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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Mapping remaining PDB codes to source XML files.
cut -d $'\t' -f 1 interfaces.tsv | sort | uniq | wc -l
# ==> 10,750 successfully downloaded and processed PDB entries in the interfaces file
# from the 26,425-strong shortlist
# 36,425 = 10,750 succesful + 2,327 verified as not found* + 13,348 missing from results without an explanation, later dissected as:
# 13,348 missing = 1,128 not found** + 6,676 downloaded with status OK (should've been processed...) + 5,544 not downloaded***
# *first time round, in notfoundcodemap.tsv via logfile_notfound.txt from the script in this gist - more were found on the...
# ...**second time round, marked as such in missingcodemapstatuses.tsv created by
# *** 5,544 = 4,253 missed in file downloads that did occur + 1,291 from entirely empty files whose download skipped somehow
# this code can be read as:
# for every line in the file (while read do ... done <missingcodemapsorted.tsv)
# if the line does not contain the column header "query_of_2029" then (it's not the column names)
# set $linecode as the first tab-separated field and $linefile as the second ('pdb_id' and 'file' colunmns)
# find the status by getting **every PDB code in the file** and matching against the PDB code on this line, adding 1 to get the following line number containing status...
# ... and grepping the XML specifically at this line (case insensitively, i.e. slow but not for this short string, and obviously quicker to saerch shortlist of <pdb_code> tags)
# NB this process is vastly sped up by keeping the shortlist in a variable $codelist, and retaining this (reading a list of missed codes sorted by file) until the next file
# write the line to a report (either for its status or just that it's not downloaded), removing leading whitespace on any <status> tags by leaving it out of the quote marks:
# "$line\t"$status
while read line
if [[ $line != *"query_of_2029"* ]]; then
linecode=$(echo "$line" | awk '{split($0,a,"\t"); print a[1]}')
if [[ $linefile != $(echo "$line" | awk '{split($0,a,"\t"); print a[2]}') ]]; then
linefile=$(echo "$line" | awk '{split($0,a,"\t"); print a[2]}')
codelist=$(grep -n '<pdb_code>' $linefile)
echo -e "$linecode\t~\t$linefile"
if [[ $codelist != '' ]]; then
codematch=$(echo $codelist | grep -im 1 $linecode)
if [[ $codematch != '' ]]; then
statusline=$(echo $codematch | echo $(awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[1]}') + 1 | bc)
status=$(sed $statusline'q;d' $linefile)
echo -e "$line\t"$status >> missingcodemapstatuses.tsv
echo -e "$linecode\t$linefile\tMissed download" >> missingcodesnotdownloaded.tsv
echo -e "$linecode\t$linefile\tWhole file" >> missingcodesnotdownloaded.tsv
done <missingcodemapsorted.tsv
# NB this code was used after initial use of
# (... I realised during this that symbolic links are cooler than switching directories)
# . ~/Documents/LMB/PISA/
cd ~/Documents/LMB/PISA/
printf 'pdb_id\tfile\tquery_of_2029\n' > missingcodemap.tsv
missingcodes=$(cat pdbshortlist_round2_found.txt)
for pdbcode in ${missingcodes[@]}
n=$(grep -in $pdbcode PISA50.txt | cut -d: -f1)
floored_n=$(echo "($n - 1) / 50 + 11" | bc)
if [ ${floored_n:$fl_n_len} -eq 0 ]; then
(( floored_n -= 9 ))
if [ $filename == 'interfaces5-1.xml' ]; then
printf "$pdbcode\t$filename\t$n\n" >> missingcodemap.tsv
# To clarify, there were 2,029 queries of 50 (the last with just 12) = 101,412.
# PDB codes are not present in the output file interfaces.tsv as had been expected.
# The shortlist (unfortunately only obtained after download, hence used to target
# the processing step) stores 26,425 PDB codes identifying human protein-protein,
# protein-DNA and/or protein-RNA interface-containing deposited structures.
# “Entry not found” PDB codes in logfile.txt explain some of the 'missing' PDB codes
# >> saved as logfile_notfound.txt
# pdbshortlist.txt contains 26,425 (unique) PDB codes
# codes we have in interfaces.tsv saved >> interface_pdblist.txt...
# Missing IDs are the difference between pdbshortlist.txt and interface_pdblist.txt
# >> saved as pdbshortlist_round2.txt
# Further subset the missing proteins by removing any with "Entry not found" (for now at least)
# >> saved as pdbshortlist_round2_found.txt
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