${default_color},
for example ${low_contrast_color}macOS_release_name=\"HighSierra\"${default_color} or ${low_contrast_color}DmiSystemFamily=\"iMac\"${default_color}
${highlight_color}iCloud and iMessage connectivity${default_color}
iCloud, iMessage, and other connected Apple services require a valid device
name and serial number, board ID and serial number, and other genuine
(or genuine-like) Apple parameters. Assigning these parameters is ${low_contrast_color}not required${default_color}
when installing or using macOS, only when connecting to the iCloud app,
iMessage, and other apps that authenticate the device with Apple.
These are the variables that are usually required for iMessage connectivity:
${low_contrast_color}DmiSystemFamily # Model name${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiSystemProduct # Model identifier${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiBIOSVersion # Boot ROM version${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiSystemSerial # System serial number${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiSystemUuid # Hardware unique identifier${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}ROM # ROM identifier, stored in NVRAM${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}MLB # Main Logic Board serial, stored in NVRAM${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiBoardSerial # Main Logic Board serial, stored in EFI${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}DmiBoardProduct # Product (board) identifier${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}SystemUUID # System unique identifier, stored in NVRAM${default_color}
These parameters may be manually set in the ${low_contrast_color}set_variables()${default_color} function when the
\"${low_contrast_color}get_parameters_from_macOS_host${default_color}\" is set to \"${low_contrast_color}no${default_color}\", which is the default setting. When
the script is executed on macOS and the variable \"${low_contrast_color}get_parameters_from_macOS_host${default_color}\" is
set to "${low_contrast_color}yes${default_color}", the script copies the parameters from the host.
${highlight_color}Applying the EFI and NVRAM parameters${default_color}
The EFI and NVRAM parameters may be set in the script before installation by
editing them at the top of the script. NVRAM parameters may be applied after
the last step of the installation by resetting the virtual machine and booting
into the EFI Internal Shell. When resetting or powering up the VM, immediately
press Esc when the VirtualBox logo appears. This boots into the EFI Internal
Shell or the boot menu. If the boot menu appears, select \"Boot Manager\" and
then \"EFI Internal Shell\" and then allow the ${low_contrast_color}startup.nsh${default_color} script to execute
automatically, applying the NVRAM variables before booting macOS.
${highlight_color}Changing the EFI and NVRAM parameters after installation${default_color}
The variables mentioned above may be edited and applied to an existing macOS
virtual machine by deleting the ${low_contrast_color}.nvram${default_color} file from the directory where the
virtual machine ${low_contrast_color}.vbox${default_color} file is stored, then executing the following
command and copying the generated files to the macOS EFI System Partition:
${low_contrast_color}${0} "'\\'"${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}configure_vm create_nvram_files create_macos_installation_files_viso${default_color}
After executing the command, attach the resulting VISO file to the virtual
machine's storage through VirtualBox Manager or VBoxManage. Power up the VM
and boot macOS, then start Terminal and execute the following commands, making
sure to replace \"[VISO_mountpoint]\" with the correct path:
${low_contrast_color}mkdir ESP${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}sudo su # this will prompt for a password${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}diskutil mount -mountPoint ESP disk0s1${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}cp -r /Volumes/[VISO_mountpoint]/ESP/* ESP/${default_color}
After copying the files, boot into the EFI Internal Shell as described in the
section \"Applying the EFI and NVRAM parameters\".
${highlight_color}Storage format${default_color}
The script by default assigns a target virtual disk storage format of VDI. This
format can be resized by VirtualBox as explained in the next section. The other
available format, VMDK, cannot be resized by VirtualBox but can be attached to
a QEMU virtual machine for use with Linux KVM for better performance.
${highlight_color}Storage size${default_color}
The script by default assigns a target virtual disk storage size of 80GB, which
is populated to about 25GB on the host on initial installation. After the
installation is complete, the VDI storage size may be increased. First increase
the virtual disk image size through VirtualBox Manager or VBoxManage, then in
Terminal in the virtual machine execute the following command:
${low_contrast_color}sudo diskutil repairDisk disk0${default_color}
After it completes, open Disk Utility and delete the \"Free space\" partition so
it allows the system APFS container to take up the available space, or if that
fails, execute the following command:
${low_contrast_color}sudo diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk1 0${default_color}
Both Disk Utility and ${low_contrast_color}diskutil${default_color} may fail and require successive resize attempts
separated by virtual machine reboots.
${highlight_color}Primary display resolution${default_color}
The following command assigns the virtual machine primary display resolution:
${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage setextradata \"\${vm_name}\" \\${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}\"VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution\" \"\${resolution}\"${default_color}
The following primary display resolutions are supported by macOS on VirtualBox:
${low_contrast_color}5120x2880 2880x1800 2560x1600 2560x1440 1920x1200 1600x1200 1680x1050${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}1440x900 1280x800 1024x768 640x480${default_color}
Secondary displays can have an arbitrary resolution.
${highlight_color}Unsupported features${default_color}
Developing and maintaining VirtualBox or macOS features is beyond the scope of
this script. Some features may behave unexpectedly, such as USB device support,
audio support, FileVault boot password prompt support, and other features.
${highlight_color}CPU profiles and CPUID settings${default_color} (unsupported)
macOS does not supprort every CPU supported by VirtualBox. If the macOS Base
System does not boot, try applying different CPU profiles to the virtual
machine with the ${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage${default_color} commands described below. First, while the
VM is powered off, set the guest's CPU profile to the host's CPU profile, then
try to boot the virtual machine:
${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage modifyvm \"\${vm_name}\" --cpu-profile host${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage modifyvm \"\${vm_name}\" --cpuidremoveall${default_color}
If booting fails, try assigning each of the preconfigured CPU profiles while
the VM is powered off with the following command:
${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage modifyvm \"\${vm_name}\" --cpu-profile \"\${cpu_profile}\"${default_color}
Available CPU profiles:
${low_contrast_color}\"Intel Xeon X5482 3.20GHz\" \"Intel Core i7-2635QM\" \"Intel Core i7-3960X\"${default_color}
${low_contrast_color}\"Intel Core i5-3570\" \"Intel Core i7-5600U\" \"Intel Core i7-6700K\"${default_color}
If booting fails after trying each preconfigured CPU profile, the host's CPU
requires specific ${highlight_color}macOS VirtualBox CPUID settings${default_color}.
${highlight_color}Performance and deployment${default_color} (unsupported)
After successfully creating a working macOS virtual machine, consider importing
the virtual machine into more performant virtualization software, or packaging
it for configuration management platforms for automated deployment. These
virtualization and deployment applications require additional configuration
that is beyond the scope of the script.
QEMU with KVM is capable of providing virtual machine hardware passthrough
for near-native performance. QEMU supports the VMDK virtual disk image format,
which can be configured to be created by the script, or converted from the
default VirtualBox VDI format into the VMDK format with the following command:
${low_contrast_color}VBoxManage clonehd --format vmdk source.vdi target.vmdk${default_color}
QEMU and KVM require additional configuration that is beyond the scope of the
${highlight_color}VirtualBox Native Execution Manager${default_color} (unsupported)
The VirtualBox Native Execution Manager (NEM) is an experimental VirtualBox
feature. VirtualBox uses NEM when access to VT-x and AMD-V is blocked by
virtualization software or execution protection features such as Hyper-V,
Windows Sandbox, WSL2, memory integrity protection, and other software.
macOS and the macOS installer have memory corruption issues under NEM
virtualization. The script checks for NEM and exits with an error message if
NEM is detected.
${highlight_color}Bootloaders${default_color} (unsupported)
The macOS VirtualBox guest is loaded without extra bootloaders, but it is
compatible with OpenCore. OpenCore requires additional configuration that is
beyond the scope of the script.
${highlight_color}Display scaling${default_color} (unsupported)
VirtualBox does not supply an EDID for its virtual display, and macOS does not
enable display scaling (high PPI) without an EDID. The bootloader OpenCore can
inject an EDID which enables display scaling.
${highlight_color}Audio${default_color} (unsupported)
macOS may not support any built-in VirtualBox audio controllers. The bootloader
OpenCore may be able to load open-source audio drivers in VirtualBox.
${highlight_color}FileVault${default_color} (unsupported)
The VirtualBox EFI implementation does not properly load the FileVault full disk
encryption password prompt upon boot. The bootloader OpenCore is be able to
load the password prompt with the parameter \"ProvideConsoleGop\" set to \"true\".
${highlight_color}Further information${default_color}
Further information is available at the following URL:
function troubleshoot() {
echo -ne "\nWriting troubleshooting information to \"${highlight_color}${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt${default_color}\"\n\n"
echo "The file will contain system information, VirtualBox paths, logs, configuration,"
echo "macOS virtual machine details including ${highlight_color}serials entered in the script${default_color},"
echo "and macOS installation file md5 checksums."
echo "When sharing this file, mind that it contains the above information."
echo ""
for wrapper in 1; do
echo "################################################################################"
head -n 5 "${0}"
if [[ -n "$(md5sum --version 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
tail -n +60 "${0}" | md5sum 2>/dev/null
tail -n +60 "${0}" | md5 2>/dev/null
echo "################################################################################"
vbox_ver="$(VBoxManage -v)"
echo "VBOX_VERSION ${vbox_ver//[$'\r\n']/}"
macos_ver="$(sw_vers 2>/dev/null)"
wsl_ver="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)"
win_ver="$(cmd.exe /d /s /c call ver 2>/dev/null)"
echo "OS VERSION ${macos_ver}${wsl_ver}${win_ver//[$'\r\n']/}"
echo "################################################################################"
echo "vbox.log"
VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}" --log 0 2>&1
echo "################################################################################"
echo "vminfo"
VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}" --machinereadable --details 2>&1
VBoxManage getextradata "${vm_name}" 2>&1
done > "${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt"
echo "Written configuration and logs to \"${highlight_color}${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt${default_color}\""
echo "Press CTRL-C to cancel checksums, or wait for checksumming to complete."
for wrapper in 1; do
echo "################################################################################"
echo "md5 hashes"
if [[ -n "$(md5sum --version 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
md5sum "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem"* 2>/dev/null
md5sum "${macOS_release_name}_Install"* 2>/dev/null
md5sum "${macOS_release_name}_Apple"* 2>/dev/null
md5 "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem"* 2>/dev/null
md5 "${macOS_release_name}_Install"* 2>/dev/null
md5 "${macOS_release_name}_Apple"* 2>/dev/null
echo "################################################################################"
done >> "${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt"
if [ -s "${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt" ]; then
echo -ne "\nFinished writing to \"${highlight_color}${vm_name}_troubleshoot.txt${default_color}\"\n"
# terminal text colors
warning_color=$'\e[48;2;255;0;0m\e[38;2;255;255;255m' # white on red
highlight_color=$'\e[48;2;0;0;9m\e[38;2;255;255;255m' # white on black
low_contrast_color=$'\e[48;2;0;0;9m\e[38;2;128;128;128m' # grey on black
# prints positional parameters in low contrast preceded and followed by newline
function print_dimly() {
echo -e "\n${low_contrast_color}$@${default_color}"
# don't need sleep when we can read!
function sleep() {
read -t "${1}" >/dev/null 2>&1
# create a viso with no files
function create_viso_header() {
# input: filename volume-id (two positional parameters, both required)
# output: nothing to stdout, viso file to working directory
local uuid="$(xxd -p -l 16 /dev/urandom)"
local uuid="${uuid:0:8}-${uuid:8:4}-${uuid:12:4}-${uuid:16:4}-${uuid:20:12}"
echo "--iprt-iso-maker-file-marker-bourne-sh ${uuid}
--volume-id=${2}" > "${1}"
# QWERTY-to-scancode dictionary. Hex scancodes, keydown and keyup event.
# Virtualbox Mac scancodes found here:
# First half of hex code - press, second half - release, unless otherwise specified
function declare_scancode_dict() {
declare -gA kscd
["ESC"]="01 81"
["1"]="02 82"
["2"]="03 83"
["3"]="04 84"
["4"]="05 85"
["5"]="06 86"
["6"]="07 87"
["7"]="08 88"
["8"]="09 89"
["9"]="0A 8A"
["0"]="0B 8B"
["-"]="0C 8C"
["="]="0D 8D"
["BKSP"]="0E 8E"
["TAB"]="0F 8F"
["q"]="10 90"
["w"]="11 91"
["e"]="12 92"
["r"]="13 93"
["t"]="14 94"
["y"]="15 95"
["u"]="16 96"
["i"]="17 97"
["o"]="18 98"
["p"]="19 99"
["["]="1A 9A"
["]"]="1B 9B"
["ENTER"]="1C 9C"
["a"]="1E 9E"
["s"]="1F 9F"
["d"]="20 A0"
["f"]="21 A1"
["g"]="22 A2"
["h"]="23 A3"
["j"]="24 A4"
["k"]="25 A5"
["l"]="26 A6"
[";"]="27 A7"
["'"]="28 A8"
['`']="29 A9"
['\']="2B AB"
["z"]="2C AC"
["x"]="2D AD"
["c"]="2E AE"
["v"]="2F AF"
["b"]="30 B0"
["n"]="31 B1"
["m"]="32 B2"
[","]="33 B3"
["."]="34 B4"
["/"]="35 B5"
["LALT"]="38 B8"
["SPACE"]="39 B9"
[" "]="39 B9"
["CAPS"]="3A BA"
["F1"]="3B BB"
["F2"]="3C BC"
["F3"]="3D BD"
["F4"]="3E BE"
["F5"]="3F BF"
["F6"]="40 C0"
["F7"]="41 C1"
["F8"]="42 C2"
["F9"]="43 C3"
["F10"]="44 C4"
["UP"]="E0 48 E0 C8"
["RIGHT"]="E0 4D E0 CD"
["LEFT"]="E0 4B E0 CB"
["DOWN"]="E0 50 E0 D0"
["HOME"]="E0 47 E0 C7"
["END"]="E0 4F E0 CF"
["PGUP"]="E0 49 E0 C9"
["PGDN"]="E0 51 E0 D1"
["CMDprs"]="E0 5C"
["CMDrls"]="E0 DC"
# all codes below start with LSHIFTprs as commented in first item:
["!"]="2A 02 82 AA" # LSHIFTprs 1prs 1rls LSHIFTrls
["@"]="2A 03 83 AA"
["#"]="2A 04 84 AA"
["$"]="2A 05 85 AA"
["%"]="2A 06 86 AA"
["^"]="2A 07 87 AA"
["&"]="2A 08 88 AA"
["*"]="2A 09 89 AA"
["("]="2A 0A 8A AA"
[")"]="2A 0B 8B AA"
["_"]="2A 0C 8C AA"
["+"]="2A 0D 8D AA"
["Q"]="2A 10 90 AA"
["W"]="2A 11 91 AA"
["E"]="2A 12 92 AA"
["R"]="2A 13 93 AA"
["T"]="2A 14 94 AA"
["Y"]="2A 15 95 AA"
["U"]="2A 16 96 AA"
["I"]="2A 17 97 AA"
["O"]="2A 18 98 AA"
["P"]="2A 19 99 AA"
["{"]="2A 1A 9A AA"
["}"]="2A 1B 9B AA"
["A"]="2A 1E 9E AA"
["S"]="2A 1F 9F AA"
["D"]="2A 20 A0 AA"
["F"]="2A 21 A1 AA"
["G"]="2A 22 A2 AA"
["H"]="2A 23 A3 AA"
["J"]="2A 24 A4 AA"
["K"]="2A 25 A5 AA"
["L"]="2A 26 A6 AA"
[":"]="2A 27 A7 AA"
['"']="2A 28 A8 AA"
["~"]="2A 29 A9 AA"
["|"]="2A 2B AB AA"
["Z"]="2A 2C AC AA"
["X"]="2A 2D AD AA"
["C"]="2A 2E AE AA"
["V"]="2A 2F AF AA"
["B"]="2A 30 B0 AA"
["N"]="2A 31 B1 AA"
["M"]="2A 32 B2 AA"
["<"]="2A 33 B3 AA"
[">"]="2A 34 B4 AA"
["?"]="2A 35 B5 AA"
function clear_input_buffer_then_read() {
while read -d '' -r -t 0; do read -d '' -t 0.1 -n 10000; break; done
[[ -t 1 ]] && read
# read variable kbstring and convert string to scancodes and send to guest vm
function send_keys() {
# It's faster to send all the scancodes at once, but some VM configurations
# accept scancodes sent by multiple VBoxManage commands concurrently instead
# of sequentially, and there's no built-in method to tell the host to wait
# until the scancodes have finished being entered.
# This leaves only the slow, keypress-by-keypress method.
for (( i=0; i < ${#kbstring}; i++ )); do
VBoxManage controlvm "${vm_name}" keyboardputscancode ${kscd[${kbstring:${i}:1}]} 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# read variable kbspecial and send keystrokes by name,
# for example "CTRLprs c CTRLrls", and send to guest vm
function send_special() {
for keypress in ${kbspecial}; do
VBoxManage controlvm "${vm_name}" keyboardputscancode ${kscd[${keypress}]} 1>/dev/null 2>&1
function send_enter() {
function prompt_lang_utils_terminal() {
tesseract_ocr="$(tesseract --version 2>/dev/null)"
tesseract_lang="$(tesseract --list-langs 2>/dev/null)"
regex_ver='[Tt]esseract 4' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ "${tesseract_ocr}" =~ ${regex_ver} && "${tesseract_lang}" =~ eng ]]; then
echo -e "\n${low_contrast_color}Attempting automated recognition of virtual machine graphical user interface.${default_color}"
animated_please_wait 30
for i in $(seq 1 60); do # try automatic ocr for about 5 minutes
VBoxManage controlvm "${vm_name}" screenshotpng "${vm_name}_screenshot.png" 2>&1 1>/dev/null
ocr="$(tesseract "${vm_name}_screenshot.png" - --psm 11 --dpi 72 -l eng 2>/dev/null)"
regex='Language|English|Fran.ais' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ "${ocr}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
animated_please_wait 20
if [[ "${ocr}" =~ Utilities ]]; then
animated_please_wait 20
kbspecial='CTRLprs F2 CTRLrls u ENTER t ENTER' # start Terminal
regex='Terminal.Shell|Terminal.*sh.?-' # for zsh quoted regex compatibility
if [[ "${ocr}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
sleep 2
animated_please_wait 10
echo -e "\nFailed automated recognition of virtual machine graphical user interface.\nPlease press enter as directed."
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Press enter when the Language window is ready.${default_color}"
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Press enter when the macOS Utilities window is ready.${default_color}"
kbspecial='CTRLprs F2 CTRLrls u ENTER t ENTER' # start Terminal
echo -ne "\n${highlight_color}Press enter when the Terminal command prompt is ready.${default_color}"
function animated_please_wait() {
# "Please wait" prompt with animated dots.
# Accepts one optional positional parameter, an integer
# The parameter specifies how many half-seconds to wait
echo -ne "\r \r${low_contrast_color}Please wait${default_color}"
[[ "${1}" =~ [^0-9] || -z "${1}" ]] || specified_halfseconds=${1}
for halfsecond in $(seq 1 ${specified_halfseconds}); do
echo -ne "${low_contrast_color}.${default_color}"
sleep 0.5
if [[ $(( halfsecond % 5 )) -eq 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "\r \r${low_contrast_color}Please wait${default_color}"
function add_another_terminal() {
# at least one terminal has to be open before calling this function
kbspecial='CMDprs n CMDrls'
sleep 1
function cycle_through_terminal_windows() {
kbspecial='CMDprs ` CMDrls'
sleep 1
function would_you_like_to_know_less() {
if [[ -z "$(less --version 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
echo -e " ${highlight_color}${0} documentation${default_color}"
echo -e " ${highlight_color}${0} documentation | less -R${default_color}"
function prompt_delete_y_n() {
# workaround for zsh-bash differences in read
if [[ -t 1 ]]; then # terminal is interactive
if [[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]]; then
read -s -q delete\?' [y/N] '
elif [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ]]; then
read -n 1 -p ' [y/N] ' delete
echo ""
# command-line argument processing
[[ -z "${1}" ]] && for stage in ${stages}; do ${stage}; done && exit
[[ "${1}" = "documentation" ]] && documentation && exit
valid_arguments=(${stages//$'[\r\n]'/ } troubleshoot documentation and_all_subsequent_stages)
specified_arguments="$@" # this variable is used in the function "and_all_subsequent_stages"
for specified_arg in "$@"; do
# doing matching the long way to prevent delimiter confusion
for valid_arg in "${valid_arguments[@]}"; do
[[ "${valid_arg}" = "${specified_arg}" ]] && there_is_a_match="true" && break
if [[ -z "${there_is_a_match}" ]]; then
echo -e "\nOne or more specified arguments is not recognized."
echo -e "\nRecognized stages:\n${stages}"
echo -e "Other recognized arguments:\n\n documentation\n troubleshoot\n and_all_subsequent_stages"
echo -e "\nView documentation by entering the following command:"
for argument in "$@"; do ${argument}; done
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